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LoveLoveMika!!!! <3

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Posts posted by LoveLoveMika!!!! <3

  1. Went to see the film yesterday and I quite enjoyed it. Wasn't expecting to, because really I was just going for the credits :teehee: Was really violent though, and I couldn't believe some of the language used!! It suprised me quite a lot. I'd read a review in Empire which said it was like that, but for some reason I didn't think it would be so bad.

    Anyway, I went and bought the soundtrack afterwards, and it's great. I'm listening to it now. Obviously I play "Kick Ass" the most out of all the songs (well, who wouldn't?!?) but the other songs are good too. Especially love Omen by The Prodigy, but I've always liked that song since I saw them play live.

    But I can see what you all mean by people not hearing the song unless the buy the single or album, becasue when I went, it was only me, Mil (PunkiePenguin) and 2 of our friends who stayed till the end of the credits, and they only stayed because me and Mil told them they had to :naughty:

    But hopefully when the single is released, it'll get loads of publicity and people will buy it, because Mika deserves it! I know that I'm going to buy it, even though I already have the album. Just being a dedicated fan :thumb_yello:

  2. Here is a pic of my husband, he looks and dresses just like Mika, he always gets stopped in the street and people ask him for autographs, he hates it, he's a little bit shorter than Mika, he's 6ft 2..





    Noooo....that's the man himself!

  3. I'm just wondering how this is going to be the hit it deserves to be...


    Hardly anyone who goes to see the film will hear it because they'll have left the cinema by the time it's played over the final end credits.


    If people who have seen the film then buy the soundtrack, at least they'll hear it, but then as they'll already have it anyway, they won't buy the single in its own right.


    And radio play seems at best minimal. :shocked:


    Are there any posters up anywhere - I don't mean film posters, I mean posters for the single - so people (apart from us lot) actually know the song exists? :dunno:


    I'd hate to see a good opportunity for Mika slide away...:sad:



    I get what you mean....


    I don't know if there are any posters, and you're right about people walking out before they hear the song at the end. And also the bit about if they have the album, they won't get the single.


    I think we could all help too though. I know that since I heard the song, I haven't shut up about it on Facebook. I've been posting the video loads, putting it as my status, asking people to buy the single when it's available. But really that's all I can do. At least most of my friends are at least aware of it :original:

  4. Ok I couldn't resist when I saw this cap:



    "So if you tell me that I look like zoolander again I'll go upstairs and feed you cat broken glass do you hear me Mr. Worst Neighboor ever?!"



    "MOM! Hwo many times do I have to tell you? DO NOT WASH MY SKINNYS! THEY SHRINK EVEN MORE! Great...now I don't have anything to wear...MFC will have the time of their lives..."



    "The sun will come out...tomorroooow!!(8)"



    "Ow yeaah the mad hatter can suck it! Cause I look hell a lot hotter than Johnny Depp!"



    "...No more special Jamaica's Margaritas after 2 am..."




    These are awesome! Bravo :aah: Especially love the one about the skinny jeans :teehee:

  5. I was watching one of the official vids the other day (not the one on Mikasounds because that's not there now) and noticed two comments from people, one who had never heard of Mika, and now think he's great. That one had obviously looked up his other work and now loves his music.

    The other was from someone who had heard of Mika, but had not been impressed at the time, but now is very impressed with KA and confessed to starting to love his other work!

    That is all amazing!

    There is some idiot there who keeps dissing Mika and is there about every fourth comment, but he's getting his ass kicked and his every argument against the mighty M is getting answered really well by others. So he is only showing himself up to be the moron he obviously is! It's all good!



    Aww, that's good to hear :aah:


    And yeah, i hate people who keep commenting on his vids and dissing him. I hate it.....but I love reading the comments that people have left in return! I did that once....I got very angry with someone because they'd made a stupid video about how Mika "officially announced he was gay on BBC1"

    Which of course turned out to be a complete wind up. It's kinda pathetic really...if they can't say anything nice, then they shouldn't say anything at all! :thumb_yello:


    Going to see Kick Ass today, and then am going to buy the soundtrack from HMV afterwards. Will be good :biggrin2:

  6. Sorry, that's how cinema's work. You need bring I.D. everytime, it's our job (I work in a cinema) and I've had plenty of these type of cases.

