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Posts posted by Black-Cinderella

  1. Doux is perfectly acceptable in this sentence, and I wouldn't interpret it as sthg sexual at all. But maybe I'm just very naive and innocent :wink2:


    quand nous nous sommes rencontrés en 1971.


    Oh, Sorry. (I make mistakes in my own language that's pathetic)


    Yes, that's what I wanted it to say. I mean, I know many features of his lovely face are not because his mother is Lebonese, but I wanted to mention it briefly.


    I will be talking to people who will think that I have lost my marbles :roftl:


    I'm the only one in the class who has not retired :teehee: apart from the teacher!



    Thanks for your help




    Maybe you can say,


    "Car sa mere est libanaise, Mika, bla bla bla..." then , you finish the sentence. (I don't remeber it :mf_rosetinted:)


    Hope it helped you. Send a PM if you have any other problem. :thumb_yello:

  2. hahaha thats just first word that came into my mind:aah:

    Make it angel so...French angel that goes around and helps people stop being depressed :aah:


    I used to be down almost everytime, now I'm no more and I want everybody to be happy, I don't want anybody to feel what I felt.

    I'm not an angel. I'm a mad person.

    So people, be happy.



    Be an actress ?

    That's hard.

    Did you try castings or something ?


    I wanted to be a fashion designer. Fashion is what I love It's just... (We cannot live without clothes^^)

    But I just tried to find another possibility.

    I'm gonna be a commercial in fashion.

    And i'm gonna study the fashion, how to make clothes ect. and then pass 5 ****ing years of my life doing my Commercial Master...

    (I've planned everything :mf_rosetinted:)


    Future scares me.

  3. Fortunately my place is standing (I don't think I could ever see a gig like this one in a seated place! :teehee::aah:)



    As for the stuff you can take, it's funny how it changes according to the country! Here they usually don't allow food and drinks, unless it's a festival.

    The last gig I saw in the venue Muse are playing, they let me in with food (but the security lady said something like "oooh I shouldn't but..." :naughty:), but they took off the cap of the bottle of water I had.

    Cameras are usually allowed, thank god (even though in the tickets it says it's forbidden! eheh)!!

    But I guess it depends on the band too, not only the venue rules. :wink2:


    @Black Cinderella:

    Have fun at the gig! :biggrin2:


    Thanks !

    In France, cameras are never allowed, but finaly everybody has one. :aah:

    It's totally idiot because they are not allowed, but they can't take it, so if you say you are alone and you can't let it somewhere you enter with your camera.

    (I did it once)

    But now that I've my beautiful reflex (2 summers of works for it --') I want to take beatiful photos.

    I went to see Peter Doherty with a little camera and my pictures were all horrible.

    Muse is my favourite band I don't want it to happen.

    I've waited 4 years for this show !

    It's in 3 days.

  4. i swear you're not 3 sizes... :blink:

    i want to go to your school, kick their a**es with kickboxing :boxing: then rescue you and bring you here! see i have a plan...

    you could watchh Gok over YT...


    i find when i'm on stage i have a lot more confidence... even when we're acting rape (GCSE and part of my A-Level) i have no problem with it...


    i understand you over net which is harder than in person... i have a teacher who's french (no offence to B_C) but when i first had her we couldn't understand her but now i can...

    anyway accents are sexy (i'm not hitting on you...)


    my parents used to call it puppy fat... XD then when i lost a bit of weight they got worried i was getting anorexic... i was like 'What the...?'

    they're not right... everybody is unique... and if you think there is something wrong then you should think that there could be so many other things wrong... that's what i think cos i see a skinny girl and think about being skinny but then having something else worse wrong...


    i don't really care if people don't accept me... i can fight my own battles... :biggrin2:


    i'm going to bed now ... night night guys! :huglove: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


    I'm not offence I understand you. My english teacher have a so strange accent. (She is french and speack english with a french accent it's so horrible)

    I hope you french teacher is not called Madame Franc. (I had it last year but now she is in UK)


    And accent are sexy, have ever heard Paolo Nutini speacking. I die everyime. xD

  5. If I was to buy clothes I really want...*sigh*

    I AM much bigger than you...3sizes!

    Me in skinny jeans...isnt a good sight :aah::no:

    I've heard of Gok Wan, love this guy :biggrin2: I used to watched his shows, not anymore, remember broken tv?:sneaky2:

    I dont want you to go with me to my school. I want to go with you to your school, I want to get out of this country!

    I dunno...I cant imagine you behaving a small bit diffrent than you are behaving here :aah:

    I dunno its weirrd...on one side I cant stand going through the city cuz i feel people staring at me but in the other side if I wanna sing in future..I dunno :dunno:




    My accent..When I speak Polish, I have this weird childish tone it it...dunno

    And when I speak English..well RainbowGirl says she likes it but she only heard it through cam and a lil bit on the phone, in real life is REALLY hard to understand


    I saw your pic on the thread you were talking about that leather coat(what Im soooo not jealous about :mf_rosetinted:) and you look good :thumb_yello: Loved the jeans you were wearing..me..well I am a big girl and it drives me MAD



    I dont have friends. I really dont :aah: Well except MFC but its not much help when Im in school


    I cant wear colorful skinny jeans. I cant wear skinny jeans. Why? Becouse Im fat and I look bad in them. I would LOVE to wear them but I cant

    I tried to lose weight but I cant do it by myself *sigh* I just dont have enough...strenght to...I need somebody to help me...I dunno...


