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Everything posted by Nanou

  1. nothing says you can't give many countries, nor that you only have ONE possible entry
  2. It's not written that it's for swiss people only... so I presum it's for everybody So, Here is what you have to do: 1) Dans quelle ville....? = Where would you like to meet mika?? 2) Prénom = 1st name 3) Nom = name 4) E-mail = E-mail 5) Numéro de téléphone = phone number 6) Adresse = adress 7) Code postal = post code 8) ville = city 9) code de validation = confirmation code (it's the stange thing written right below with letters!!) then choose "participer" = enter the competition! EDIT: Sparkly do you have this form to fill in or not???? Because obviously there are some people on the french forum who can't see it... even though when "I" click on the link it's there......
  3. Hey everyone!! I don't know if this has already been posted, but i've just found this on a swiss website: You can win a free travel to the city of your choice in Mika's european tour, meet him at the soundcheck and then have fun at the gig!!!! All you have to do is tell them where you would like to go in Europe to see Mika and give your personnal details here: [url=]http://www.orangemusic.ch/contests/Le-concert-de-Mika-de-votre-choix-175/#top-anchor[/url] Good luck everybody!!!! EDIT: Obviously you have to change the language at the very bottom of the page to be able to see it in your country!!
  4. I'm totally in!!!!! I've only had a really quick look at the t-shirts because I already knew I wouldn't find one large enough for me.... This thread is a really good one
  5. ooooooooh il est trop mimi!!!! hier soir, 2 filles déguisées en sorcières sont venues chercher des bonbons chez moi.... j'vous raconte pas la panique...j'avais absolument rien prévu parce qu'en général Halloween n'est pas du tout fêté par ici ....d'ailleurs, ils ont même abandonner l'idée de vendre des décos dans les magasins (par contre, ils ont mis les décos de noël depuis le début du mois d'octobre....). Bref, panique totale devant mes 2 petites sorcières... tout ce que j'ai réussi à leur trouver c'est des bonbons hyper-vitaminés que j'avais reçus au boulot et qui sont absolument dégoutants..... Les pauvres... elles vont pas dormir pendant des jours après-ça
  6. Bonjour tout le monde!!! comment ça va??? Oulà, ça fait un petit bout de temps que je ne suis pas passée par là... j'espère que tout le monde va bien??? (j'ai pas le temps de lire tout ce que j'ai manqué ). Mais je vois que le thread francophone est très actif, c'est bien!!! gros bisous à tout le monde!
  7. oh... I've spent the entire day right beside you at itunes and I just didn't catch a single thing of what you were trying to do with the security guys The thing is: I've never made a single gig in London appart from the itunes one, so I can't really figure out how "disastrous" it can be.... But it is quite scarry to read all your comments about it I'm kind of a very naive daydreamer, and I perfectly assume this, but is it really impossible to find a way to convince people to come a bit later to the venue?? I know that mostly everyone wants to be right in front of the stage once inside... but the perspective of seeing people freezing the entire day waiting for the doors to open scares me a bit (even though I'll probably one of these person in the end ). Of course I'm thinking to my own comfort, but, as it seems that a lot of people do think of theirs in the same way, is it really impossible to find any suitable solution? I'm probably lost too far in my dreams, and I recon having absolutely no experience in matter of Mika's gigs as this tour is going to be the first one for me... But so many people told me the idea was great... Isn't it any way to sort it out of its "idea" status and to make it happen for real? (oh my, I just realise I can be such an idealist sometimes )
  8. I totally agree with that! But we still have to "convince" them that they won't "miss smthg" if they come later....and I don't think we'll be able to get everybody to come at 1pm... as it is a "1st try", people will still have a doubt about it working or not, and they will come early just to be sure not to miss anything or find themself n°50in the queue... and, at the moment, I can't see how we're going to avoid that... except if we have people "relaying" outside to explain to people arriving that their won't be any number given in the queue before 1 or 2 pm and that they're free to do whatever the want in the morning.... or smthg like this... but still: who has the right to organize the queue and who hasn't?? we'll probably end up with differents queue depending on when people arrived at the venue and that won't change anything...
  9. well... according to what I've heard so far, it's not that easy.... because people want to be sure not to be the last ones if we all arrive at the same time.... how are we going to "organize" the queue if we all come at the same time??? And moreover, even some people from each different fan clubs are going to come very early to the venue, and they do not want to be judged as "the bad ones" or the "stupid ones", because it's their right to come early and spend the all day waiting outside the venue! do you see what I mean? I'm totally up for this! but I'm afraid of seeing this ending in a big fight between people coming at 1pm and people coming earlier if everybody wants to reach the front rows inside.... so, if we find a solution to avoid that, it'll be really welcomed!!! EDIT: i'm up to bed, but I'll be back tomorrow with fresh ideas!
  10. I know we've got plenty of time to do it, but I have the impression that it won't be that easy to find a good way to organize this ... don't you??
  11. so, what about the idea of "organizing" smthg for the queuing (CF a few pages before this one ). Is it still actual or do we forget this idea?? (I know it's really really early, but I'm curious and need to give some "news" about it on the french forums :aah:so that people can see we're really trying to figure this out )
  12. Waow!! Génial!! Merci beaucoup pour le CR Claudine!!! C'est vrai que ça donne envie en tout cas!!! je me réjouid de voir ça On sent que tu t'es éclatée pendant le concert, c'est super!!! et je suis bien contente que tu aies pu le voir après le concert!!!!
  13. here I'am again People have already pointed out some interesting points on other forums: - in a general point of view, everybody seems to find that it's a good idea!! and, as deb already mentionned earlier, the fact that this will kind of group people is really welcomed! - obviously, there are some people who do not want to take part to this and start queuing early in the morning "as we always do". And, these people are, with good reasons according to me, afraid of being judged and badly percieved by others... My point here is that it has to be very clear that we will not force anybody to follow this idea.... moreover, some people are afraid that this will kind of produce bad relationship between people instead of grouping mika's fans together...and here again, i can see what they're afraid of... - the idea of a lunch together is quite well percieved too... but there are obviously some questions of organisation to resolve! we'll be quite a lot, so we won't be able to go in any restaurant or bar and say "Hi, we'd like a table for 60 people please" . And maybe, in order to respect everybody's purse, it would be better to think of a drink together instead of a lunch.... - then comes THE big problem: how are we going to organise things when we'll arrive at Hammersmith to start queuing?? I mean, if we all go together, their will necessarily be first and last ones if we start giving numbers then... because people will come all together (and we're all going to be number one )...we can not obviously all be at 1st row (depending on how many people will take part to the lunch/drink session ). - and what will we then do with people who are not part of any forum, and won't be aware of the meeting decided at 12p.m. (or whatever)? the one thing is that we'll have to maintain the idea of giving numbers to people, because otherwise, at the moment, i can't see how this could work... But, we can not follow the rule of "first to come, first served" if there are already people queuing since the early morning.... Unless we organise things and always have people there to give numbers to the ones arriving...so that they can then be free to do whatever they want and come back later to start queuing, knowing the already have a certain number and a certain chance to be at the front row....(and we will then have to be sure that everybody will respect that...) To be honest, as thinking of a way to organise this only started yet, it seems quite difficult to find a solution that fits everybody.... but, as I'm an optimistic person , i'm sure we can find a way to do it!!
  14. BON CONCERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C'est presque déjà mardi ici!!!
  15. I've just given the idea on both Mikafrance and Mikawebsite Forums! I'm waiting for reactions and suggestions now
  16. I love your enthousiasm I'll spread the word on the french forums!! It's a lovely idea to meet up for lunch!!! I'm totally in!! I'll do my best! (but is it sure that everybody in here will do the same?? it's not that I don't trust you, just that i don't won't people to hate me if we come for lunch and find out that we're the last to arrive... I guess you can see my point here... ). Anyway, we still have lots of time to organize this 'til february don't we ?
  17. I've only quickly had a look at the general debate about people coming too early and freezing the entire day waiting for the doors to open!! And I have to say that I totally agree with the theory saying that coming too early is quite stupid.... mainly because "normal" people will never do that...so we just find ourselves, we Mika fans, competiting with each others in order to get a front row place...wich is kind of a nonsense... Anyway, I have to admit that I've only queued once, at the itunes gig this summer, and that I've found it lovely because I met so many people there...but it was in the summer, and the weather was really nice!! It was not that difficult to stay outside chatting with each other (and sunburning as far as I'm concerned ). Nevertheless, I do find the idea of a decided time for coming quite good!! As I'm part of the "Mika France" forum too, I'll tell people there not to come too early and to respect the meeting time which will be decided, if there is one! (and even lock them in their hotel room if it's necessary ). As for other french forums, like the Mikawebsite for instance, I can contact them to explain them the idea and try to convince them to respect this too! (unless anybody from this forum reads this and can explain the idea on their forum, which will be a better issue for sure!) I can't ensure you that everybody will respect that, but I can still try as hard as I can to convince them!!!
  18. Nanou

