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Status Updates posted by Sam7413

  1. Hehe. I'm not the only one then. (: His voice is a voice you have to listen to, and you can hear hints of his accent etc. It's beautiful, and then he sings and it's wonderful too.

    It really was moving. I sat there and it was sooo beautiful I was just sat still listening to it. :blush-anim-cl:

  2. It really is. And it's nice to hear him sing a different key if you get me? xD :wub2:

    I think he could sing anything in his own way, even if he did say he can't that's why he writes his own stuff. x

  3. And to you too. :huglove: I've just got his cover going through my head, which will be nice to fall asleep to. :biggrin2: Night ! x

  4. Hey.

    Thanks for the friend add (:

  5. Hehe yeah I did.

    I have sent it now (: x

  6. xD Aww. Shall be pretty awesome. I know the feeling, but it's a tad better than Christmas :thumb_yello: Hehe. Is he a fan too, or you literally dragging him there?! :teehee: Mika is WAY better live than any video or recording could ever say, and you'll know what I mean when you see him. Not too long left now. Where you seeing him at? And it's alright. :biggrin2:

  7. Hey! I've accepted, thanks for the request! (:

    Glad you enjoyed my report. My first Mika gig was only two weeks yesterday and I had to wait for three years since Grace Kelly and LICM to see him. He is so worth the wait though. And don't worry about feeling down after, you'll be really hyper etc. xD And just look at the pictures and read the reports to re-live it. Hehe. x

  8. Hehe. The MFCer next to me kept doing that, and every time I did what you did: "Melted" :wub2:

    Hehe. They are hilarious, and I love his actions aswell.

    Sweet dreams ! I got college so should be heading off soon too. Hehe.

    You too xxx :huglove:

  9. Hehe. Typical Mika. But we wouldn't have him any other way. :wub2: I've just watched the trumpet one, that was so funny. (:

    And OMGosh !!! That is awesome that you got it on camera, and during such a beautiful song ! I remember he looked at me once or twice and once was during Grace Kelly when he said "I can be brown I can be blue..." I love those lines now. :blush-anim-cl:

    Isn't it like a mega "OMGosh" moment when he does? Hehe :teehee: x

  10. Aww awesome. (:

    Bless ya. I saw his van/car when my brother picked me up as he parked next to it, but it wasn't fair to keep him waiting after an hour and a half journey to pick me up. Hehe. That must've beeen a sweeeeet time ! xD I'm well happy for you ! :biggrin2: How long did you wait for, coz it must've been freezing as we were frozen during the day. x

  11. It blew me away. And yeah it was my first Mika gig, and I don't think anything, or another one could beat it being right at the front. :wub2::biggrin2:

    What about you? Were you one of the lucky ones who saw him after too? x

  12. Good. Same here, all is good. :biggrin2:

    And yeah it was bloody brilliant, I'll get shot by my mate for saying this but it may have just been the best night of my life. :wub2: Definately the best gig I've been to !!! :biggrin2:

    (And I really fail at the Gangsta speech :wink2: lolz)

  13. Joooooooo ! :biggrin2:

    What's up? :mf_rosetinted: x

  14. It's okay. Glad you like them (:

  15. I've woken up early today...I got woken up by a neighbour doing something and then thought "OMGosh, Mika tomorrow!" Then couldn't have a lie in. (:

    Hehe, cool. Nice to meet you Jasmine. I'm Sam xD and I should be at the O2 Academy around 1/2ish. x

  16. Indeed they are (:

    Same here, just texting my mate today and she's getting all hyped too. It's like OMGosh !!!! Hard to believe until the day when I'm getting up early to catch the train. Well when you know let me know so I can keep a look out. I'm wearing black skinnies, with bright yellow braces. Hehe. (: I'll probably be singing to my phone playing Mika. xD

    Nice people in Sheffield then? That's good to hear (:

  17. I hope so. I'm printing out a map. Hehe. Thanks. (:

    Shall be an adventure in some ways. Lolz ! I may see you in the queue. It's like nearly tomorrow when we will be seeing him !!!! xD I better not make myself excited otherwise I won't sleep. ;]

  18. Cool....Aww sweeet. I have no idea about my way around Sheffield so I'm hoping me and my mate do not get lost from the train station to the venue and then for food. (: As we wanna eat before we queue. xD

    I'm travelling from Leicester.

  19. Same here ! Been waiting years for this moment. Lolz.

    Yeah I am standing.

    I'm getting into Sheffield around 10-ish, as it's an hour train journey. Then I don't know what time exactly I'm queueing yet. (: What about you?

  20. Hey (:

    Hehe, awesome !!! Looking forward to it much (stupid question really)? Lolz. x

  21. Awesome. I shall look out for you. (: I'm wearing black skinny jeans and bright yellow braces with gold converse. Don't know what else yet. (: So if you see me, come over to us. I kinda have blonde/red-ish/black hair. If you wanna know why, I'll let you know, but I'm naturally blonde so have blonde roots. Hehe. I'll be playing Mika on my phone most likely too. xD x

  22. Oooh cool. I'm getting there for 10ish then looking around, having something to eat and then queueing. I do also need to get BIOTG at some point though hehe.

    My tickets do say stalls on them yes. (: Do you know what you're wearing or anything, coz you could join us. More the merrier. (: x

  23. Yayyy ! I can't wait :biggrin2:

    What time you getting in Sheffield do you know? (:

  24. Thank youu. xD

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