    I tried to accept myself but, suprise suprise, here comes in my school again...Ive ALWAYS been told I am fat im horrible etc...and finally I believed that. There are momenets I dont but then I just sit down, or lay in bed and before falling asleep I realize theyre mostly right.

    Just talk to somone...1 thing....NOBODY accepts my diffrency, I tried talking to people and theyre simply just dont like my...weirdness


    Love you too, and love the whole MFC, this is my home :wub2:


    One day God (not kidding :aah:) said "BIG GIRLS YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL".


    I know what itis, everyone used to told me I was awfull. Once they gave me a shower of Coca-cola !

    But it's been too far, I beat one guy to the sensible point, and to the face. He had the traces of my DocMartens on the face.

    After everyone as been respected me. (Now this guy is a friend :mf_rosetinted: we love the same things...)

    But if they are too malicious, just continue to listen Mika instead of listen to them. They think you are touched by what they say, they just want to hurt you. Show them that you are not touched, that you don't care about them. They will stop.


    And you won't be in school forever. You will find friends and they will accept you.


    And If you can't wear skinny jeans, DO IT. (If you really feel bad in it, wear COLORFUL DRESSES !!! with colorful skintight (or black it's in fashion^^)).

  6. Oh heck. Are there no French speakers online????


    Oh well, je continue...

    Il est un jeune homme qui habite à Londres mais il est né à Beyrouth et sa famille a habité à Paris pendant neuf ans. Il est un pop star unique et formidable. Il a beaucoup des traites (???) interéssants. Il est très grand et mince.

    (are these the best words for tall and slender? Dont think so.)

    et il a les longs cheveux bruns bouclés. Il a un visage sensible et interéssant parçe-ce que sa mère est libanese.


    Forgot this one -_-'


    What do you mean in the last sentence ?

    I understand "He has a sensitive and interseting face because his mother is lebanese."


    Tell me what you wanted to say and I will help you tomorow night, I promise.

    Now I go to bed !

  7. I have to go now, I'll log on in the morning.

    Thanks for warning me about doux. Maybe I mean douce?

    I got doux off a wine bottle I think.


    There's no ather synonim for Sweet expect "Gentil"

    Doux is not really for sex, but it's used in it.

    You can also say it for (looking for an exemple ^^)


    "Ce pull est trés doux"

    It refers to the touch not the personality of someone.

  8. Talking to myself/ Never mind. I'm finding lots of mistakes as I'm writing so it's getting better.... I hope.....


    Beaucoup des choses que j'admire de Mika était aussi les choses que j'aime au mon mari quand nous nous avons rencontré à dix-neuf cents soixante-onze!

    * le talent musical

    * grand, .... (I'm going for an expression like tall, dark and handsome)

    * un grand sens de l'humour (??)

    * une personnalité ouverte et amicale

    et enfin, un person un peu different que les autres!


    Avez-vous des (any) questions pour moi au sujet de Mika?



    Hopefully, I won't have bored them all rigid by this time and they'll ask s.th. I can answer!


    Beacoup de choses que j'admire chez Mika sont aussi des chose qui m'ont plsu chez mon mari quand nous nous sommes rencontrer en 1971.

    _ Le talent musical.

    _ la taille, l'élégance, et la noirceur (do you really whant to say he is dark ? I see him as a colorfull person ^^)

    _ un grand sens de l'humour

    _ une personalité ouverte et amicale.


    Avez-vous quelques questions à propos de Mika?


    Hope it helped you !!!!!!!!!!

  9. Il écrit ses chansons et il chante avec un voix superbe et trés aigue. Ses chansons sont heureuses et donnent un joie de vivre. Maintenant il a un nouvel album (Maybe just write un nouveau CD, I dunno) qui s'appelle 'Le Garçon Qui En Savait Trop.'


    Mais surtout Mika a une personnalité charismatique et merveilleuse. Il est trés gentil, trés amicale, et et amusant. Et je pense qu'il aime ses fanatiques. Il nous rencontre apres les concerts. J'ai eu la chance de l'avoir rencontré cinq fois.


    You can't say "Trés doux" it's like you were talling about sex.. :aah:


    I correct diectly.

    I will do that for the others.

  10. [/b]

    Do I honestly? I dont. Im only myself here. I do wear 'diffrent' clothes, but theyre not that diffrent. I would love to wear like colorful skinny jeans or swomething but I cant becouse Im..well finish the sentance yourself

    I sit in school ALL days in a corner listening to Mika. I dont say a WORD. is that being myself? no, trust me.

    And dont you have that conficence? Im pretty much sure you do :huglove:


    I'm sure you have friends!

    And at least we are here. And you are amazing, so other people must love you too.


    And You must wear colorful skinny jeans ! I love doing this, you must do that.

