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Dark Angel

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Status Updates posted by Dark Angel

  1. Linus @ss looks a lot better...

  2. still no news on the sig. gif.? :tears:

  3. aaahhhhh ok. will see if i have the piccie on my comp. an have a nice shower!

  4. lemme see.... Mika gotta be the God of sexy tummy/chest... cos havent seen Linus tummy! Linus gotta be the God of beautyful eyes and sexy @ss. Both Gods of lips you just wanna touch and kiss... God of curls... i donno! Think i'll go with Linus cos ive touched em?

  5. hhhhmmm... not sure. I'll have a look. I love the new t-shirt... the i love Mika one :lmfao:

  6. kinda depends on what area of "God" cos if its tummy/chest God way then its Mika....

  7. Mika God the 2nd.... haha

  8. Mika... God? hhmmmm... dont agree!

  9. and you cant borrow a pen from your paents or sis?

  10. angry? why? still the F thingy?

    i keep on sneezing too... huts a lot

    married to a guy who donno we are even married...

  11. good.... i can breath again now!

  12. regrets now that you married me and L? :blink:

  13. hhhmmm.... donno! lets see when he writes... or if i can find my phone :naughty:

  14. cute:




    nem jeg ledte efter dette her... ser... interesant ud... :naughty:



  15. great.... maybe i should tell him :naughty:

  16. gør jeg også.....

  17. der er et par stykker med Mika og jimmy som er ret søde.... ved ik om de er postet i Jimmys thread...

  18. tjek deres threads ;) der er noget ok gode!

  19. and how do you marry a guy right now? sends em a sms w. "we are getting married now" or "wanna get married now or later?" :naughty:

  20. der er billeder af dem i deres threads også...

  21. ja et par stykker....

  22. yep... så som det de bruger som logo her....

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