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Posts posted by DerMoment1608

  1. I don't know how it was for everyone else, but the U2 album showed up as "in the cloud." I had to download it from the cloud if I wanted it. Maybe that's why I don't feel it was that intrusive? :dunno:


    From what they told in the news about it I understood that a lot of people had it automatic on their Iphones and devices :dunno: And I wouldn't even want it in my Cloud if I would use this Cloud to collect all of my music in one place.


    See, this is where you and I have a real difference of opinion. What if iTunes DID give me a free album or book every week? I think that would be awesome! FREE? When do you ever get anything for free? If I don't want it, I delete it. If it's something I was going to buy, that's $10 I don't have to spend -- I can spend it on something else. :thumb_yello:


    Oh no, I don't have a problem with getting something for free. Not at all, I think it would be great! BUT I could have all this positive things you list about getting something for free if it would be a free download in the Itunes store (or maybe the question "Do you want to add the new U2 album for free in your cloud?"), too - without having the negative effects of getting unwanted things. I don't want to end up with the need to do a daily clean-up of my library. Or just think about the heavy metal fan who gets the new One Direction album put into his library...

  2. :lol3:

    For the record, when Mika said, "I'm happy to be doing the Voice again" all I replied on Twitter was, "That makes one of us."


    Yes, of course you would tell him opinions like this him face to face! Why wouldn't you. But you know how people sometimes tweet him things they wouldn't probably say anyone in a real life situation. And generally artist FB pages are even worse than twitter (not talking only about Mika) :doh:


    Deb, Guy, I don't think you should feel addressed at all when someone is talking about tweets in the wrong tone :huglove:


    Whether we fight or we don't, I guess we are all disappointed, or just sad, because he gave us the message that now, money has become an higher priority than fans' happiness that comes from him being a musician and making gigs .


    No :wink2: At least for me it has different layers. But I won't go further as I feel we could end up in a pointless and repetitive discussion as everybody has made up his mind and we know that we differ in our views :wink2:

  3. I'm talking about people saying that since Mika announced he was doing the Voice 2015 that they are avoiding the drama here or not letting it affect them etc. Talking about people fighting or acting hysterically when they are not


    The crux about that is that you can't avoid drama if you want to be sure that there is drama to avoid.


    If you stay totally out of it, it could be that there isn't drama at all, as much as it could be that there is. And if you read everything you may realize that there isn't drama this time, but you could end up in the drama you wanted to avoid equally. So you just can make conclusions from prior situations and stay away from supposed drama.


    Beforehand I didn't want to go into this thread. In the end I did end up here (like I mostly do :naughty:), and so far there isn't any drama, in fact it's a nice discussion at the moment. But could have been otherwise, too.


    I'm for a "drama warning pop-up" :mf_rosetinted::naughty:

  4. I think I've to clarify two things:


    Just because you haven't felt mislead doesn't mean it is unreasonable for others to feel so. We all have different experiences.


    Sorry if it came across like that, that was not my implication, I was merely pointing out how I feel about it and that it was different. I hoped it was clear with saying "I personally", but as it was misunderstandable: I don't think that what I feel does or should apply to someone else.


    And as I said I can't just pick up and walk away and come back whenever I feel like it. It's a huge decision to stop being involved and someone in Deb's position especially can't just tune Mika and MFC out for months or years while he does whatever. Especially when we never know which is it going to be - months or years.


    When you are speaking from the perspective of a mod than it's something different and than I agree with you. In my answer I thought you were talking about fans in general.

  5. And I also can't understand it with my brain, not only because of my lack of experience I think. I just don't get how we can hold an artist responsible for us not liking the choices he is making, and for us being disappointed by him. I am the only one responsible for trusting him and deciding to follow him. As I said many times, if I don't like what he is doing, I simply stop following him, but I wouldn't held him responsible for my change of feelings.

    You seem to say that he asked the fans to trust him and to follow him, so he "betrayed" by doing something different, maybe not artistic enough (if I'm not interpreting well, sorry). I really don't have this feeling that he is "begging" the fans to follow him, anyway not since I follow him, that is early 2013.

    It seems to me that he is doing what he likes, hoping of course that fans will follow him, doing his best to be kind with them when meeting them and on Twitter. But that he is not "needing" them in the meaning that they are not his priority when making choices.



    I said on Twitter something that seemed to be very surprising for some people, but that I still believe deeply:

    I like that Mika is an artist that doesn't follow the wishes of his fans, I mean that he seems not to take them into consideration for making his choices. No offense to anybody here, and I'm not saying that he is not interested in the opinion of his fans, he obviously is. It's just that if he was doing what his fans are asking for, simply because they are asking for it, he wouldn't be an artist anymore in my opinion.


