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Posts posted by Black-Cinderella

  1. i hate the whole concept of this movie.


    its a cash cow. not what michael would have wanted :sad:


    Yeah ! I agree !


    but i've seen the film yesterday OMG it's wondeful !!!

    You can tottaly imagine the concert and everything !

    And the concert organizer (don'tsure it's like this that we call that guy...) lost a lot of money because of MJ's death. So I thinks it's normal he try to make a little bit.


    This film is exellent ! But i'm sad, wa can't see the Billie Jean's Clothes ! (I'm interested in fashion, and this one seems to be so surreal) and we can't see MJ dance on the iluminate floor like ine the music vid !!!


    RIP MJ. They prove to the world you were the king of pop.

  2. oui, je me repete que d'un échec, on peut en tirer de la réussite. Mais comme je le disais, les places en institution pour un stage sont cheres huhu!


    En tout cas merci du soutien:wub2:


    Je suis contente que tu ailles mieux !!

    Bon courage !!!

    Si tu cherches par tout tu vas trouver !!!




  3. Hello


    -By the way : does anyone have MIKA's phone number :roftl: ? LOL-


    Sliimy Does :aah:


    Maybe if TheBoyWhoKnowTooMuch asks him, he will gives us ^^

    If You Never Try, You'll Never Know (Please, Chris Martin Get Out Of My Body !!!)

  4. I don't hate him, I just don't think he's original.


    So you think you're more original than him ?

    I think he is original !

    Why do you think he his not original ?

  5. Hey guys,


    I googled 'Sliimy' and i saw this great topic.

    This week or next week i've got an interview with this guy Sliimy for a national magazine...


    do YOU fans have some Questions for Sliimy??

    I'm very curious about your questions for him!


    This is your chance. Don't know when i'm gonna talk to him but it's this week or next week!


    Thanks a lot!!


    I'm sooo Jalous !!!


    I think you can ask him, if he really does think that our generation is like he discribes.

    And ask why he left St Etienne (I miss the time where my friends always told me, I've seen a guy in the tramway, "sure if you meet him You'll fall in love. "OK I met him, that's done. :aah:).


    Oh, And How does he feels about the fact that advices are totally opposited , people can't stay without an advice for him, it's love or hate, but never ignorance. (Does it make sense ?)


    So I hope it helped you. Kiss him for me :biggrin2::wub2:

    And don't forget to come here and say waht happened, ok ?

  6. not so good


    An Very Important philosopher, on day, said : Smile Like You Mean It And Let Yourself Let Go. So I Smile And Try To mean It To Make Myself Let Go...

    So Smile !! (D'un coup le monde te paraitre plus beau, j'ai essayé sur moi sa marche ^^) :biggrin2::)


    Life is not That Bad :wink2:



  7. Bon bah comme Elise et Fanny m'ont demandé le resultat...

    Je n'ai pas été prise pour ma derniere année de psycho.


    Le monde s'est effondré parce que tout le monde pensait que je serais prise. J'ai un bon dossier, je me débrouille à l'oral, le directeur du master 2 professionnel a été mon directeur de recherche et avait confiance en moi, m'avait dit que je serais dans la promo 2009/2010...Et voilà.

    Bref, je l'ai contacté par mail pour avoir une explication car je veux savoir pourquoi je n'ai pas été prise et j'espere que ce sera une raison valable et pas seulement "vous etes un peu jeune".


    Bref, en même temps, avec mon pere, on a tjs eu la philosophie suivante: si quelque chose ne se fait pas, c'est que quelque chose d'autre va se passer.

    J'espere. Parce que ca fait quelques mois que j'ai un drole de sentiment et j'voudrais que l'attente soit abrégée.


    Bref, jvais épuiser mon stock de mouchoir, j'ai pleuré comme jamais. Moi qui fait les dures à cuire >.<


    Oh je suis désolée.

    Mais tu sais la vie continue !

    Et j'y connais rien mais tu peux être prise l'année d'après non ?

    J'espère que quelque chose de bien d'arrivera bientôt alors ^^

    En tout cas, je te fais un énorme câlin !!!

    Et Arête de pleurer, sa coute cher en mouchoir, et ce qui est fait est fait.

    Looove. :)

  8. salut groupe!!!!

    enfin un p'tit moment(j'ai éclipsé la scéance piscine du dimanche matin,pas bien:teehee:)pour vous voir!

    mercccccci claudine,on espere aussi qu'il reviendra vite vers chez vous,vous ne l'avez pas encore trop gardé finalement:biggrin2:


    bienvenue par ici black-cindirella,un p'tit prénom pour plus de facilités(ou bien j'ai vraiment lu en horizontal....):thumb_yello:


    et les resultats au fait pour la derniere anneée de psycho,ça donne quoi??


    p'tit coucou à michela aussi,tjs bienvenue par ici!!:blush-anim-cl:


    axie,un p'tite photo ici aussi grand-mère ou pas??:roftl:


    allez,bon dimanche à tous!!bizz





    Allooow !!


    Merciii pour le bienvenue :aah:



    Je m'appelle Léa en fait.

    (même si je hais totalment mon prénom :sneaky2:

    Celle qui me trouve un super surnom pas niai, ben je lui donne euh... Ma reconnaissance et mon amour eternel ^^)

  9. hmm.. I'm not a fan of new P!ATD (well, not obsessive like I once was) to me Panic was always Brendon's voice to Ryan's lyrics. Those were my two favourite things.

    And now they're apart :tears:

    Don't get me wrong- I love AFYCSO and Pretty. Odd. but I'm just going to reserve judgement...

    So which album did you like better?


    My Fav album of PATD ...

    Hum... It depends of the day. Today I Say Pretty Odd.

    I discovered them with this album. (I'm In france. It's hard to have Cd of Us's Artist, and I Hate download. When I will finally have the new Cobra Starship ? :sneaky2:).

    I'm totally in love with the song When The Day Met The Night.

    But If I Had to choose a song I would say There's A Good Reason...


    I Know that I will miss Ryan's Lyrics. But Let's see. (Brendon is good as we noticed in Folkin' Around).


    Which on is your favorite ?

  10. Yeah, I love Change, well, I don't like the end part where they just repeat 'Change'

    And while it is very Beatles-esque, you have to remember that it wasn't just the Beatles who had that sound- it's just the sixties. -

    Does anyone remember in The Making of Pretty Odd Documentary, where Rob Mathes told Jon that his voice would be perfect for a 60's band?

    Yeah that kept coming to mind, and so hopefully we'll hear Jon sing more on this album


    And that will be great. But I've too much expectation, so i don't know but maybe I will think that their album is bad. But Let's see. I think they jnow how much they risk in doing this.


    But I can't wait for the new P!ATD. It's probably ina long time but I'm impatient. Oh Glory is so good !

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