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Everything posted by Nanou

  1. yes I know.... the possibilities I see are: - we do this the week-end before that, which means on march 6th - we organise this in the morning on March 13 - I try to find people interested in that and I help organising the all thing. And if there are at least, let's say, 3 people you can do this without me on march 13 ,as it's supposed to be. What do you think about this?
  2. hey!! I've already seen this thread!! but unfortunately a friend of mine is getting married on march 13th.... But, as I understood it, we can simply do it a few days earlier!! I'm totally IN EDIT: or in the morning? that would be fine for me too . And I'm searching people who could be interested to join us ;-)
  3. A friend of mine is "Cow-addicted" too! when I was younger I was SO afraid of entering her room 'cause there were cows everywhere even though i love cows, this room was really terrific
  4. before today, I had no idea a cow could make a person so happy
  5. you're very welcomed here Mine (I hope you like cows )
  6. :roftl: here is one just for you Emerald : This as nothing to do with cows but does anyone know when they'll tell the programm for the Rock auz'arènes festival in Avenches?? (I have absolutely no idea how to write it, sorry if there is any mistake:teehee: )
  7. sorry i promise I won't do it again next time I'll post a picture of a cow I totally agree with you! eating is fantastic (apart from what please?)
  8. Merci Mine et Lilstar pour les vidéos C'est vrai qu'au niveau "j'ai un énorme nid d'araignée sur la tête", Lady Gaga a fait très fort hier soir... @macboll C'est super que ta fille veuille faire du Poney! (bon, personnellement je n'ai jamais fait d'equitation, mais j'ai tjrs trouvé que c'est une excellente activité quand même ). Et j'espère que cette sale sinusite fera vite partie du passé
  9. No, nothing to do with this. It's because it's mostly in swiss-german and I'm afraid newcomers may not necessarily feel at ease with it...and therefore don't read next pages... As we have three different national languages, you see....
  10. well.. let's say I can afford a break right now I'm perfectly unable to focus on anything anyway thanks for sharing the news and see you later
  11. same for me, i'm going ANYWAY :roftl: EDIT: Btw, has someone opened a thread??? I have not checked actually haha!
  12. a friend of mine just sent me a sms to give me the info!!! ( thanks Meggy ) I'm so happy!!! I 'm so Happy!!!!
  13. ha ha! I love your enthousiasm WHAT? you don't like Apfel Strudel?? Well, I guess that if you love fondue and chocolate it's ok
  14. this is called apple "strudel" and is a kind of apple pie yes don't worry, you didn't put on 5 kg only looking at it (smthg like 7 kg would be more appropriate according to me )
  15. I thought this "old" one could be a bit confusing for possible newcomer and that it could be a good thing to "refresh" our small community's home... but if you don't think so, please feel free to close the other one
  16. Here we are everybody, the brand new swiss thread is born: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22004 This one is going to be closed very soon, so come on the other side
  17. Hi folks! it's more than time to create a new "home" for the few of us (and our guests of course ). here is the place where we can talk about our beautiful country, where we can share our swissitude with others, where we can plan our future gigs, where we can welcome new compatriots lost somewhere between gig's reports and press articles... where we can simply HAVE FUN let's start with a nice picture: WELCOME on the swiss thread everybody P.S: in order to be able to understand each others ('cause we obviously live in the same country but not always speak the same language ), I've started this thread in English! Don't hesitate to give your opinion about it if you think it should be different
  18. GREAT!!! can't wait to be there We've planed to meet there with Emerald but we have not decided anything precise yet I think I'll be there around 11 a.m. I'm about to open the brand new swiss thread, we'll have time to discuss meeting arrangements there all together
  19. en fait j'en sais rien j'y vais avec une amie et c'est elle qui a pris les billets (et je doute qu'on y aille à 7h du matin... je crois pas qu'elle apprécierai )
  20. :lol3: désolée mais l'abréviation SDF me fait tjrs bien rire (au fait: je serais au SDF le 12 juin si jamais )
  21. :roftl: Avec ma soeur on dit plutôt saint bout-en-train ou saint v'la ton train
  22. Hi! I only read the questions at first and I was like here is a possible translation: 1) combien de médicaments différents vendez-vous? 2) quel est le médicament le plus vendu? 3) vendez-vous des médicaments homéopathiques? si oui, contre quelles maladies? 4) quelle est vorte opinion à propos des médicaments homéopathiques? 5) combien de sorte d'antidouleurs (or "analgésiques" is fine too) vendez-vous? 6) avez-vous suivi des études pour faire ce travail? si oui, où et pendant combien de temps? 7) depuis combien de temps travaillez-vous dans cette pharmacie? 8) aimez-vous travailler ici? 9) avez-vous un patron gentil? here you are
  23. don't worry about writing in english, it's an international fanclub isn't it Of course I'm going to basel can't wait to be there!! and I know Emerald will be there too what about you?
  24. ils sont déjà venus plusieurs fois, soit au paléo, soit à rock aux arènes, c'est donc pas impossible qu0ils reviennent cette année (j'suis sûre que toi aussi tu trouves que c'est long jusqu'au 13 avril maintenant )
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