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Posts posted by Igloo

  1. I think this is my biggest issue , we really believe the human body was made from two bits of rock?


    I mean the concept of a man sitting on a cloud is hard to take but evolution is just as much!


    But again, that is not necessarily what we believe. We don't have any proper research in this area, so we don't know.


    And how life started on earth has nothing to do with the theory of evolution.

  2. Aren't kids just great? They ask the best questions.


    I actually used to tell mine a fair bit of religious stuff and they didn't know I didn't believe until they were quite old. I found the expression 'Christian atheist' helpful to explain my position, because I think most the values I have are based in the religion of my childhood and I wanted my children to have those values. It's the belief bit that does my head in. I wanted them to make their own minds up without me putting mine on them. I'm delighted to say that, (sudden dramatic conversions apart,) I have 3 thoughtful kind caring atheist children, of whom I am inordinately proud. And the fact that my eldest is marrying in the presence of an Elvis look-alike, rather than a vicar is totally fine with me!


    haha, that's great.

    My mother is christian, but she is extremely tolerant when it comes to other beliefs. My sister is the only christian of us kids, but she is very very liberal. My oldest brother is an atheist, and my brother and I are atheist buddhists (though I'm not very involved). My father is an atheist but he won't admit it :teehee:

    I actually think our mother is very pleased that none of us ended up being very christian.

  3. ^ I completely agree with that article, even though I realize it's difficult to not affect them with your own religious views. I'll try to be as open minded as possible though, and teach them about all religions from a neutral side. As long as they don't end up as extremists I won't mind what they end up believing.


    My brother tried to raise his kids in a more secular way, but school and kindergarten has already messed up that plan. They've never learned about any religions at home, but when I was babysitting them a couple of months ago the 6-year old asked me if permanent tattoos were so permanent that they'd still be there when you go to heaven... I had no idea what to say, lol

  4. It was placing blocks of wood or something on high surfaces and they were hid .. and people floated up and saw them :shocked:


    Really it was just something that fllew past my eyes when I saw it .. my whole life is like that .. kinda random:naughty:


    Could it be pictures/postcards on a shelf that could only be seen from above?


    I've found articles that explain the research, but no findings.

  5. :thumb_yello::biggrin2:


    Isn't that the hardest thing when you find yourself in a conversation with a person who you discover have such an opposite opinion to most things than you have...so the question is: Where to start?:naughty:


    My boyfriends mother is very christian, and has recently become hooked on everything alternative. Last time I met her she tried healing my knee, and read me my 'angel cards'... :teehee:

  6. Intel are working on a chip set like now .. for total 3D TV and game experience! , none of this wear glasses nonsense .. full projection


    I think something will be dug up in our time which will blow the world away


    wow, I think that would freak me out. I'm still uber-impressed by the project natal stuff (the games where you'll be able to control everything with movements).

  7. Im with you here .... I mean the technology advance we have now only really started in the 1940s .. with the microchip etc etc (which is what i design btw:roftl:) ahem


    I agree .. years down the line our knowledge will grow and grow and maybe people will look at us now as we do the cave people:naughty:


    lol, yes. It's insane how fast technology has advanced just in a few decades, so I'm really curious about how the world will be 40-50 years from now.

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