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Posts posted by Buzzbuzz

  1. Thank you :biggrin2:




    Thanks! I have essentials, too. "Corel painter essentials 4".

    yeah it is difficult for me T_T I only used Photoshop CS3, and that was my first work in painter.

    but it looks real painting more than photoshop.

    btw, is yours bamboo-fun? mine is.



    Thanks heehee

    No, mine is a lot older, I think I have an even older essentials than you.

    I have a Graphire 4, the old $100 tablet. The bammbo funs replaced them.

    Heres a doodle from class today :biggrin2:



    Very cute!!

    Loads :mf_rosetinted: We weren't doing much anyway. I kinda started that one a while back, then kept adding to it every day :teehee:

    Here's another:





    Oooo, I like that!

  2. YKYAMFW your working hard at writing and asking questions, your mother asks 'are you doing your assignments? wow thats good' and you say 'no actually im writing poems for mika :aah:'

    mother- :blink:


    :naughty: :naughty:



    YKYAMFW you are talking to your friends and all of sudden you think of something (Mika related ofcourse) that you want to share with them and you go like "oooh oooh, You know what M.." and then you stop because you realize that your friends aren't in to mika as you, and they would only roll there eyes or say "so?", so you just say "never mind" and think of who might be as overly excited as you! (answer: MFCers!)

    True, but sad. :( I wish I had a Mika fan friend.

    Thanks, am lovin it!!!!!!!


    Great!! :thumb_yello:

  3. I've just noticed that the Kick-Ass vid can't be viewed anymore! that is rediculous! It's something to do with the content. That doesn't make sense because the movie has been released already, so there's nothing secret that they need to hide. The only person loosing out is Mika, who isn't getting his song played anymore on-line.

    I'm no good at technical stuff, so I wouldn't be able to do it, but it occured to me that someone from MFC could (maybe) create a vid with pics of Mika, and the song Kick Ass (We Are Young) playing. Just to make certain that his song gets played at least, even if the official video has been removed.

    It's just a thought.


    Wow. :blink: I'm very very glad I downloaded the HD/HQ vid on Mikasounds when I did!


    Want me to upload it to youtube? I'd have to create a new account...

  4. lol yeah but what it doesn't tell you or any thread on here is who he's with now





















    I know who that is!!!:biggrin2::wink2:




























    Me :teehee: lol I wish hehehehe


    :lmfao: Hahahaha. :wink2:

  5. NO:lmfao:

    and i sang that for sooo long, that its hard for me to sing "clown" now! :lmfao:


    Oh, when ill be at a gig, im sur eill just scream "LIKE A CLOUD ON PURPOSE" and mika will be like:blink: wait... thats not the lyrics... or is it??:blink:




    Me too! :lmfao:

  6. in 'blue eyes' i always thought it sounded like:

    finger a woman, i think you should :wub2:

    i still don't really know what it is, but i know it's not that!


    :lmfao: :lmfao: Hahahhhhhhhaaaaaaa



    "Think hard woman

    I think you should"

    From what I've seen on 2 lyric sites.

  7. I drew a little doodle of Mika in class today:




    EDIT: Great, I resized it on PB, but then it turned huge again, so I re-sized it again to what it was before... and now it goes all small. >:(

    Well, bigger on DA anyway.



    I know it doesn't look like Mika fan art, but it was when I first started drawing her :bleh:

    I'll post one of the first ones up later, because they're more like Mika fan art. I just like this one, so why not share?


    It's pretty, I like the hair. :biggrin2:



    practicing Corel Painter4... it is really hard for me :naughty:


    That looks cool! Is Corel painter any good? I had essentials that came with my tablet but it was difficult and layers where a pain.

  8. Can I just say that the iTunes extra 30 min Mika and Matthew Vaughan conversation is (IMO) one of the best Mika things I've heard? It's really intelligent (by my standards anyway) as two enthusiasts talk about music and movies etc. Turned out they are both crazy for American Civil War songs (which incidentally, I was when I was at uni) :blink: then MV raved about the Banana Splits and Mika raved about Yo Dabba Dabba... I'm really surprised no-one else has mentioned it. I was in two minds about buying the soundtrack anyway and the promise of a conversation tipped the balance.


    That's just my opinion though.


    I wish I could see it! :sneaky2:


    And I hate how KA is the 2nd song... it's going to be hard to convince my sis (and poss Dad) to stay that long after the credits..... :boxed:


    Isn't it? I checked and it says the same for the other KA videos uploaded. I don't get it, seriously :blink:


    Is this the whole Universal vs Youtube thing that was going on a couple of months ago?


    That is crap. They did that to his other vid's on his official channel, it's really stupid. :sneaky2:

  9. Haha, I've made a lot of misheard lyrics, but I've forgotten some since I learned what it really was.


    I still forget that in "We are Golden", It's "running around like a clown on purpose" not "running around like a cloud on purpose"


    And I did the whore/bore thing in Lollipop. XD Interesting he does it the other way live though... :blink:

  10. This apparently ran in the Mirror last week -- am I the only one who missed it? Just a tiny tidbit...




    Mika says recording song for Marvel comics movie Kick-Ass was a 'dream come true'


    By 3am's Clemmie Moodie and Danielle Lawler 16/03/2010

    Mika 3am Pictures 2


    He might not look it, but Brit pop hero Mika is one happy chappy.


    He has just recorded the title track for Kick-Ass, a movie based on the Marvel comics.


    Mika says: "Being a comic fan it was a huge thrill and dream come true."




    :boing: Cool! I wonder what he's working on in the pic... haha, I see the Delux TBWKTM.

  11. Speaking of publicity ...






    These are EVERYWHERE! I only took pictures with two of them, but I've seen them all over the place. This movie has got some publicity goin'!

    AWESOME!!!! :biggrin2:



    Did you notice you can win the poster?

    You can?


    EDIT: Oh. :aah: It's on the poster.... Check inside? :blink:

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