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Posts posted by Fangirl

  1. I feel bad... I haven't posted for a while, have I? :tears:


    (Talking about a woman on the train)


    "And she went out, and she left a newspaper behind. And I was like: 'Oh, that's a really nice picture... Steal..' She must of thought, 'Who's that f***in' a**hole sitting across the.. What is his problem?'"


    (Sorry, I couldn't hear it that well...)



    (About a dog... A cute dog, if I may say so myself... :teehee:)


    "Actually we made out in the back, I forgot to tell you... He-He kissed me on the lips, in about two seconds of meeting me."


    (I like this bit, I don't know why!)


    Guy: You were twenty-seven then?

    Mika: Thirty-seven?

    Guy: Twenty-seven.

    Mika: No, I was twenty-three.

    Guy: Twenty-three, now you're twenty-five?

    Mika: Twenty-six.

    Guy: Okay. So you won.


    (about writing the first album as a seven year old girl.)


    "Or boy, sometimes it depends, I change my mind."


    "I'm not having a lot of luck! Every time my technical stuff's going wrong! EVERYTHING! Even the DOG ran away from me!"


    Guy: But your second album is even better than your first.

    Mika: You think? That's very nice, thank you.

    Guy: And I mean it, not because you have beautiful eyes, or you have a beautiful charisma...

    Mika: *Swish swish*.


    Lieve Paul Interview


    "The Boy Who Knew Too Much... Y'know, I guess it's me. I thought I knew everything when I was younger now I realize I know nothing, niente, nada. Um... And uh, I think that's the thing about getting older, you get more ignorant.. It's quite fun though. Maybe by the time- That's why old people are senile. Because they just lose knowledge. That's how I feel right now!"


    ".. I was always on the outside looking in, and whenever you're on the outside looking in, you always defend yourself, by saying to yourself: 'No I know more than you, you know, you don't talk to me *whispers* but I know everything about you...'"


    "The pressure of the second album was there. I will never deny that. It was disgusting, it was horrible, it made you feel like you didn't want any part of anything, it made you, you know, distrust people around you, it made me... I dunno why I'm saying you, but it makes- it makes you, made me kind of like almost resent all the success I had had."


    ".. And I steal ideas from anywhere I can get them, that's one thing I will always say. I do look for ideas to use so, just be careful when your around me because if you give me a good idea I'll probably use it!"


    Mika interview, MTV Spain!


    "I never really wanted to be a pop star, I still don't. That's why I fear tabloid culture so much. I feel much more comfortable as some sort of psychotic ring-leader."


    "The neighbors have already been complaining during our sound-check. I think all the fancy shops and the offices are getting upset 'cause we're making too much noise. This is after all, the land of Gucci and Stella McCartney and we are running around in monkey costumes, making lots of noise with, youknow, throwing lollipops around! I was saying earlier, it's like the uh, ten year old birthday party that I've never had!"


    Spotlight: Mika (Michael 'Pennibrook' Penniman LOL)


    "What is the Mika sound? It's kind of a one-man-band schizophrenic... Pop attack."


    "I actually think being compared to someone like Freddie Mercury is an honour. As long as they don't start comparing his leotards to my dress sense."




    :bye: I'll see you later!

    • Like 1
  2. Mika's thoughts on IKEA: "You get lost. It makes you want to go back into kind of like, I don't know, be a bear and hibernate and never see other human beings ever again. People are nasty to each other at IKEA because they think it's the last Schvlenglung chair that's in the warehouse and if they don't get it, you don't get it, then they have to come back to IKEA and spend 4 hours finding THE chair. And then they may not get it then either so they will kill you for the chair. And everyone just grows fangs and looks like a wild thing but after 7 nights out and...its horrible. If you want to lose friends, there's two things you can do: go on holiday with them or go with them to IKEA, that's the thing."




    My mom loves IKEA, so when she saw that she was laughing a lot.:aah:


    That's my new favourite quote, I think! :roftl::aah::thumb_yello:

  3. Wow, never thought I'd see that name anytime soon! :blink:


    Five years ago, I lived in Canada (I still have a bit of an accent), or at least I THINK it was five years.... Six, maybe.


    Anyway, there used to be a Tim Hortons down the road, and we used to go there every other night to get Timbits and coffee... It. Was. HEAVEN. :aah::biggrin2:


    I miss Canada... :tears:

  4. (About the people waving)


    "And they're very drunk! Yeah you're drunk! S'all right, I intend to join you, don't worry!"


