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Posts posted by Buzzbuzz

  1. No need to be sorry. I just find it funny that people and lyric websites always steal their lyrics for Mika's songs off of MFC :naughty:


    Hahaha, really? XD


    *really wants to get this song so she can play it during broadcasting tomorrow to see if anyone likes it*

    <_< >_>

    I am planning on buying it even it I have to buy the soundtrack to get it.

    *Really hates paying $$ for digital*

    XD I am such a big fan now I want to see if I can the Songs for Sorrow CD...

    *Knows she probably can't cuz she was an idiot when it came out*

  2. Found the lyrics on a vid on Youtube, not sure it it's acuate but it's cool!


    We are young

    We are strong

    We're not looking for where we belong


    We're not cool

    We are free

    And we're running with blood on our knees


    We could rule the world

    On a silver platter

    From the wrong to the right light

    To an open stream


    With a crash and burn

    We could make it better

    Turn it upside down

    Just you and me


    We are the dream

    No other way

    To be


    We are young

    We are strong

    We're not looking for where we belong


    We're not cool

    We are free

    And we're running with blood on our knees


    I could change the world

    I could make it better

    Kick it up and down

    Take a chance on me


    When you fake a smile

    And you think you're better

    Gonna put it down

    Rip (?) it at your feet


    No bridge to burn

    Nowhere to turn

    For me


    We are young

    We are strong

    We're not looking for where we belong


    We're not cool

    We are free

    And we're running with blood on our knees


    What do they know about us?

    Are they thinking of somebody else?

    Are they wondering what we might be?

    Are they thinking of you or of me?


    We are young

    We are strong

    We're not looking for where we belong


    We're not cool

    We are free

    And we're running with blood on our knees


    Is the song really going to be tittle Kick Ass? I think it should have another tittle since it doesn't even have the word in there. Normally I wouldn't care about that but since it's a swear word it might turn off some people to it. Like it would of done to me a year ago. :teehee:

  3. Hey, anyone else here participate in the global dance event?

    here is my vid, that shows me and my two sisters:


    And look what I got:


    My sisters and I have them. :biggrin2: They don't know Mika owns one yet though because they would tell that to Mom and my other sister and they would think me mad. :roftl:

  4. If this gets played on the radio in the U.S. I will freak... :roftl::wub2: Aaah!


    Me too! I hope it does, but it seems US radios are boycotting Mika soo....


    I am hoping that you can start practicing your "freaking out" moves now.


    I think Kick-Ass stands the best chance yet - not because of Mika's music but because of the way U.S radio is.



    Very true.


    Hopefully this song get's enough new fans that US radio will start playing him.... but....



    Well, I love the song but now I know how Mika's voice sounds caned. I prefer his non messed with voice. XD

  5. OK, I'll try that Nono, cheers. :thumb_yello:


    But if ripping it goes tits up, here are a few screen caps for you to enjoy until someone more tech savvy can pwn it.






    Bugger, just seen the exit full screen mode thing. Psssht.


    :tears: Oh no! Poor Mika! :wub2: It's hard to see him looking hurt.


    I want to see this vid, what is it exactly? The article didn't say. Is it a music vid?

  6. P3140118-2.jpg

    Now I have the Mika bracelet, I have a similar necklace that Mika wore once that I wear every day, I own a pair of suspenders (though they don't look that great on me so I stopped wearing them)


    Hmm, all I have to say is:

    Thank GOSH My mom and sister don't know this! :naughty::roftl:


    Yeah man, there are so many watches I wish I still had, and even more that I wish I had purchased when I had the chance :aah: That Jurassic Park watch sounds amazing though. I want one of those, but I want it to have Jeff Goldblum's face on it. :naughty:


    You have a steamboat Willie watch!? :mf_lustslow: Do you have photos? :teehee:

    I have to get batteries for a few of my watches. I really want to get one for my old Swatch. It died a couple years ago and I never got new batteries for it, and I just found it in a drawer. :aah:

    I found a photo of it! :naughty:



    I bought it because it reminded me of Hungry, Hungry Hippos, I'm mad about that game :roftl:


    Sorry it took so long to get an image, I kept forgetting! There it is.

  7. Got them!!

    Sorry for the bad image quality, it's nighttime here and I don't have good lighting.







    And here's my one out of the two that's mine that I'm going to be wearing (the other is a spare or if I want to where two)


    I'll bug my dad if I have to to pay you, so don't worry! I can't believe he hasn't done it yet. :sneaky2: If I didn't give him the $$ already I would have my stepdad do it.


