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Posts posted by Angelcakes

  1. I hope they open the doors to the Winter Gardens then. I went past the other day and they were shut :sneaky2:


    I'm still worrying about what time to queue and where they will let us go.....


    Will try and check it out in the morning tho.


    Have I got your mob number mikalove=) ? I can text people if I get chance to check it out in the morning then.... (well the people I have numbers for)

  2. No-one's answered all these questions; we need somewhere to meet and to do a reccy of the place don't we? I'll be in Blackpool before lunch but I'm not queuing till later.


    And please can someone STOP THIS RAIN!!!!!


    It has been worse than dreadfull ALL day!!!!




    I'm O.K. with a cover as long as someone with a half-decent camera can catch it.....



    I have made a golden neck thing - a cowl to wear under the collar of my dress. And I have my fluorescent MFC sign, a flashing heart and my Mika rosette. So with the bowler I'll be hot, hot, hot :roftl:


    Sounds like a good combo :biggrin2:


    As for plans. I have some people's mob numbers (the ones I have tickets for). I think people are planning on queuing around 3pm ? Other than that there doesn't seem to be a particular plan

  3. Just seen this on the BBC 2 website


    Watch highlights from BBC Radio 2's Empress Ballroom concert, featuring Mika, Daniel Merriweather, Pixie Lott, Will Young and Newton Faulkner by pressing the red button from the morning of Monday 7 September on any BBC channel on your digital TV.


    Didn't know it was being broadcast on TV too ! :shocked:


    I think we should perhaps leave the gold balloons then, I hope we can still wear the gold hats tho !! :biggrin2:


    **Oh, as an aside my two year old has just looked at me typing and said "That's Mika - I like Mika !!" - I'm training him well :teehee:**

  4. I'm going to park at the shopping centre it's open until 11.30pm according to their website and if I need to be in blackpool any later I'll just pop it at the roadside for a few hours (oh the joys of a Blue Badge!)


    Do any of the redident Blackpoolians know any good places to park near the venue? And how busy does Blackpool get on light up weekend?


    Hmmm - there are no good places to park in Blackpool anymore !!! They re-organised and got rid of loads and put others on meters or expense pay and display.

    There is one which is next door to the train station. Its not the actual station carpark but Apollo 2000 next door. Its reasonably priced, and a distance from town (but still walking distance from the venue - about 10/15 mins). Its not a BIG carpark though, some spaces are for shop customers and the rest for the general public. Might be worth a try though.


    Luckily I'm getting a lift into town (I live about 20 mins away from the centre by car - hurrah - at last an advantage to living in Blackpool !!).


    Just to warn folks, it is likely to be standing at this venue rather than seated. The gigs I have been to there in the past have all been standing ones. You could check with the BBC or Winter Gardens but I suspect it will be the case.


    Blackpool on lights switch on day - hmmmm MANIC !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :roftl: It will be VERY busy folks !!


    Do you reckon I should twitter Mika and give him a hint as to where to look out for his fanclub at the gig ? I was gonna say - Look out for the MFC - we hope to be all together and GOLDEN for you !

    What do you reckon ?

  5. Apparently he was chubby as a child. I was sat next to a lady who is a friend of the family at the Sadler's Wells gig. She has a daughter who went to school with one of his younger sisters. She told me many interesting things about him as she knew him from age 12..... I'll tell more if you'd like :teehee::naughty:

  6. :teehee::naughty: yes good one what you going to put on it??? WAG or mika :naughty: i think mika will love it. can you get it in gold?? :teehee:


    Sadly only pink, I have emailed them to see if its possible to get it by next friday. As its personalised I'm not sure it is, but its worth a try !


    I would go for Mika and then I can wear it and not look like a footballers wife :roftl:

  7. Hi Everyone, I'm back briefly (and I will PM people who I have tickets for as soon as I get a chance).


    I went to the venue to suss out queues etc


    The Empress Ballroom is inside the Winter Gardens and they are likely to have the doors open all day. Its like a precinct thingy you can walk through, so I imagine that we can start queuing from whenever and its inside which is a bonus !

    Winter Gardens are only providing the room, the BBC are organising the rest, queues etc so it would be best to email them to find out when we can starting queuing from etc. I couldn't find an email address on the website - can anyone help ? I think someone emailed to find out about tickets available on the day ??


    As for autographs, there are two places people leave, out the back and straight into cars (ie no chance I reckon) and via the stage door. The stage door is very close to the entrance to the ballroom, you will see it when you queue (again its inside). Hopefully Mika will come out and chat to us :teehee:


    So if anyone can help with a way to contact the Beeb, that's all the info I managed to get....

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