    "Oh yeah we had a little bit of a... Kind of gang-rape thing!"


    (He was asked to take Lily's place in a show or something)


    "Oh, was it LILY'S place? Ah..! No, I told them to f*** off!


    "That's what Jensen said when I did his show. He said: "It's Holland you can say F***!"


    "All right, easy tiger."




    *to a random guy* "... You look like Robbie Williams! "




    I like the end bit the best... :aah:


    Why'd I say twenty? My internet goes off at 21:25 or something! :aah:



    I gots to go now guys... See ya later! And sorry I've only done like, two interviews! I need to get more... But YouTube's being annoying.

  5. New favourite interview.


    "I love the fact that in, in uh... Like Eastern Europe, in Scandinavia it's boys name, and in Japan it's a girls name. Yeah, I'm a Lebanese mutt so that doesn't really make sense. Gum in my mouth... Take that out..."


    "How to SCREW UP an interview! God, throw pieces of gum at the camera man! "

    "Don't zoom in on my boogers!. It's not nice. Yeah, leave my Lily Allens alone. "

    Personally, I just like the fact that he has the guts to spit out his gum, put it back in his mouth, spit it out AGAIN into a piece of paper then THROW it at the camera guy. :roftl:



    Dammit, my internet's gonna die in a minute. I'll have to post the rest tommorow morning...


    I got the interview from here: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=20837





  6. Yo... You people okay?:biggrin2:



    Um... My laptop's died and gone to heaven. I can use my dad's computer, but only when he's at work. But I come home from school about the same time he comes home from work. The only reason I'm typing now is because I have a fever so I'm at home. ANYWAY, I'll get my laptop back in a couple of weeks.


    So, I'm not gonna be on for a while. :tears: Quite a long while, I think. I can probably manage to come on sometimes... It depends wether my dad will let me use his stupid $3000 computer. :aah:


    So I'll see ya later! :bye:


    (P.S. This was written in case you thought I'd died or something. Trust me, it's happened before. :blink:)

  7. Urgh... Not the best day. Tripped over three times, and I'm sore all over. :sneaky2:




    And... You're talking about Disney films? ... :blink:


    Okay then! :biggrin2:




    (This one made me laugh. It's just how high his voice goes:aah:! Not good quality, sorry. He sounds like a kid!)


    Interviewer: You sound exactly like James Blunt when you speak, you realise that don't you?

    Mika: No I don't! That's not true! No I don't, don't say that!

    Interviewer: A hint of Blunt in your voice?

    Mika: NO!!! There's a hint of Dame Edna in yours!


    Mika Interviewed on NOVA


    (*ahem* Sorry... I got distracted. Big Bird was on TV...)


    "Shooting star, that's dangerous. 'Cause shooting stares always kind of appear, then they disappear."


    "Um, it's- I do find it slightly amusing that I'm- I'm a dance artist. But then again it's a Grammy, who gives a damn?"



    "I am intent on stalking Renée Zellweger."


    "So I'll probably be sitting at the steps of her dressing room door.. Waiting while she comes out... Maybe even just taking the bits of her finished sandwiches and putting them on eBay."


    (What are your wishes for 2008?)


    "Renée Zellweger."



    "Grace Kelly and Oprah, two of her favourites!"


    (about when he's gonna write a song about Oprah)


    "No, I don't think I'm gonna write a song about Oprah!"


    "Well she's enough of a dame! And everyone's giving her awards! She deserves them but... She doesn't need a song about her too!"


    (He's so cute when he says that! :blush-anim-cl:)



    (Can I just say... After seeing him in that video, I died a bit inside. :wub2:)


    I have to go know, but I leave you with this...



    (I dunno why... But every time he says this I just smile)


    "You want me to be like Robbie or David Grey... I'll be like Grace Kelly instead and let's see if you STILL wanna sign me."


    Bye bye! :biggrin2:

  8. "You must practice your scales and your appegios." :D.


    I'm not surprised that he likes that movie because it has kittens that sing, play the piano and paint. With British accents. In fair Paree.



    I love that bit! I used to sing along when I was younger! (Haha.. I still mouth it.)


    You made me laugh so hard!!! :roftl::biggrin2:

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