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Posts posted by DerMoment1608

  1. Some people hurried to buy tickets before the announcement by the official page, because they were worried that if Mika team would have confirmed it later, tickets would have been already sold out :dunno:


    I don't really blame them, I think I wouldn't have done different if I'd wanted to go to that thing :dunno: I think the risk of buying tickets of a false event was less than not getting tickets anymore after a confirmation. And even at that point it was to be expected that you would get your money back if it would turn out as wrong.

  2. What scares me is how easy it seems to be for some cheaters to create a fake managment and sell Mika or any other artist for gigs.


    Yes, it's worrying. This must have been a good fake, they don't seem to be amateurs at that volleyball club, it was not the first contract the club made with a musician... I feel sorry for them.


    But I've to say that they are handling it very well, clear informations and updates posted from the moment they realized that something didn't fit, now the handling of the refunding :thumb_yello:

  3. and just jump on any unconfirmed gigs


    This time it was different, it wasn't just any rumour, it was on the official homepage and facebook page of the volleyball club and they confirmed it's true and that they had a contract when they were asked and phoned. Of course in good belief, they were convinced at that time they had that contract before they had to realize that it was a fraud after the started some inquiries after the post of Mika Italia. And from most I've read the frustration was about not getting information if it's true or not before the Mika Italia post.

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