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Posts posted by Kaito

  1. Part 3


    Actually your pop as your performances and all of you, seems very calculated, manufactured, elaborated.

    <Nope, To tell you the truth, I let myself be guided by instinct. And then, even if i make pop, i don't return in any class. I'm an irregular: for my culture, for my background, for the languages that i speak, for my family. I had to become an opera singer, and instead, I have created this other dimension. I wrote my first album living in a bobble, foreign to everything around me. But I am aware of my limitations, of my weaknesses and of my hypocrisy. And I'm different from what you see me on stage. As a person I am extremely discreet, I stand on my own and I'm wary. But when I sing and I perform, I can intelligently explore my perversionis, my darkest instincts and my obsessions, but also my good points - because there's also some good in me, who believe eh?!? There's that quote (by Nietzsche), if you will look long into an abyss, the abyss will look into you. For me it's the time of creation: when i compose, i look at the blank and, at the end, the reflection of that blank becomes a reflection of myself and, through this, a song come, and I finish to find my story, in the deeper and hidden of myself. The most important thing is that all this creative process makes me feel good. And it's for this that in my music there are, At base, optimism and joy. Because for me it is ok not to be ok: it's OK to admit that we are not perfect ( do you remember his song: <big girl, you are beautiful...curves in all the right places> dedicated to BBW, the big beautiful women with curves in all the right places? ). At the end, sing gives me a chance to clean the dirty linen in public, and, by the way, in a very controlled environment. I can say exactly what i want. But I am certainly not obsessed with control. And i always say the truth, in my songs. If in my normal life happen to me more often to lie, when I sing I'm completely honest. Mmmm.... Do you think that it is for this reason that in my private life I have a lot of problems?>


    Thanks :huglove::))

  2. I think even aside from that...it's just giving the last piece of yourself away. I remember him saying once how it freaked him out how people were singing his songs back to him. Like they'd stolen them from him somehow (sorry I can't remember the exact quote but that's what I took away from it).


    I didn't know he had ever said this but I'm not surprised.

    Being an artist demands intimacy and it must be weird to see your artwork, which comes from your PERSONAL work, becoming loved by anyone. What you create is a part of yourself, it's pretty hard to share it with others, I think... I wouldn't like it either... What the artists originally intended to mean often disapears at some point...


    That's why I will never blame any artist for not telling the whole truth. They already give so much of themselves to the crowds, I think It'd be horrible to dare asking for more. For his own balance, Mika has to keep some privacy.

  3. Je pense que le public est plus "enthousiaste" en France qu'en Belgique non?


    eeehhh, non! :naughty: c'est la même chose ici.


    A vrai dire, la plupart des artistes français aime beaucoup venir en Belgique car le public est super chaleureux et très réceptif. ;) D'ailleurs, on finirait même par attrapper la grosse tête à force de recevoir des compliments xD


    Ça m'a fait sourire quand des journalistes belges ont demandé à Charlie Winston ce qu'il pensait du public belge, il nous a dit ne pas faire de différence, qu'il recevait un accueil extraordinaire partout :naughty: *PAF* Haha~

  4. Yes that's why I am taking everything he says about this relationship (and past relationships) with a huge dose of salt. I think he's obfuscating as much as possible because he doesn't want to talk about it, as he has always done in the past. And as is his right.


    I don't think the topic of sexuality has anything to do with privacy but personal relationships are a different matter and I can imagine how if you're in the public eye you want to keep these things close to you to protect them and yourself. I never discuss my relationships in public. Why would he want to?


    I completely agree. :thumb_yello:

    Seeing him smiling like that, we can only wish for this relationship to go on like this and having medias & fans getting involved could really make things complicated... Knowing him happy is enough for me, I don't need to know more details. No one would like to have its private life exposed, relationships are far enough complicated on their own, no need to add fuel to the flams~:mf_rosetinted:

  5. au Quebec, c'est beaucoup plus relax... meme pour Mika :naughty:


    Aaaaah... C'est le petit problème en Europe... On est tous les uns sur les autres :'/ Bon, c'ets clair que c'est pratique pour se déplacer aux concerts mais bon... voilà quoi :'D Je sens que je vais devoir me préparer psychologiquement pour Bruxelles... Je garde un magnifiquen souvenir d'ANvers mais la foule ne m'a pas spécialement marquée xD

  6. peeeeeeeps from the Netherlands who want the french version, bol.com is cheaper than free record shop ;)



    FNAC is cheaper, I think :) It's 20,5 for the Deluxe Edition (UK or FR) & 17,5 for the normal one, I've been to the shop to ask for details ;)))) However, no releasing date :'( We still don't know if we're getting the Cd on the 14th, 17th or 21st... :'/

  7. hahaha the question was if he, at his begginings, was aware that he would become and idol for so many people ...... i don't see why he asked it in a sooo hard way! ahah



    now, can someone translate the italian parts?!?! plleeaseeee:mikalove:


    EDIT: and you're welcome ^^


    Indeed, thanks for further explanation :D xD I read it 5 times and still couldn't figure out what the question was ...:blink:

  8. Rewatching it I still adore those versions of the songs, but I just noticed... don't you think he looks so much happier now? Not sure how to put it, but it seems as if the joy is on the inside now, and he's glowing with it, while then it was just on the outside and less on the inside. Or am I seeing too much in it :naughty:


    Thought the same while watching it ;)

  9. Have to make sure I'm up early tomorrow then!


    I thought that with the time difference, I could still wake up around 8 AM... But 7 AM ? WOW...It's been a while since I didn't wake up that early... Well, I'll try to be up~ :thumb_yello:


    I hope Mika doesn't have to be there from 6AM, otherwise, I can't imagine how early he'd have top wake up 0.0' At the same time, I hope we won't woke up THAT early for nothing :aah:

  10. Thanks for the translation Sephira and Kaito


    I don't understand the Katy Perry, Rihanna and GM reference. What is meant by them 'told off'? Do Hoy mean them being ripped off?


    It sounded weird as well in French...'Cause the meaning of "s'en prendre pour son grade" is realling "being told off"..

    The reporter used a nasty tone all along so, I was afraid to miss something. I assumed that it was the same as when he said "Mika wants to steal their show"... Something like "Beware, Mika could steal you your audience !" xD


    Thanks for the explanations about Elton & JGTH :) I didn't have internet when I finished the translation so I couldn't check it online x)


    I don't mind reading music reviews... But I don't need them either. I usually pick carefully the reviews I read, I know who are the reporters that might share my music tastes (which aren't sooo.. logical xD).

  11. Yes wow that twink comment. Interesting translation. :lmfao:




    You did a brilliant translation the other day so I know it's not you. This review is full of nonsense. :doh:


    I have a particular loathing for CD reviewers because as far as I'm concerned they are obsolete and just make up rubbish (good or bad) to try to justify their own existence. In this day and age no one needs to read CD reviews. Samples of the entire album are there for people to listen to on iTunes or YouTube. I've got my own ears and my own brain. I don't need anyone else telling me what is good or bad music. It's all subjective anyway.


    Thanks :blush-anim-cl:

    But still, I'm sorry to post such a horrible text this time. xD Stupid reporter =.=' He's pretty good at insulting people, though...


    I asked my father about the references they talked about... especially "Frankie Goes to Hollywood" 'cause I had no idea what it was about and according to him, it refers to some pop groups that made their coming out in the 80's, before that, homosexuality was quite taboo in pop music (in spite of Etton John~) The lyrics were far more explicit and so on.

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