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Everything posted by hathor

  1. Ah! no conozco a Mine, será por eso. A Jazzy la conocí cuando estábamos dentro del hall esperando el par de horitas ese. Y en el concierto yo estaba tirando hacia la izquierda en primera fila: a la derecha de Rose q tb estaba con silver y Laurel, lástima q ni me nombraran en sus reportes con eso de ser la nueva :roftl:

    Estábamos en la zona del piano. Y tú?

    Y a mi derecha tenía a xxx-Tasia (creo q se escribe algo parecido)

  2. Majo seguro que si :mf_lustslow: yo tb estuve en Hammersmith el segundo día, no te conocí!!, estuviste tú en el primero o en el segundo?


    De España solo voy a Madrid, es que dos días antes me voy al de Lisboa y sería una pasada Lisboa-Barcelona-Madrid, too much for my body :roftl: no doy pa'mas!!

  3. No te preocupes, muchas pasamos de la treintena pero cuando hablamos de Mika parecemos todas adolescentes
  4. jajaj claro que puedes bienvenida! me suena tu alias pero no recuerdo ahora de donde eres...

    se han pasado 3 pueblos con el maquillaje, parecía una muñequita jajajaja

  5. siiii ya me fijé, digo menudos coloretes!!! vale que no quieren que tenga brillos y tal pero se han pasado un pelín :roftl:

    La entrevista de Pablo podía haber dado para más pero siempre habla de caca culo pedo pis este Pablo es siempre igual :dunno: Lo siento porque sea de Requena eso no le justifica jeje, pero es que lo escatológico le puede!!

  6. Now it works, there was too many people watching at the same time
  7. He-s now helping the magician with some tricks about cards Off to watch more, dont wanna miss a thing lol
  8. No stream link but it will be here very soon, maybe tomorrow: http://play.cuatro.com/on-line/#/portada/el-hormiguero/ver/geraldine-chaplin-y-candela-pena-visitan-el-hormig
  9. In around 45 minutes It will be a new interview with different things
  10. Vaya, la manzana de mi madre cruza con Archiduque Carlos jeje Y yo tenía amigas del cole en Paterna!.

    Te pasaré una foto mía pronto, Feisbuk no tengo q le tengo manía jeje pero pásame una tú también! que me da verguenzilla!.

    Voy a llamar a mi madre a ver q me dice si lo ve bien allí. Aqui Cuatro se ve bien.

    No te preocupes el programa lo pondrán fijo luego en PlayCuatro, pero jo que rabia!!

  11. Pero que dices chica!! no te de ningún apuro!! Yo me estrené en los conciertos tan solo este marzo, imagina.. y no me dio ningún palo acercarme y presentarme, si que es verdad que hubo un par de personas que me miraron como de ... de que va esta tía? pero el resto, y con eso te digo decenas de personas que la gente responde muy bien presentandose ellas mismas y dando conversación.


    Piensa que en cada concierto siempre hay gente nueva y aunque los conocidos suelen formar grupo enseguida eso no quita que acoplen muy bien a la gente nueva pues al fin y al cabo nos motiva lo mismo ...MIKA!!!.


    El de Madrid tan solo será mi cuarto concierto y parece que aún conoceré a más gente ...

    Yo si te veo me acerco a tí ya que he visto tu mini foto del avatar :thumb_yello:


    Una curiosidad, de que zona eres? yo de Tres Forques, ahí es donde vive mi familia aún, bueno ahí y por la Avenida del Cid.

  12. Los milagros ocurren yo nunca imaginé que me pasaría eso en un concierto. Respecto a poner Cuatro ahora...no caerá esa breva!! jajaja ojala!!! te imaginas? no hay Password.. no hay telediario.. no hay nada ..directamente el Hormiguero! DOS HORAS!!!
  13. Hola!! leí en el hilo del concierto de Madrid que eres valenciana, como yo!!! :thumb_yello: Bueno llevo en Madrid hace ya 12-13 años pero mi corazoncito aún lleva a Valencia en el corazón pues es donde vive mi familia y los amigos de la infancia, donde estudié...donde..todo!! :biggrin2:


    Nos vemos en Madrid! :bye:

  14. I personally think he will sing a piece of BIOTG at the piano but would be nice if he performed the whole song, however they don't use to do that in El Hormiguero, pity! But hope he stays until the very end, with Flipy's experiments, all the different humor sections, etc .. Hey! same request here, singing Kick Ass would be so cool!! In the last gigs they put the audio of Kick Ass at the very end, it would be nice he singing it, for a difference, that would make my day!! It will be soooo nice to meet you again here dear wonkita The show it's at 21.30, I'm sure there will be links everywhere, YouTube users "cuatro" , "forohormiguitas" and I'm sure there will be more because Mika kicks ass!! En el último concierto suyo en el que estuve (Berlín) me sucedió algo curiosísimo que (casi) nunca me ha pasado. Se me paró el tiempo!! cuando me di cuenta de ello, creí que yo llevaba casi 24 horas ahí a pie de escenario y el cantando. Ya ves que boba!! porque no tiene repertorio para tantas horas pero de verdad que me pasó eso!!! Increíble! Así que imagínate si lo disfruté!
  15. I can't believe it! only 4 days to go!!! Thankies! this comes in handy just in case That would be just great! as I don't know Lisbon at all. And only if you don't mind that is Btw I'm coming alone Oh! maybe you're coming too!, TheBlackQueen loves you so you are nice for sure Links are always welcome, thanks a lot! Another one joining the party, cool!!! Are you from Barcelona or you only live there? That would make us 2 Spanish joining the madness
  16. Oh my! Thanks for the info! I don't mind much for the hour (remember I'm Spanish after all which makes me a night bird ) but that makes it more difficult for returning to the hotel. Because that would mean Mika finishes around 1am, that almost obviously means no m&g or a quick signing thing either Anyway, my worry is...what is the closing time for the underground service? I'm afraid I'll have to take a taxi. Oh! and if somebody lives close to Alameda, Anjos and specially Arroios tube stops, we can share a taxi if you want No need to say if you know of any night service buses, please tell
  17. Yes, I read over Tweeter that you're still coughing and sneezing, that's too bad! hope you get well soon!! :flowers2:

    I was finishing my birthday and thought this would the cherry on top, and it was! :yay:

    About my name, well it begins with M...... and I complete you the name in PM, you know how I don't like to share personal data in internet, that's different of course we'll gonna meet soon!!

  18. I just read under your avatar that you are already at the venue's door :lmfao: Well done mulher!!


    Want me to bring you some choc salami? oohh!!! and of course you might need some mp3 player to be entertained the whole week :teehee:

    Want an umbrella too? When it chove it choves... it choves ..... it choves :naughty:

  19. YAY!! Oh! so you are finally meeting TheBlackQueen!!!, I guess you're both very happy, after so many time!!! Good luck finding a place to stay, I'd gladly offer you mine but I'm not going to this one. I'm sure you will sort this out!
  20. Awwww! thankies! you are also a fixolas :teehee I see! so now I know 3 words: obrigado, mulher (not a useful word anyway LOL) and fixolas. Nice! :lmfao Thankies! but never mind!, it's funny to read and try to understand Now I see how it feels when you go to the Spanish thread and there's people speaking in Spanish. :roftl I'll bring some cookies, bottle of water, a compact camera (bigger ones are not allowed), handkerchiefs, you know...usual stuff in women bags lol (except for the cookies and water that is) By the way, if I may say for my very little experience, we don't have to queue every single minute, I mean, we can go use a toilet, buy some food, etc and just before the doors opening go peeing. But I suppose you have read previous reports, right? or it's maybe too obvious, dunno LOL In any case I just want to be of help As I said for my very little experience of only 2 gigs By the way I'm not sure if they let people go in with a bottle even without lid, I had to discard mine before going inside. Fortunately I didn't miss it until gig was over. Ouch! I don't have the ticket in my hand, I was afraid of having to collect them, I hope they open soon. I don't remember if the doors opened in Berlin gig at 18 or 19, and no idea if it's the same for every single place. At least supporter band always starts at 20.00 and Mika comes at 21.00 so it should be at similar hours. -- Any doubt just ask, I'll be happy to help if I can! (I think I have written in this message more than I did in the last 2 months, so congrats if you get to read all my rubbish )
  21. fixolas? what is that? gotta need to learn some Portuguese in one week.
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