    Your parents are NOT accepted forms of I.D. Why? Because the person on the phone could A) may well be your parent but could be lying for you or C) Not actually be your parent at all. I cannot stress this enough - kids ask us to phone their parents all the time and that's just not what I.D. is.

    If you go to see a 15, and you've only just turned 15 (or even if you're 16 or 17, some people have baby faces), you take an I.D. card. I don't care whether you've gotten into 15's before, you always take it with you in case something like this happens, and in no way is it the member of staff's fault. (Not saying you're saying it is, I completely understand your position, but people have a tendancy to make the staff look stupid or belittle them behind their backs once they've been refused entry).


    Letting in someone who is either underrage or doesn't look old enough is against the law. I keep telling this to teenagers but they always laugh and yell at me and brand it "stupid" - one even asked me for proof and I had to read the disclaimer on the wall :blink:

    If someone from the law came in to do a random I.D. check and found people without I.D's in an age restricted film, the person who let them in gets fined £5000. Of course the company gets fined a lot more, but I know I sure as hell don't have £5000 to throw away, so I do my job and sometimes I get abuse :dunno:


    Like yesterday 3 people had to have a refund because none of them had I.D. 2 of them looked old enough, but the third person looked about 10. What people do sometimes is that the person who looks oldest/has I.D. will buy everyone's tickets and then when it's time to go and see the film they all wander in thinking they've got away with it. Nuh-uh. We I.D. everywhere. At least you're supposed to if you do your job properly. If someone looks boderline and they're buying more than one ticket, I don't sell those tickets to that one person until I see every member in that party and see all of their I.D's. It's just like buying cigarettes or alcohol. No proof, no ticket.


    Accepted forms of I.D in the UK are:


    Driver's License


    Birth certificates are not forms of I.D. as it is not photographic I.D.


    You see a 12/15/18, you bring I.D. Simples.


    I understand what you're saying, and I'm not having a go at you :original:

    The thing is, the first time i went to see a 15, they asked for I.D, I said I didn't have anything and they asked if I had my student rider card, and I did so that was fine. But when I went to show it this time, they said it couldn't be counted because you can have one from the age of 14. I know why this is a problem, but when I told them I've used it before, they said they couldn't help that.

    It's never been like this before....one of my 13 year old friends got into an 18 once. Well, not exactly a friend....someone I know from school. I don't actually like her.....It's because atm apparently there are "secret visitors" being sent in who are under age because it has been recognised that our cinema was not doing it's job properly, as in checking for I.D. Last year I went to see a 12 and got asked my date of birth, and I told them, and they let me in. Anyone could have got into films using that system (I was over 12 btw :original:) so it was kinda pointless. But because of these mystery guest kinda people, they've all of a sudden had to get their act together. We've applied for me to get a citizen card so that I don't have to carry my passport with me, so thankfully now I won't be stuck in the same situation.

  7. We went to go see the film yesterday, but we were not allowed in. Even though I turned 15 in December, and have got into many films rated 15 since then (and before I have to say too!) the woman serving would not let me, or any of my friends with me buy tickets, saying we all looked too young. They said if we had proof of our age, we could get in, but because I'd got into 15s before with no problems, I didn't take any proof with me. They wouldn't accept talking to our parents on the phone, and when my YEAR 10 music teacher walked in, they said they couldn't accept her telling them we were 15 either. So we're going on Tuesday....a man who worked there who I was talking to when we were deciding what to do said the best thing to do is to photocopy our passports, so that's our plan. I was very annoyed....I was so excited to see the film! The only reason I'm going is really for the song, but the film looks OK too i suppose. I could have cried! :mad3:

  8. I nearly just cried. And then I looked at the date













    Panic attack over....I know that sounds really harsh, and I love it when Mika's happy, but if he got a girlfriend, it would break my heart. I'd get over it obviously, but I'd be sad for a while.....ok, for a long time. I know I'd never be his girlfriend, but still, a girl can dream! :wub2:

  9. You know you are a Mika fan, when you look around and see that every computer in the house, is being used for MFC purposes.


