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Posts posted by Buzzbuzz

  1. There's a second Nanny McPhee called The Big Bang :teehee:


    And yes, Kick Ass came out today. I might be seeing it tomorrow :pinkbow:


    Really?? How come it's not being released here? My little sisters loved Nanny McPhee. (Well, it didn't say on a list of movies being released here for 2010)


    Oh dear, I told my Mom and Aunt.... XD anyway gah! I want to see it noooowww...

  2. I've been trying to get people to watch Kick Ass as much as I can :roftl:


    These customers are a couple...


    Customer 1: I wanted to see Nanny McPhee, can we still go in?

    Me: No 'fraid not, it started 15 minutes ago.

    Customer 2: Damn...what else shall we see? Shutter Island?

    Customer 1: No we've got ages to wait then...

    Me: Well what sort of films do you like?

    Customer 1: Well we don't really mind to be honest.

    Me: Well there's this new film out called Kick Ass...




    Just doing my job! :teehee:

    As a fan or as a staff member of the cinema? You decide xD

    Nanny McPhee? Do you run older movies?


    Wait, is Kick ass out in the UK? I thought it released in America 1st. :roftl: I'm an idiot.

  3. YKYAAMFW you discuss with other MCFer who "has" it :mf_rosetinted:


    :blink: ????

    ohhh i forgot lollipop!! lollipop is the fav song of my 5 year old sister.. its soo funny when she is singing it! she doesn't know english(english its not our first language ) so it makes it more funny!


    :naughty: That's so cute and funny!

  4. I really hope this song does well for Mika as I really don't want him to be dropped by his record label. It just annoys me so much how there is so much poo in the charts at the moment, and Mika is getting little attention. I'd cry if Mika didn't release any more albums. :-(


    :o They would be crazy to! He's still selling tickets and CD's! It's not like he's not even in the charts.

    That makes me feel better thanks. Everything else in music these days is just so unoriginal.


    I agree, music now all sounds the same almost.

  5. YKYAAMF when your son tell you he had a dream about Mika! :lmao:

    He said i was driving and saw Mika, invited him to have dinner in my house and he came fordinner with his whole family and my husband was grunting and making a very strange face! :lmfao:


    :lmfao: Haha

    my sisters did mix for- WAG, rain, grace kelly and dr john:naughty: that was realy funny :naughty:


    Cute! My sisters don't know Dr. John because I hardly play it. :teehee: I'm starting to like it though. There favorites are: Lollipop, BIOTG, We are Golden, Love Today, Grace Kelly, and I think Kick Ass.


    My 2nd oldest sister (I have 3, but the 2 younger ones are the Mika fans. They are 9 and 7) loves Lollipop the most lately, before that it was BIOTG.

  6. YKYAMF when tell your sister there's more to life than Mika and go to play another song but then Kick Ass comes on so you don't. :blush-anim-cl:


    (And I only said that so my mom doesn't think I'm obsesed! Otherwise I'm with my sister!):naughty:


    When your dance fests with your sisters are 99.9% Mika songs.

  7. Heu guys, for those of you who want to hear the soundtrack before buying like I do (I want to make sure I like what's on it before I buy it) Here's a youtube playlist with all the music on it:



    Sorry, some all I could find where live. But the rest are good enough. It is just to get an idea. :D


    It's also all in order. *Goes off to listen to it all in full* Hopefully I like it better... it's not promising yet to me.

  8. YKYAMFW your little sisters are singing mika's songs while they are showering..:naughty:


    My sisters did that too! I posted here about it too. :naughty: They only knew some lines from blame it on the girls, so it was... interesting. :naughty:

    What where they singing?

    *high five*




    YKYAMFW you're going into magazine store and the salesperson ask you what are you looking for and you say- something about mika.. and after some seconds the salesperson starts singing Relax take it eeeeaaaassyyyy


    It happened to me yesterday :teehee:

    That is awesome!!

  9. :teehee::teehee:

    i wanan buy white converse and make some too now:aah:


    Me too!!! :naughty: But glitter shoes first... plus I have no idea what to paint on them yet... I'd have to/want to make it non-obvious that it's Mika related, more so just colorful designs.

  10. If my mum was alive she would adore Mika. Like me, she was always a teenager in her heart!

    Part of I See You (instumental) was played last week on Dancing On Ice! I nearly fell off my chair when I heard it!


