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Wesley Müller

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Posts posted by Wesley Müller

  1. Nature (volcano) wanted to tell me something and I wasn't listening. I was not supposed to be a BG but I still did it... Omg, I was really the worst BG ever. I hit my mask to Jimmy's bass and after that I tried to hide behind LGs until Imma took me to dance in front of them. I don't even start about the death march :lmfao:


    I felt myself ugly and very uncomfortable, and also an outsider because all other BGs and LGs and boys were French and all instructions were in French so I couldn't understand a word. But French fans were really kind and they helped me lot and translated, so a huge thank you to them :wub2:


    We met Mika and took a group pic, I have one in my camera but haven't seen it yet. I gave him some Finnish candy and we had a clever conversation as usual... :roftl: He told he knows he is coming to Finland in July :thumb_yello: Someday I will surprise him and say something really smart and clever when I meet him. It didn't happen today but it could happen :mf_rosetinted:


    And I heard the new show is amazing :mf_lustslow: Can't wait to see it. I didn't actually enjoy being a BG but it was of course so interesting to see his mother and sister working, they do so much behind the scenes, and they were both really lovely. Loved seeing how Mama P enjoyed listening Happy Ending, she must be so proud of him :wub2: And Maria (? who works with BGs etc) was so nice and helpful too :wub2:

    Thanks a lot for the report




    Mika ended the concert in Marseilles with Relax!

    I wonder why the change??





  2. ladys and gentalmen Mikaits of the world introdusing SARAH AMY LOUNSE MARY PICKLES

    yeeee confermation over


    ok so i did it i told them all (my church)i was bi and christian said he was gay (i was soo proud of him)you could feal the hate...

    but the prist is sooo cool (and young) he explaned that we were still cgildren of god and the we were made in gods eye and that we are not to be shuned


    i also told my whol family and as i thaught the churchey half of my family said that i was dead to them so in slightly gutted but my emediat famly were sooo deerrrrrrr and hum ohhhh about it


    now i want to tell you all


    right i am BI and i hope you can all akcept me but if you cant then yes ill be sad but theres nothing much i can do

    Juv G kisses




    We're with you!!


  3. 6days and counting


    and ty all

    it turns out the felladoing his confermation with me is gay and is also planning no doing the same

    and we're both slightly nervus


    relax little girl... 'every think is gonna be all right' huhuhuhu


    and we'll be with you...


  4. Here is my report:


    I left home at 2 pm with Sweetieval. We joined Mikabéa and left at 3 pm from Calais to go to Paris. Traffic was fine and pleasant, the three of us singing Mika's songs in the car! :mf_rosetinted: We found a car park easily, near the place of the show case, in a posh area near The Champs d'Elysées. At 6 pm we were there to meet the other French fans and had dinner together. We were back to queue around 8.45. As we all had white cards, we were told we could come in at 10 pm only (there were red cards, sort of V.I.P tickets. Those who had them could turn up at 9 pm and were offered drinks-champagne or coke apparently-. At 10 pm they let us in and we were delighted to find out we could still get very good spots :blink: ! Most of the people with red cards were more interested in drinks and food (:aah:). I was 2 meters away from the stage, three people (shorter than me) in front of me. :thumb_yello:

    Mika's gig began at 10 pm sharp :biggrin2: The musicians first, then Mika arrived on the tiny stage. Mika asked us if we were ready when silence was obtained. We said "yes" and he replied they were not ready yet. All his hits were sung: Grace Kelly (in french), Big Girl, Billy Brown, We are golden (very nicely sung. This song was always a bit of a problem at the end of last year when he sang it live), Rain, Relax, Blame it on the girls. Unfortunately he didn't sing Touches You or Kick-Ass: they would have been perfect songs for the place and its clubbers.


    End of my report:


    Mika was smart, his voice was at its best and we could see how fine his band and he felt together. Mika told us he preferred tiny acoustic shows like last night. He also told us his gig in Lisbon had to be cancelled because of "a vulcano in Iceland" (he looked really sorry about it).

    He introduced his band. Martin was introduced twice as it seemed he had been less acclaimed than the others (sorry Martin, stupid ones!!).

    At 11.15 pm: end of the show. No encore.

    We stayed a bit and danced then left for a last drink in a quieter place to chat with the other MCers. We saw Mika leaving on a scooter driven by Christian Louboutin, we waved and were waved back. We also saw Mrs P., 2 of her daughters, Fortuné and John leaving in a black car.

    I was back home at 6.15 am, knackered but happy :wink2:



    Oh... It's liked perfect...


    Thanks for the pics and the great report...



    -when he'll come to Brasil, oh God, we need it-



    see ya!


  5. Se isso aqui parece ilha de lost, imagina o love today forum!

    vamos lá, gente, aquilo ali tem que voltar a animar.

    eu sei que ando beeeeeeeeeeeeem afastada, afinal, morando em outro país ando empolgada com outras coisas e ocupada também, mas nosso fofó não merece abandono! hahaaha

    postei um recadinho de saudades lá hoje, não podia deixar de lembrar de vcs com o show de mika chegando :D




    we are golden!!!



    poisé... o LTF tá abandonadin, mesmo...


  6. ha all

    i'm going to tell them(my church) and tell my family and everyone


    Tell the whole blinking world


    ill tell them

    I KISSED A GIRL AND LIKED IT and im bisexual and if you have a probblem then thats what it is


    its your probblem


    Juv you all




    I'll be there like Rainbowgirl



    everybody here will be there with you!!!


    good luck girl!!!



  7. Yeah, holidays are over :huh: And Im back to school :aah:


    I really would like to talk more and know something about your country:wub2:


    Realy!!! I love to talk about it!!!:wub2:


    If you've msn I can talk with you... huhuhu

  8. Oh, little... If I could give you any tips I'll, but I don't know nothing about love. I never kissed a girl (neither a man)...


    But, If you need a friend. here we are!!!



    we all love you, swettie!!


    see ya!

    warms hugs and kisses from happy Brazil!!


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