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Everything posted by hathor

  1. Aaaww cute!! and very grown-up to be a baby! he will play for his parent's wedding, right?
  2. Manuel is fine for the name but ...... pssshhhh don't mention the volcano for the surname, or he will wake up and we don't want that not again!
  3. But the baby will born in Lisbon, because there WILL BE a gig a Lisbon Volcano permitting that is, stupid Volcano doing his stuff again
  4. Más que nerviosa, ansiosa!! pero prefiero no pensarlo, porque sino :freak::fangurl:

    Too much fangurling is dangerous for my delicate ... mind :naughty:


    6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ....:dance_man:

  5. I'll happily share my popcorn with you, dear Wonka The name of the future kid is ...er... interesting...Carla Wonka Blame it on Da Volcano Hoolbrokez Penniman... maybe too realistic... I can call him/her Mikida Shining bright in Lisbon Hoolbrokid Pennimadrid, and I will be crossing my fingers until the baby is born...in Lisbon of course
  6. What else can I do appart from eating popcorn? I began watching the film when it has already started, I can't think of any names for the babies, but it's a film about weddings. And women are told to enjoy wedding films So I eat popcorn, yummy popcorn Not only that, I'll cry watching the film, we are expected to do so So, let's the wedding start (whoever is gonna get married )
  7. Que va!! dije lo del mareo porque hay gente que le da miedo viajar porque se marea, pero no conozco de nadie que se maree en avión.

    Claro, yo despliego mis alas y ...nos damos la gran leche las dos :lmfao: que noooo que no va a pasar nada. Además yo también tengo una nena a la que criar, mi querida gatita :meow:




    Uish me llama mi mozo, me voy a merendar con él, adeu!!!

  8. Ya vesssss, entramos en cuenta atrás de nuevo :yay:


    Tranqui que vas con mama Hathor no va a pasar nada :naughty:, los aviones son más seguros que el coche!!

    Te vas a tomar algo para el mareo o "solo" son nervios?

  9. Hola guapa! Gracias por el saludete de ayer de twitter :biggrin2:

    Hace siglos no me paso por aquí. Me he perdido de todo imagino :teehee:

  10. Pero que mona eres!! :huglove:

    Here I am again, alive and kicking :naughty:

    And ready for next move! :biggrin2:

  11. A ver si lo veo enterito, pero es que tengo 2-3 videos pendientes de estos días atras (aparte de los de los conciertos q no he visto más que el de GGG con Ida) y no me pongo, no me pongo!! He visto un par de canciones del Live@Home y me ha encantado!! A ver si ahora que llega el finde...


    Ah! lo de las florecitas, es que no sé cualquier cosa le adorna un montón y como a mi los adornitos me molan .... :wub2:


    Me has pillado a punto de irme, siempre digo "venga media horita" q se convierte en 1-2 horas :roftl:

  12. I'm loving the performances although I have only seen the first two songs atm. Thanks everybody for sharing links, clips, translations and pics. Original flowers, Mika!
  13. I won't, you're our snap Queen I will post some caps of Madrid clip and I'll wait for yours of Live@Home Sweet dreams! (are made of this)
  14. Oh poor DA... then when you get up you'll find some more shirtless caps :teehee:s
  15. For the pic it seemed you handed it in the last moment, but I have just checked the pics and I see him with Jammie Dodgers while signing stuff. Maybe there was somebody else giving him another Jammie Dodgers's Oh! I wonder if he got the hint
  16. no idea, nobody sent me here before, I'm never naughty on forums I think I sent here myself, and I'll be paying visits unless somebody kicks me out of here
  17. Forgot to say, I actually love this pic, he's like a big kid waiting for more gifts. We spoil him way too much!!!
  18. I remember that text the agencies gave to those pictures, I was surprised to find out agencies taking pics of his m&g. My gift http://picture.belga.be/belgapicture/picture/19070382.html http://picture.belga.be/belgapicture/picture/19070380.html http://picture.belga.be/belgapicture/picture/19070370.html http://picture.belga.be/belgapicture/picture/19070359.html I don't think I was close to you, I can see you handed out the cookies just when he was going into the car, I gave him my gift at the beginning of the queue. And I actually remember me taking pics when he just came out of the building and found a big balloon and thought WTF!! and then I remember reading in the thread report it was your balloon and he was signing it I actually had a pic of your balloon covering him!! But then I deleted it
  19. I DO remember that very pic (socks with pink dots!! ), I was the one who gave him the other gift he had in his hands, the little red plastic bag, and I remember your cookies
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