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Everything posted by SweetbriarQueen

  1. I totally was there!!! :D What side were you on?!

  2. HAH best reply ever! Hey being a nutcase is totally better than being boring. And your "I am Golden" statement totally reminded me that I wore metallic gold flats to the concert two nights ago
  3. I know it's off the Newbie topic, but I don't know where everyone else stands on the whole unexplained friendship thing here in the fan club. Maybe my view is a bit off from everyone else's, or is it something not talked about on here? But... is anyone else as skeeved out by Perez Hilton as I am? Every time I look at his "queasy smile" it kinda makes me want to vomit. haha:naughty: It would be different if there was an obvious reason why he's so glued to Mika, but I'm somewhat worried that he's leeching popularity, fame, possibly money (Perez's new label) and secrets off Mika for his own benefit. Seriously, this guy has made a living off making fun of people. ..And he only has celebrity friends because those people don't want to be mocked by him! So why would sweet, kind-hearted, soft-spoken Mika be his arm candy?! Maybe you all know something I haven't figured out!!
  4. Me too! haha I figured it was about time I stopped wanting to join and actually did! Thanks! Omg... who's Adrian? Hahaha I think I have a twin! I was thrilled to search around the internet and find that I wasn't the only one who thought perhaps Mika's father wasn't actually involved in his creation. Hey I'm sure Freddie got around!!! Hihi!! Awwww!!! Omg Mika AND guinea pigs! I definitely will Thank you so much!! Thank you! I'm addicted to art, and people like when I draw horses, so I do it most often
  5. Hi everyone :D

    Mika live in Philly October 19th, 2009 (last night!!)


  6. Hi, nice to meet you! Animal care is very rewarding work, but very very hard to keep from getting attached to all the animals you see or work with. What pets or animals do you have? I've got a zoo, pretty much. Haha 3 guinea pigs, 2 rats, 2 cats(my bf's), 2 geckos(my bf's) & 5 hermit crabs!! lol Plus my family dog back at home. She's a Boxer named Lucy
  7. Hi, it's SweetbriarQueen here I officially joined yesterday, but I've been on this site more times than I could count. I bookmarked it half a year ago! I'm 23, I just recently moved to Philadelphia with my boyfriend of almost 3 years, and I work as an Animal Care Technician and manager of a pet store. I also run my own Guinea Pig rescue: http://www.squeakywheekers.webs.com. I'm an artist, a writer and I've been through more things than you could ever imagine! My signature is a mix of two things. Sweetbriar is a name I use for my artwork, kind of like a portfolio title for my 'characters'. You can see my artwork here: http://xxlifeisoursxx.deviantart.com The Queen bit is pretty darn obvious. I've been a die-hard Queen fan since the tender age of 14, when I first started collecting their music and memorabilia. Almost 10 years into the fancy, I've amassed records, 45's, the occasional 8-track, posters, signatures, concert tees, etc. More than you could ever imagine. I know every word by heart, every chord, every everything. hahaha!! Queen is my lifeblood, they made me who I am musically and independently. A Queen concert is also how my boyfriend and I met! He plays guitar in a band and idolizes Brian May. **Freddie will be forever missed. Nov 24th is coming up ladies and gents, who's going to do a candlelight memorial with me? I first heard Mika in late late late '07, a bit behind the times and I instantly fell in love. I got chills at how similar he is to Freddie without even trying. And I've never looked back.
  8. It was amazing, and the best part by far was the fact that at the end of the show, my bf was waving his hands and jumping up and down XD The show was absolutely amazing, I took gobs of videos which I posted on youtube at like 1am last night. Haha I had to be the first!! He pointed to meeeeh The videos make it seem like I was much farther back than I was. Maybe 20-30 ft back max. And during "Big Girl" he tried to put his foot up on the speaker, but his other foot slid out from under him and he fell flat on his butt. He looked embarrased, shrugged it off and ran to the other side of the stage, but the crowd screamed and went crazy My bf shot me death-stares when I screamed for Mika getting undressed in the opener. We've been together for 3 years so he knows he has nothing to worry about..... or does he?!
  9. Blamed the keyboardist for the mistake (haha) and the keyboardists name is David
  10. :wub2:Here's video links to mostly all the songs he performed, with the exception of two. *not in order* Sorry for the quality, the Electric Factory claims to confiscate cameras and such, so I had to record with my cell phone. All sneaky and such!! http://www.youtube.com/user/Queentallica86
  11. First day on the message board, I know, but I had to post that I'm going to the show too! I'll be the one dressed in black and pink with lots of sparkles. Nevermind that, too general of a description. Look for my boyfriend. He'll be dressed in all black metal-type attire with a look on his face that says "Whyyyy did you drag me to a Mika concert... too much glitter. Poison!" Hahaha We'll be arriving late because of work. Bahh. A head's up about the Electric Factory... expect the acoustics to be bad, the floor to be cramped and hot, and the water to be $4.00 a bottle. And don't expect to get out of there early on your life. As if traffic wasn't bad on its own! Also, ladies they make you dump the contents of your purse out and search through it, taking pens / pencils and the like. Also, they'll take pre-purchased refreshments too. They pat you down too, boys. haha If it wouldn't be for the fact that I live in Philly, I'd seriously hate it. haha:aah:
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