    I heard about that! I'm going to look for it, I love I see You (And so does my Mom!)


    Aww, I'm sorry about your Mum.

  11. 148,000 views at the most popular Kick-Ass vid.

    75,244 views at the MikaSoundsOfficial Kick-Ass vid as of this morning.

    What's really kewl is that about 98% of the comments at both vids are so positive & enthusiastic for Mika & Kick-Ass.

    The few that are negative are being replied to or attacked by the other viewers.

    I haven't witnessed that kind of support for Mika before.

    Right on!

    P.S. There are many, many viewers who hadn't heard of Mika & are thinking highly of him.




    Go Mika!!



    Easy to hear its "running with blood on your knees" and not God on the album version

    Album version?

  12. Kewl!

    That's good that Kick-Ass was played on E.

    You could find the whole article about Perez at perezhilton.com on about page 9 or more. I don't think it will be on any earlier page by now.

    I read it there this morning & it was on page 6. But that is hours ago.



    He posts a lot, doesn't he? I was on there yesterday and when I went there to see if that was up there was tons of new stuff.


    I know right? It was only a small part but it was good! They even mentioned his name and that it was appropriate (I guess because of the name) Which I'm glad they did for people like me who don't like swearing.


    EDIT: Found It! http://perezhilton.com/2010-03-24-introducing-47

  13. They just played part of the video and song "Kick Ass" On E news just now!!


    Thank you Mom! (She told me and let me rewind to see it)

    I'm glad my Mom let me know! :wub2: I love my Mom


    Perez is going to be hostig a national radio show.

    Since Perez's taste in music is different the regular radio airplay fare it could get artists like Mika & others played.



    Awesome! Anyone have a link to more info?



    Anyway this gives me a lot more hope that Mika might just break fully into the USA!!!! E-News from what I know is kinda popular?

  14. I still can't stop listening to Mika's Kick-Ass!!

    Too many times a day to admit to. :teehee::shocked:

    I am thrilled to hear the following announcement:







    – Show Will Launch in the Top 3 Markets

    New York, Los Angeles and Chicago


    I have high hopes that Mika will get some decent radio airplay now in the U.S.A. starting with Kick-Ass - I hope.





    :blink: Huh? What is Perez doing?

  15. "I love this bit. It's my favorite."


    He's too cute. (:

    I think it's at 00:58.


    "I think it's a wallet too. Because, well because it's got nice, manly angles. It's just square enough."


    Cute video!

  16. Notice how Kick Ass has blood on his knees (header pic) :teehee:



    Wasn't sure where else to put this.



    French Connection has rolled out a range of limited edition #KickAss T-shirts... Check them out! http://bit.ly/aDPFzh 20 minutes ago via web


    If anyone fancies a t shirt.

    Shame I'm not french. :roftl:

    1. Stand Up - The Prodigy

    2. Kick Ass - MIKA Vs RedOne

    3. Can't Go Back - Primal Scream

    4. Omen - The Prodigy

    5. Make Me Wanna Die - The Pretty Reckless

    6. Banana Splits - The Dickies

    7. Starry Eyed - Ellie Goulding

    8. This Town Ain't Big Enough For The Both Of Us - Sparks

    9. We're All In Love - The New York Dolls

    10. Bongo Song - Zongamin

    11. There's a Pot a Brewin' - The Little Ones

    12. Per Qualche Dollaro In Piu - Ennio Morricone

    13. An American Trilogy - Elvis Presley


    Track listing for album:thumb_yello:

    Awesome! I should go and listen to the soundtrack to see if I want to buy it.

  17. The curls are good... I do love the straight hair... it's lovely! :das::drool:


    He's done straight hair twice before - that one which was in 2007, and I think he did it again in 2008/2009, and I thought he looked like a Ken doll!! :lmfao:


    Ooo, any pics from that one you have the link to?


    I do prefer curly though. :naughty: But I've always been a curly hair guy fan, in fact the only reason I think I had a mini crush (At most it lasted a month, after he said no when I asked him to the dance. :blush-anim-cl:) on a guy was because he was nice and he had curly hair!! (This was long before I knew Mika existed.) I took a closer look at his face latter on and he was.... to be nice not good looking. Whatsoever. :aah:

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