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Posts posted by Black-Cinderella

  1. I'm feeling p***ed off and angry, all because of this morning at school. I find it very very rude when someone delerately ignores you, especially a teacher when you are trying to explain something to them and they don't give a f*** and ignore you and make you sit in the corner on the floor... :sneaky2:


    Why are people so idiot ?

    I send you the biggest hug I've ever made.

    I love you. (even if I don't know you :mf_rosetinted:)


  2. I wanna see this new jacket :boing:


    It's just simple. Like the jacket of Sid Vicious :wub2:.

    I know everybody wore it last year, and I'm out, but I love it :aah:.


    It's strange, I though everybody was used of all these strange things I wear everytime. (Yeah, I'm just like Mika, in black, red and white. And love very red lipstick.)


    A grand-ma looked at me and started to turn her back. Cool :mf_rosetinted:

    I hate people around me. And I hate this little city where everyone thinks I'm crazy :mf_rosetinted:

    I went to London 2 times, and people loved me.

    I Wanna leave in the UK.

    (Anybody wanna share her room ? I can clean houses, and almost everybody thinks I'm funny, sorry I need a big big cupboard, I'm almost Carrie Bradshaw)


    Just a question:

    Why do I need so much clothes, And Why Do people look at me like this everytime ? :mf_rosetinted:

  3. J'espère que tu iras mieux dans quelques temps Léa:sad::winksmiley02:


    Ca fait un moment que j'ai pas posté. J'ai pas trop eu le temps la semaine dernière. C'est le speed.

    Et forcément, dimanche, j'ai eu ma plaque de cuisson qui m'a lâché. L'agence ne se dépêche pas et j'ai essayé d'appeler le plombier que l'agence emploie plusieurs fois, laissé deux messages. Il me rappelle quand jsuis ds le métro et ce cave ne laisse pas de message. Je rappelle 2 fois, répondeur. Ca me tape sur le système!:sneaky2:

    C'est pas pratique de devoir tout faire au four. Cuire les pates, riz etc! Ca prend deux fois plus de temps >___<


    Toujours pas de réponses pour mes stages...C'est pas très rejouissant.

    Hier mon père m'a appelé pendant 1h pour que je lui explique clairement la situation de cette année. Et faudrait que j'envisage une solution si c'est pas possible de faire ma derniere année de psycho pour avoir le titre de psychologue...Mais qu'est-ce que je vais choisir comme métier? C'était la psycho ou "devenir" artiste. C'est pas assez sécurisant pour un parent ça :aah:


    Bref, j'espère que tout le monde va bien??


    T'as plus qu'a faiore la manche :mf_rosetinted:.

    Tu finiras bine par toruver un stage, tu n'es pas idiote, tu devrais être en derniere année de psycho, un jour quelqu'un voudra de toi. (oui, le café et le photocopie ne se font pas tout seuls.


    Perso, j'ai tué mon téléphone (il s'ent noyé dans ma salle de bain) et ma carte sim, ce qui fait que Adieu beau coffret des Beatles, bonjour nouveau téléphone hors de prix. J'ai perdu les numero du monde entier.

    Et hier, j'ai été a bezier, pour mpon probleme de surdité (un 0 a l'oreille droite :mf_rosetinted:)

    Et j'aiappris que tant que le cellules souches ne serraient pas au point ben j'aurais rien. (oui un boitier avc un clou dans la boite crânienne, => c'est moche pas sur que sa marche, j'en veux pas.)


    Mais bon, je vais voir Muse dans 5 jours, je me suiciderais après.

  4. I need to have someone show me how to apply eye liner, when I put it on this morning I had to smudge it to make it look less...frightening. :aah:


    I think it's simple you just avec to hold you eyelid and take your time.

    You draw the outline and you color it after.

    Now you have the most beatiful eyes since Marylin Monroe's death.

    (This must be full of mistakes sorry. :mf_rosetinted:)

  5. Mika and him in the same room would be too much! :lol3:


    God! Just had the image of Mika and "My" boy looking at each other and startiing to fight, in my hotel room.

    (I know I've a strange imagination, but if I try to imagine something else, I see them making love together :mf_rosetinted:)


    I've got an hear totally death, and I've learned today that the only solution to my problem was to put a nail in my skull, and to put a stange and big case on it.

    I don't wanna look like Frankestein. :sneaky2:

    I don't know what to do.

    Because if I accept I will keep it all my life, I will live all my life with a nail behind my hear. :mf_rosetinted:

    This life is unfair.

    And I broke my cell yersterday, I don't have enough money to buy one other, so I'm gonna have one without colorscreen. :mf_rosetinted:


    Dude, It's not only my perspective on life which sucks.

    My life sucks.

  6. yeah but being here calms me... :original:

    that's exactly why. thanks! :wub2:


    Alexander III... it's Russian history... :sad:


    Han!!! It's seem to be so borring :sleep_1:

    (Never knew a lot about Russia -_-')

    Just I don't if it works for everybody, but i read my notes before going to sleep, and I don't care about what happen after, I answer the questions and hope to be right. I try not to be stressed, and do like if it had no importance. (Even for important exams) And generally that's just fine.

    That's just a test. You'll be perfect.

    (A lot of my friends are so scared about being wrong in a test. I'm used :aah:)

    (I don't know if you have understood all I said :teehee: Sorry.)

  7. Il est déjà de retour en France :blink: ........ ouin, on n'a pas réussi à le garder longtemps sur notre continent! :sneaky2::roftl: la poutine n'a pas eu d'effet ....


    Hum question stupide au quebequoise : c'est comment la poutine (Wikipedia ma explquer bizzarement:mf_rosetinted:) ???

    (J'ai toujours voulu en manger passque le nom me fait rire )

  8. :naughty: Tbh, if the offer was there from Mika.. I probably most likely would accept too... Who wouldn't!? I'm 1 year, 4 months and 23 days off what the law says is legal but f*** it! :mf_rosetinted: Me = very very bad girl


    You count the days ???

    (I do the same with concert, with christmas, with my birhday... Now I will do it for my majority ^^)

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