    Vin Mika

    saluuuuuuuuuuuuut vincent!!!! Contente de te voir par ici aussi!!! amsue-toi bien sur le MFC!! (et surtout n'oublie jamais que les insectes sont nos amis et qu'on doit les aimer aussi ).
  19. wouhouuuu 5 dodos, ça file, ça file!!!! Vous pouvez vous dire qu'il dort tout près de chez vous maintenant c'est fou, je suis toute excitée pour vous!!!
  20. yeepee, yeepee!!!! j'suis bien contente que vous y alliez!!!!! Et que ce soit tout bientôt pour vous!!! J'imagine même pas votre état d'excitation! la tournée Européenne est dans 6 mois et je meure d'impatience d'y être alors j'ose même pas songer à l'état dans lequel je serais à 8 dodos du jour J vous nous raconterez tout hein les filles???
  21. pas faux j'en sèmerais sur mon chemin pour être sûre de vous retrouver!! Eh oui, on ne s'est encore jamais vues malheureusement.... mais je me réjoui de vous rencontrer Macboll et toi!!! ah là là, j'ai hâte d'être en avril ça va mieux merci!!! disons que j'ai récupérer 70% de ma forme olympique heu.... y'a vraiment pas moyen pour toi de t'arranger??
  22. pauvre chloé... à peine arrivée et déjà traumatisée sois la bienvenue en tout cas
  23. oui, je serais là à Bercy!!! Faudra quand même qu'on trouve un moyen de se rencontrer si c'est possible!!
  24. I'm really glad to see that you'll be there to have fun with us waow, I didn't thought it was that big
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