    I'll take pics of my sisters with them tomorrow, when my dad drooped me off today they where asleep.


    I think I'm going to wear this every day now. :naughty:

  8. I wonder if this will get played on US radio..


    I don't really like the title :dunno:


    I don't like cussing.. but, that's just me. :aah:


    there's a part of me that wants Mika to be popular here, and then the selfish part that doesn't want people to know about him here. :naughty:


    Is that bad? :teehee:

    I don't like cussing either, I didn't like the tittle as well.


    Hahaha, I get what you mean.

    I love those stills :mf_lustslow:

    Thanks for posting Patty!


    I really like this one.



    :mf_lustslow::wub2: I love that pic. I wish there where more pics of him with glasses.

  9. Oh, I agree... he has to try and do stuff a little different to get a wider fanbase, and if it involves doing movies with GaGa's producer, then so be it... it will only help him in the long run, I'm sure!




    What's interesting? :blink:




    It hasn't been released yet.



    As far as we're aware, Nono's the only one to have officially heard it...




    So do I... some of it sounds the same, but some is very interesting, especially the lyrics and hte meaning behind them... Bad Romance is becoming a fave of mine, and it has a very interesting background to it...




    It's apparently being released on the 29th of March... so in 17 days :thumb_yello:


    Yay! Will buy it! Anyone know if it's getting released on disc? I HATE buying digital, I haven't even done so yet. I prefer having something physical.


    *Also reason why she doesn't have Up soundtrack yet... PLEASE Pixar/Disney!* /offtopic

  10. I have to join in and agree, it's adorable Inge!!


    And I'm not sure if I included this moose/mika drawing in here...


    If I did, sorry. :/ The explaniation is in my sig. :naughty: (And the link is the full image)


    In the Twitter update thread we (well, they) post moose pics sometimes after Mika doesn't tweet/update for awile. And Moose came from when someone asked him his nickname and he said Moose.

  11. Just watched the trailer and I'm horrified! :shocked: It's not that I can't stand watching violence in movies...after all it's just a movie...but this one is outrageous!!! It's like "Kill Bill" for kids. :huh: Why the heck did Mika agree to make a song for this movie? I mean I understand there are a lot of decisions made by other people than him...but you know...he will promote this movie through his song and he has many children as fans who will go to the movies to see "Kick-ass". :blink:


    On the other side...it kinda seems the Mika-movie...:naughty: the darkness and spookyness mixed with the sweetness of a child...it is just TOO much though with all that blood splashed around the trailer...and this is just a trailer...what about the rest of the movie? can you imagine...:huh:


    PS and it is the n'th bad movie Nicholas Cage plays in...what a shame!


    :shocked: Really? :tears: I thought I would see the movie bad or not but I hate gore and over use of bad language. :tears:


    *goes to see trailer link @ mikasounds.... :shocked::boxed:* And that's just the trailer, which is always toned down a lot, hence my reaction.

  12. awww!!! Can you not get posters off Mika sounds? I can't remember from the last time I was on there!


    Yea, but they all are songs for sorrow. I found some on other sites but my Mom didn't get them for me for X-mass and I don't have enough spare $ to buy them. :( But I do have an 11X18 or so poster that I made in Graphic com for hos concert.


    YKYAAMFW you randomly say lalaMIKA and write it down anywhere. :blush-anim-cl:

    YKYAAMFW your friends are angry when you say MIKA because you talk too much about him !. :mf_rosetinted:

    So hard not to talk about him .. xP


    And I recognise myself in almost all these other sentences !. :teehee:

    Hahaa, my sis hates me every time I mention him, and she says she somewhat likes him. :wink2:


    YKYAMF when every time you tell your sis to guess something, she rolls her eyes, sighes, and in a harsh tone guesses MIKA> :naughty:

  13. Poor you...thankfully I'm in same situation as Punkie. Mika hoodie' date=' Mika scream tour date T-shirt, MFC and TBWKTM playing in the background. Oh, and my Mika poster is on the wall opposite me :thumb_yello:


    And yep, if I'm listening to Mika on my phone/iPod, I will pause it so I can listen to it on the radio if it comes on. Even if it's the same song! :wub2:[/quote']


    :sneaky2: *wishes she lived in England* I'm jealous. *wishes she also had a poster.*

  14. YKYAAMFW you're sat at the computer on the MFC, wearing your new Mika tour t-shirt and hoodie and listening to Mika all at once.


    Also, when you stop listening to Mika on your iPod, just to listen to him on the radio, just because he's on the radio!!!!!!


    Lucky!! *wishes he was on the radio here, and had another concert here*

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