    Lololol....yep, this is true. Considering you're my sister and everything :thumb_yello:


    And i'm telling you guys, she's telling the truth! All three comps have the MFC up on them :biggrin2:

  10. I like your grandad :D :D! I've always said I want to be a "groovy" grandma myself, and not a kill-joy old hag :roftl:


    My best friend, after I told her about the Basel gig:


    "Wow, he really thinks about the audience when preparing a gig!"


    Well of course he does think about us!! :D :D


    Haha :roftl: But anyone who likes Mika is groovy (and they're also one of the best peeps in the world!) so you'll be fine :thumb_yello:

  11. :lmfao:!!


    wait, your grandpa has an ipod??????

    mine doesnt know how a CD works :lmfao:!!:teehee:


    Yes, he does. My grandad has more technology than me!!!! HD tele, surround sound, iPods, DVD recorders, Sky TV, the list is endless. He's 70 this year, but all my friends thought he was his 50s, he looks so young! Hope it runs in the family :teehee:


    But yes....my grandad is very groovy:roftl:

  12. Not very funny, but still.....


    Me: (Talking to my Grandad when I found out I was getting tickets to the 3rd March gig...must have been just before Xmas last year) Grandad, i'm going to see Mika!!!!!! *boing boing boing, squeal squeal squeal*


    Grandad: Oh, that curly haired boy of yours? Yeah, I quite like him. His music is very happy. Hey, can I borrow that CD of yours, I'll put it on my iPod


    Me: :boxed: Yeah, course :biggrin2: :biggrin2: :biggrin2:



    Another incident.....on Tuesday night, after getting off the phone with grandad, who had just agreed to drive me to a Mika gig in June. On the way back from band practice....


    Me: Oh my God, i'm going to see Mika!!!!!


    Malcolm (Musical director) : Oh, that boy your obsessed with? Curly hair, high voice, small thing?


    Me: He's not small, he's 6 ft 3"!!!!


    Malcolm: No, he's a skinny little thing!

  13. Mika,

    You're just the best. Every time I think about you, it's impossible not to smile. I'm hoping that we'll meet again, because I met you on 3rd March in at your Brighton gig. You signed my CD and we talked for a bit....mainly about the IOW, but also about the gig :) And you also gave me a huge smile when you gave me back my CD (and you also touched my hand, but I'm sure that was an accident! :original: ) What I'd really like to happen in the end is that everytime we meet, you'll remember me :wub2: Seeing you at the Eden project on 27th June, so will be looking forward to that.

    Hugs and kisses

    Emma xxxxx

  14. The girl who took iot hasnt send it to me. More than 14 days and still nothing :crybaby: I should have said yes to John to take it :aah:


    Oh no, are you in contact with her!?!?!? That probably doesn't help with the PMD at all! Yikes, poor you!!!!!! :(

  15. can i have some of that "happyness"? ive gone though vids. and pics from the copanhagen and london gigs i went to but it doesnt help! :sneaky2: Ok maybe some from copanhagen makes me :fangurl: a lot :naughty: Not everyday im a BG, meets "da man" and get my pic taken w. him while having my hand on his tummy (got permission by Mika) :aah: i still remember the feeling :swoon:


    Ahhhhh!!!!! You had a picture with him, and you were touching his tummy?! Where is this picture?!!?!? :mf_lustslow:


    And yes, have all the happiness you want :wink2: Don't like it when my fellow MFCers are sad :(

  16. sucks...


    PMD seems to have missed me....saw him on 3rd March, and ordered tickets to see him in June this morning. But what's kept me going is the promise to myself that I'll go to as many gigs as possible and meet him as many times as I can too. I've promised myself that, so hopefully I won't go round thinking that's it for me....


    And i've just kept on going through the pictures and videos of the last gig, and playing his music all the time. Haven't listened to anything other than Mika on my phone (Yeah, I lost my iPod so my phone is the equivalent :biggrin2: ) for over a month solid now :aah: I've just managed to stay happy....so i'm hoping that after the June gig, everything will be the same as it is now

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