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Posts posted by Igloo

  1. Its a proven fact you would actually struggle to write down the number of 0's the probability of DNA created by chance would be .. its literally trillions to one! .. fact :thumb_yello: , this is due to the precise nature of how the protein molecules are lined up .. this is not some figure Ive made up its actual science .


    Im not saying life was NOT created out of a rock ,I said reading and studying both sides both from a believers point and also an engineer where evey day I base decisions on numbers .. I dont get that , I dont get the whole rock to us thing:thumb_yello:


    I see both sides , thats why Im talking about both sides of the argument.


    I started from the beginning .. you agree , millions of years ago all we had was nothing?


    And my point was that spontaneous existence of DNA is not the only theory. And the second point is that it doesn't make atheism disproven or more unlikely. Maybe none of the theories we have today are anywhere close to the truth, and we won't even come to think of anything close to the truth until thousands of years from now, if ever... Not having the facts for how life could have appeared without a god doesn't scientifically prove or disprove anything. It just means that we don't know, and that doesn't bother me. We learn more about the world every day :biggrin2:

  2. Nooo .. Im saying the scientific evidence of life being created by chance is very low ...


    DNA being one example:thumb_yello:


    Well first of all, that doesn't necessarily say much about how likely it is (or, science wouldn't say how unlikely it would be). That just says that there isn't much evidence for (or even against) it, and that is probably because many of the theories on abiogenesis are hard to test. We might be able to test them further with more modern technology...


    Second of all, this doesn't say anything about atheism. Atheists don't advocate one theory. All we do is reject one (the one of intelligent design). There are many different theories of abiogenesis, and it doesn't matter that we don't know which one (or if any) of them are true. So if the situation you were talking about (life created out of a rock) was completely disproved, this would still not disprove or lessen the probability of there not being a god.

  3. Ok well maybe not "disprove" , maybe thats too strong a word ...


    Bottom line is its possible by chance , but that chance is unreal small


    I'm sorry, but are you saying that science has 'proven' that is is unlikely that there is no god? Because that is just not true. Science can't say anything about something that it has absolutely no data about. The chance of there being something supernatural or not is completely impossible to calculate.

  4. This is my beef with the long thing ..


    Once upon a time there was nothing .. DNA was created from nothing ... well a chance meeting of two rocks producing elements that formed an element that produced DNA ..


    Ok so thats back really do the start , lets forget about how the eye was formed or we can from monkeys or whatever ..


    So ... the actual chance (it is possible) of DNA happening , and those protein molecules being that way is literally trillions and trillions to one ...


    So it happened lets say .. then ...


    From that DNA came hmm a small thing AND that then became a fish and on we go ....


    For me hmmmmmm doesnt make sense


    Life didn't necessarily just appear out of nothing. There are many theories on the subject, but the fact is that we don't really know yet... that doesn't mean that we have to explain it with supernatural forces.



    (In this interview, for your information, there's one rabbit, two Big Girls, two Lollipop Girls, an elephant and a parrot.)


    "(Woman -can't remember her name for the life of me-: Introduce to each and every one of the-) D-Don- No, there's- It's not- There's no real sense to it... *turns around* Is there? (Man: Perfect.) No... That-That-That's the reason for doing it. (Man: Makes perfect sense.) Makes perfect sense 'cause there is no sense, right?"


    "Someone told me that when I came on stage I was so wet, it's almost like taking a shower! *ruffles his hair* Still wet, look! *moves towards them, shaking his head* (Woman: I don't wanna touch your hair!) (Man: I'll touch it! Yeah, yeah, you're wet, you're wet!)"


    "Even HE'S wet look! *holds up the elephants foot, which is muddy* (Woman: Dumbo's wet!) D'ya know I rented these from Angels in London? (Woman: What, the day before you came?) No, I rented them for the whole summer! But they're completely screwed up now! They're gonna cost me a FORTUNE! (Woman: You're not getting your deposit back!) (Man: I was gonna say, didn't you hand a bond over for these costumes or what did-) Y-Y-Yeah! And now my dry- I don't even know if you can dry-clean them! (Woman: Haha! You ain't gettin' your deposit back that's for sure!) [b]No! There goes my fifty-five quid![/b]"


    "*as the man's saying goodbye* EVERYBODY GIVE 'EM A BIG HUG!..(Man finishes saying goodbye)....... OUCH!"





    Is there any other way to see this one? Geographical restrictions... :sneaky2:

  6. I'm pretty sure that it's the same here where people just don't think much about religion, and don't take the time to really find out what they actually believe. They seem to be christian mostly by tradition.

    My father is even like that. He admits that he doesn't believe in a god, but he won't call himself an atheist.


    The norwegian numbers are probably also very wrong because of how they handled the member lists in 1998. They basically listed every person in the country (who wasn't a member of another religion) as members. And it's also a hassle to get your name crossed from that list.

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