    And I want you to send me a photo of this ! Go buy it right now !

    Or I can send you one. (I've a lot).

    My clothes are not that different too. But they are me.


    School is a horrible thing. I know it.

    But I found my best freinds there, and it's quite simple. just talk to someone. Stop listen music everytime. And try to interst in others, there are sympathic, and respectful. You'll see.


    I Love you, the MFC loves you, and Every girl (guys ?) in the MFC loves you.

  11. That made me smile, thank you :huglove:


    And yeah apparantely what I love and who I am is a problem to everybody

    I feel like noone really cares about me, except maybe people here :dunno:

    Why do I hate myself? Becouse in theory I love the fact I do everything diffrent but its so freaking annoying when all I get is these type of looks: :sneaky2::loco:

    And I also hate my voice my looks and most of my character so basicly myself :dunno:


    I understand you.

    I totally hate my voice. I've strange accent from teh region I live in, but with my high voice it gives something so strange.

    The way you look (I've never seen you) but It's just you, you have to accept it.

    I also hate things of my body, but I live with it, I tried to hide it, but I can't. So I just wear things I want to wear. I'm myself by the clothes. I cannot imagine to wear something i don't want to.


    I used to hate myself. I still cant wear a swimsuit. But I understood that I continued like this I was obliged to kill myself or doing things idiots like not eating for getting slim.


    But I don't care, now.

    I love life and what it gives to me, even if it's just the sun outside, ar agood film at the cinema. (I go to cinema almost 3 times/weeks).


    Life is good !

  12. Like sh*t...I just hate myself :tears::no:




    You can't hate yourself.

    Everybody has qualities. You have qualities !

    And you are a wonderfull person ! (every Mika's fan is a wonderfull person :aah:)

    Why would hate yourself ?

    And if people loves you, Why wouldn't you ?

    I love you.

    So be yourself, and love what you are.

  13. Yeah it was amazing:wub2: Although the pinkpop gig was better imo, this was damn good too. I loved Excogenesis, Uprising and Undisclosed desires from the new songs live. But MK Ultra was the most epic new song live. Altogether the gig was perfect, the only negative thing about it was the opening act (Biffy Clyro) that really sucked.


    Biffy clyro sucks ??? (Gotta listen it.)


    I'm going to see Muse on sunday. :boing:

    I have an idiot question. :blush-anim-cl:

    How is the security ? did they just check the bags ?

    I need to have my reflex camera. And cameras are, of course, not allowed in gigs.

    I want to take beautiful pictures ! (I even stole one lens of my mum, she's gonna kill me.)

  14. I don't believe in God.

    A god who creates so mùany wars and dead in his name cannot exist.

    But I don't want to be an "Atheist" it's too restictive.


    Music is my religion, Jimy Hendrix is a god, Bob Marley is a god, John Lennon is a god, Mika is a god, Matthew Bellamy is a god...

    Everyone who does womething I love is a god.

    (It's a joke between me and my friend. And everyday I say "Oh he is a god !")

  15. Carrie Bradshaw!!!!! :boing: come and live with me!!! i don't live in London but Newcastle is awesome!!!! :biggrin2:

    i really want to see this jacket :woot_jump:


    Answer : because clothes are awesome :mf_rosetinted: and because you're being yourself when everyone else is being who they're told to be :mf_rosetinted:


    I learnt today there's a school trip in Englang at the begginig of April.



    Can't wait to be in april. Mika's gig (and Saez's Gig but nobody know him :aah:) + UK = Heaven.


    And Ladies and Gentlemen, My jacket. (And Me :mf_rosetinted:)




    It's not so horrible no ? Maybe my pants were shocking people. (They are used to my hat.) And it was half the prize I couldn't let it in the shop.

    So I thought It was my maybe my bag or my shoes. (I wear it since 6 years :wub2:)



    I wear strange things but this one is really classic, I think. So WTF ? (today again people were strange.)


    Do you know if there's a thread about Clothes ? (It's not for nothing tat I want to work in fashion, Clothes are mly reason to live and music of course :biggrin2:)

  16. thx :huglove:


    How would you feel if your doc. called you and told you that she/he wants you tested for haveing ADHD? :blink:


    I would say WHAT THE ****.

    But maybe it can helps you. So do it.

    (and this is one reason I hates hospitals, doctors and dentists and ODIOLOGISTs !)


    I've just been googling ADHD. (I didn't knew what it meant).

    It seems it's not rare.

    Maybe it's not as worst as it seems. :thumb_yello:

    It's not like if you were tested for AIDS, or cancer, or another horrible illness.


    I send you a hug and a smile, and all the happiness I've right now.

  17. Now holding the eye lid...that is a grand idea. :lmfao:


    I made a correction for you, :teehee::thumb_yello:


    What is funny ? :blush-anim-cl:

    "eye lid" is not english or something ? because that's what my dictionary said !

    It's getting more and more ridiculous. I will never speak in english again. (It's not true. I love to speak english. I'm not bilingual, I just traduce things from French to English).

    And I keep saying I'm sorry, all around the MFC, all around the world.

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