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Posts posted by Black-Cinderella

  1. :biggrin2: The new album is good, you should buy it. It took me a while to really understand it and love it, though.


    awww =[ I hope they go over there on this album. :wink2: They are really great live.

    I know im super lucky, this will be my 3rd time seeing them in a month....and that's the reason i was mad at myself for being stressed about getting there late. I should just be happy i get to see them play again!


    3rd Time in month ??? :blink::shocked:

    I know what it's like to get so exited for something, and then stressed...


    I hope that next month will be calmer :aah:

    I don't criticize, June will be crazy. (Muse in the french bisgest stadium, and 6 days after AC/DC in the same place and Green Day at Le Parc des Princes, and a cool festival, and I hope to pass my diploma without problems, in the same month. :aah:)

  2. its AFI.

    I know its gonna be great, i just need to get over myself :aah: haha


    Aaahh I love AFI !

    I need to buy the last album. (why not this afternoon, if i don't forget :mf_rosetinted:)

    But Decemberunderground is fantastic. It's like genius. I can't stop listening Endlessly, she said. :teehee:


    You've got so much chance (they never past in France, or when they do they are in paris and it's so far :sad:)

  3. Im stressed -.-

    And pissed because i want to be excited about seeing my favorite band instead of stressed out about it! :sneaky2:

    ...and now i feel bad and guilty....aye. :aah:


    What band are you gonna see ?


    I was so stressed before Muse, but if it's your fav band, it's gonna be the best day of your life (so far).



    I'm stressed. I still don't know what to wear for my renndez-vous of this afternoon. there's one hour left to decide and I'm still here, whatching my pants and all my shrits....

    Aaaaaaaaaahhhh :mf_rosetinted:

  4. I feel Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!


    SO EXITED !!!


    I'm finally going to cinema to the most beautiful (and interseting) boy I've ever seen. (No, I'm not in love, at least trying not to be :aah:) :wub2:

    I'm gonna see the new film of George "What else?" Clooney.

    Can't wait.


    I don't know what to wear. :teehee:

  5. Coucou tout le monde :biggrin2:


    ça fait un petit bout de temps que je ne suis plus passée par ici (comme tout le monde, travail, etc...:mf_rosetinted:)


    Axie: je n'ai pas pensé que ça pouvait aller jusqu'à la chimio quand j'ai lu tes post précédents... :sad:


    Je t'envoie tout pleins de gros Bisous et je pense fort fort fort à toi!!!


    si je peux faire quoi que ce soit, n'hésite pas!!! :wink2:


    P.S: un petit bout de chocolat peut-être?? :teehee:

    (ok... un jour j'arrêterai de croire qu'on peut tout soigner avec du chocolat.... demain ça irait? :roftl:)


    Bonne soirée à tout le monde! :thumb_yello:




    Alloooww tout le monde !!!


    Merci, Nanou, tu viens de me réconforter, je ne suis pas la seule a croire que le chocolat soigne tout


    Axie, tout ce que je peux faire c'est t'apporter mon soutient, c'est horrible ce que tu vis, mais bientôt sa sera fini, mon grand-père s'en ai sorti, le plus important c'est garder le moral ! (et pour ça rien de mieux qu'une bonne tablette de Mi(l)ka (> je m'empire de jour en jour), ou une bonne grosse cuillère de Nut' )




    J'espère que tout le monde va bien, ça fait trés trés longtemps que je ne suis pas venue ici...

  6. If someone here has been to see Muse in Japan, This is my message for you : I hate you.


    They did play on of my favorite song today in Tokyo, Can't Take my eyes of you. (Only played twice, in their all carreer !)


    But also Bliss, Citizen Erased, Microcuts, and... Dead Star.


    I'm gonna die.


    Here, in europe we only had a classic setlist, with radio songs.

    If they play Glorious in Australia, I'm gonna kidnap Matt, and he is gonna play it for me. (unfortunately, he won't have the stockholm syndrom...)




    I'm thinking about a petition anyone want to follow me ?

  7. Bored.

    Trying to fing something to do.



    No School = Cinema + sale




    My computer is broken and the repairer have it since 1 month. I'm addicted I need it !!!



    Looked Bones on Tv yesterday and finished at 2AM...



    I hope everyone here is fine.*



    Exited & Happy.

    I called the repairer, and he send it yesterday, I will receive my computer tomorow.

    Girls, I'm back ^^

  8. Muse crazy footage/backstage vids fanmix



    They have a really strange humour (But I love it).

    I know it was a long time ago but this version of Feeling Goood is so... Good.

    (Don't forget, Never say to Matthew Bellamy that He does not have the right to say **** and everything like this ^^)




    People I need you.


    If you know the Song Butterflies and Hurricanes

    What is the signifacation of the lyrics ?

    What does it mean for you ?

    (Everybody has is own view of it so it. It's interesting for me to see if there's different things than what I thought)


    I work about it in my english lessons. (last year it was Time is Running Out ^^)


    Thank you !!!


    I was a bit far from the stage (although I queued for a few hours). I thought it would be better to stay away from all the pushing and "moshing", cause I was feeling a bit sick.

    It ended up being not such a smart choice, cause I'm not very tall and the guys in front of me were like 1.90m! :aah:

    But the gig was awesome and I had a great time!


    I'm soooo jalous you had balloons during the show, not us :(


    I have a question, everybody why when you are supposed to enjoy a concert which as amazing as paradise, there's a huge man of 5 meters who obliges you to see nothing at all and who ruins all your photos ?

    This must be forbbiden !

    I have one man like this at every single concert I do (almost every week :biggrin2:)


    Thank you riikk !

    French Deb, je te verrais la bas ^^


    I'm going to the show at Le Stade De France, for the 2d date (2d are always better) And i'm gonna wait during all the night (I will arive and hear the show of the 1st date, horribly attractive ^^) with the man i met (he is so aaahhh :wub2:) and his sister is amazing, It's gonna be the most beautiful 24h of my life.


    The show made me be a real groupie. I hate this, but I love this. I'm more a fan of Muse than a fan of Mika, and It's annoying to post here evrysingle crazything i make about them. (But the Muse's forum seems to be annoying, with a lot of people too much like me, and I love this place so much)

    Everytime I come here on the MFC, I oblige myself to shut up. :mf_rosetinted:

  10. Congratulations! That is brilliant news :thumb_yello:.

    You are going to see them on the 12th of june, I am going to see them the 19th, so you can tell me if they are still as amazingly good as they were last time :biggrin2:.


    I'm sure they will be amazing.

    (But i'llbe obliged to be less enthusiasmic as the last time, I've got my exams like 4-5 days after that :mf_rosetinted:)

    In my school, people just want to kill me, because I keep repeating thta I'm going to see them.

    D-Day -183.


    So it must be D.D -190 for you ^^

    I boing (yes now it's a verb) for you.


  11. I am so sad for you that you couldn't get tickets! I was thinking about you when they announced the 2nd date. Who knows, will they announce another one. Go for the less good places then, if the brilliant ones are sold out. Or maybe you can come to the Netherlands, I think there are still some tickets available :wink2:.


    Mary, I am glad you liked the gig so much, get well soon!


    Thank you for thiniking of me :aah:

    I've talking during hours of this concert, I've finally found someone who could accompagn me.

    So I'm gonna see them at le Stade de France, on the 12 June.

    I still can't believe that.

    I bid and bid and bid for having good places.

    (But now, I've my tickets !!!!)

    Today is a good day.

    And I'm Feeeelllllliinnggg Goood... (Matt do it better than me :aah:)





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