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LoveLoveMika!!!! <3

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Posts posted by LoveLoveMika!!!! <3

  1. so yes ... you have a good chance of getting front row ... or no chance of getting front row .... their are alot of doors and it's pot luck when they open them ... I haven't been to Brighton since 2005 though ... so maybe they do organise it better .... just don't hope for front row hunny ... just in case you're disappointed ... in a way I'm glad this will be my last Mika gig for that week ... and after seeing him 5 times I might not even want front row .... :lmfao:


    Thank you very much for that... I won't hold my hopes on getting front row, so we'll just have to see :wink2:


    And seriously, 5 times?! God, you're so lucky! I'm pretty sure though that if I'd had that opportunity, I'd really love to have front row everytime! :lol3:


    Thank you again though :biggrin2: x

  2. Been reading what people said about the fact that even though they waited for ages for the doors to open, but they didn't get front row because of the organisation...


    Because I live on the Isle of Wight, we're getting the 4pm boat because school doesn't finish till 3pm. So does anyone know or reckon that if Mum really put her foot down, we'd have any chance of getting near the front. We've got standing tickets...maybe if anyone knows, then can tell me. Thanks :biggrin2:

  3. Ok, I absolutely love Mika's shoes! They're just so funky!!! :aah:


    But my fave shoes are the ones he wears in his music vid for "We Are Golden" you know, the green sparkly baseball kinda boots...



    I've spoken to my Mum and she said that if there is anywhere I could get a pair, she'd get me some for Xmas...so I was wondering if anyone had any idea if I could get some anywhere? I've had a look on the internet but I doubt I'm looking for the right thing.


    So if anyone could help, that'd be great! :biggrin2: Thank you!!

  4. I would guess that it will finish between 10.30 and 11pm. I doubt that Mika will start any earlier than 9pm.


    Your mum driving you all sounds a much better idea. Although getting there by train isn't bad, getting home again sounds like it would be a nightmare.


    Indeed it would be a nightmare. Thank you so much for replying! Guess what?!?!? We're getting tickets!!!!!!!!! :aah:

  5. I'm best mates with Punkie, and hopefully we will be going to the Birghton gig along with 3 other mates!


    My mum has said that if everyone contributes to fuel and boat costs, she'll drive us, hang around in Brighton and then collect us when it's all over. Because if we got the train, we'd have to leave early and most likely still wouldn't be back in Portsmouth in time to get the last boat back to the Island...


    So just a quick question, but does anyone know roughly how long the gig would go on for, just so my Mum can decide on travel plans...If possible, can someone please get in touch soonish, or we may run out of time to order the tickets :(






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