    I'm sorry for my even worst English tonight, quite tired and not sure that what I wrote makes sense. I hope I'm not hurting anybody with what I think and say :blush-anim-cl:


    For me it does make totally sense and I have the same perspective on both things :thumb_yello: I didn't have time to say it on Twitter and didn't want to stomp into that discussion, but now I can tell it to you after all: I deeply share this opinion about making choices :huglove:


    On the other hand I don't share your opinion about telling him things on Twitter :teehee: (as long as it's not aggressive) Who makes choices must bear the consequences imho.

  6. I think when you mislead people and break their faith and trust you are not going to receive respect back.


    I personally have never felt mislead or that my trust was broken. Not about important stuff. Not about doing XF or TV again. Not about him still being truly interested in doing music and creating stuff (doing both, television and this, is no contradiction for me), not about him wanting to do live shows again. Maybe a bit about the progress of the 4th album earlier. But that was the same with his 2 previous albums as I read from some posts and I had to learn that like I had to learn Gertrude. And the first XF announcement was quite a surprise, but I could follow why he changed his opinion, especially after seeing him as a coach.


    When TOOL wasn't as successful as anticipated all he had to do was say that he was taking a couple of years to make the next album and in the interim he would be working on some projects that weren't related to his music but he would still be highly visible in Europe so please stay tuned. Then the people who weren't interested in all this other nonsense could just move on and come back if/when there was new music and a tour.


    What's people stopping from just doing it while it's happening? :dunno: I don't need to know how long I need to zoom out while nothing happens that I'm interested in? When he is back with things I'm interested in I will get to know through Facebook or Newsletters and come back.


    Plus I don't think he had an exact plan how he'll do things the next years while signing the first XF contract.




    And just for distinguish-reasons: I don't trust that he's doing the best choices for himself and his career. Just because sometimes the word trust gets thrown into the pot regarding this in the discussions :wink2:

  7. You know, Anne, I have been trying to ignore this little dig for a few days now because I don't want to start an argument with you, but every time I see it, it upsets me, so I do have to say something.


    You do realize that loving someone unconditionally means loving them EVEN IF you disagree with them, EVEN IF they disappoint you sometimes, right? When you say that you love Mika unconditionally here, the implication is that anyone who disagrees with or disapproves of something he does doesn't love him, too. It implies that you love him *better* than I do. That's wrong, and I resent it.


    The disappointment I feel at Mika's signing on to the Voice again DOES NOT equate to, "I don't love him any more." It simply means, "I wish he was not going to do the Voice again." Why can't I say that and not be told that I'm a bad fan, or that I love him less than you do? It's hurtful and moreover it's inaccurate. :sad:


    I'm sorry if it upsets some fans when others don't approve of Mika's every breath, but that really does not mean that they don't care about what happens to him or have no right to express a dissenting opinion. It's not being negative, it's being honest. I wish that we could get over this. Saying that you adore every single thing Mika does or says does not make one a better fan than someone who expresses an opposing view now and then.


    Sorry if it seems I'm singling you out, Anne -- you're not the only one who makes off-hand remarks like this. You all obviously don't realize it, but they are, as I said before, hurtful, and they do nothing to make the atmosphere for open conversation on these forums any better.


    Just 2 short things:

    First :huglove: :huglove:

    And second: I'm asking myself if Anne and you actually said something very similar...

  8. "Still what we choose to store in our private libraries is sacred."


    For me the essential sentence is this one. And on that level I totally agree with him. I didn't get the album and I use another library. But if I would just get an album I didn't asked for in that library I would be pissed. This is about privacy on a totally different level. It's not about "just" seeing my personal stuff (I think everyone is conscious that it is done), but about messing around in my personal stuff. And music is something very personal. It has a reason why the music that is in my library is in my library. And why the music that is not in my library is not in my library. The music that is in my library is there because it's important to me. I don't want some random stuff or even stuff I hate in there.


    Plus getting something you don't ask for is just simply Spam. That it happens in other situations as well doesn't make better. It's annoying enough there (don't let me get started about needing to be alertly like hell while installing programs for not being tricked into getting all kind of rubbish or preinstalled programs on new devices), so I don't need another new situation where I need to get rid of things I don't want to have.


    The one album is not a big deal. But it being an example for a general question, deciding what you want to have and what not, is to some extent. What if it gets common you get some random album every week, every day, into your library? What if Amazons decides it's a great idea that you get another Ebook if you download one without asking?


    If they give me an option to download actively myself for free if I want to or ask unmistakable if I want it before downloading it automatically or some option like with automatic/manual updates than it's another thing. But I as a user need to be the one who decides it and the one who needs to be asked first.




    Edit: Totally forgot to write it :doh: : I'm happy that he writes columns again, I like to read his opinions on things :original:

  9. Mika was interviewed @ Italian Radio24 -- he talks about XF8 and himself

    The interview is short but nice

    here you can listen & d/l the mp3



    same on mediafire:



    A friend of mine is working on it right now


    Edit: it's actually done. Give us some time and you will get subtitles.


    Here they are :thumb_yello: English & Italian subtitles:




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