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Posts posted by Kaito

  1. I think we'll have an answer tomorrow for the choir, but maybe I'm mistaken and the mails were already sent (I hope not. xD).


    I have my ticket for this show but a friend of mine already told me "if you're in the choir, let me buy your ticket". (Well, if she hasn't changed her mind..:fisch:)


    Oh, and I almost forgot. There's a site where you can try to win 2 tickets for the gig.


    I never won on that site, but you can try anyway. ^^


    Why tomorrow ? :shocked: I mean, choir members are often notified 2-1 day(s) before the gig... I thought they'd send the mails on Wednesday ;")

  2. Thank you all for your reports :') It feels as if we were there :'D

    For me, Brussels gigs sounds like yesterday... I can't get over it ;'> It's great to hear what Mika & the band have been doing since they left Belgium :> Aaaah I hope I can see him asap... :'x


    It doesn't sound good for Japan though... I'm pretty sure the timing won't be good :'/



    I don't think he said that any of us sang badly, he was reacting to Nina being worried that she might have ruined the show if her singing would be heard, but he said that we sang well, and that sometimes it happens that someone claims to be a good singer, but then it's just awful, and he imitated it by going all "blaaaaaaaah" :drunk_sing::D

    He was so sweet... :wub2:


    Ok... I still have hope for Luxemburg then :fisch:

  3. Well, I know Charlie Winston had come to France because he mixes genders, he likes to mix music & theatre and I think Mika has the same problem. They don't restrein themselves to ONE kind of Art but try to extend their work to other areas... Same for Music, they both mix different types of sounds...


    They both said that UK tended more to label everything and when something can't be labelled, well... that's often a problem to get promo there... That's why Charlie has moved to France and he doesn't regret it, I think. :') It's quite funny 'cause his bro*according to what I've heard* is pretty famous out there and a complete stranger here :naughty:


    ( I'm not saying Mika should move to France ;) Don't get me wrong~ )

  4. :wub2: Love OOL... I hope it will get airplay




    I've never heard UW on French radio, which worries me a bit, but your comment means it does get played..?




    I don't really understand your question, otherwise I'd be happy to answer


    I know Q-music played it at least ONCE right when it was released but I don't know what has happened since then...

  5. Finally I can be online at MFC; a weekend Mika in Brussels is disastrous for my study. Had to catch up a lot of schoolwork, but I absolutely didn't mind. For visiting a Mika show, almost everything has to move; although I don't know if my professors will agree with it, haha.


    Loved reading all the reports and watching the videos on here (Stefanie I didn't now you were filming behind me).


    I'm so thankful that I could visit a wonderful Mika show again. Not only because of Mika, who did a tremendously entertaining show with his band (btw he looked very handsome in his suit with bow tie) and took some time to come 'outside' afterwards (finally got a signature). For me, meeting up with fans was also an important part; you all 'ensure' that I have a wonderful experience over and over again. I loved meeting new fans in the queue and inside the venue and catching up with old ones (don't react as Mika did at Paul de Leeuw: I'm not calling you guys old). Thank you guys!


    'Maaikie, Smokesignal and Miek', you totally rocked the stage! You were having so much fun on stage and that had it's effect on me personally. Btw it was so nice to see how happy 'Maaikie' returned from her stage experience. I felt all warm and fuzzy inside when she reported on her experiences. No jealousy at all, just pure hapiness!


    Now the only thing I can do is floating further on my pink clowd; I'm curious how long it takes before someone kicks me off cloud-nine-smiley-emoticon.gif



    Managed to get a setlist with Mika's footstep (no idea whether it is actually Mika's footstep, but it makes it more interesting, so I'm pretending it is).

    Don't know if someone posted the setlist before, so here it is.



    I'm happy to have met you ! :) And I'm sorry for my Dutch, I hadn't understood was you were saying because of the noise :'D And, I hope I didn't sound rude when the guy came for te setlist, I know I asked it right after you but I just wanted him to know that he could fetch an other one for me :aah:


    Aaah it was sooo cool there ! :wub2:

  6. So... finally... somewhat shortened report of my Polka Dot experience :D


    I arrived at Cirque Royal a little after 3 pm, found the Dutch crew that had been sitting there for over 3 hours already, and about a hundred other people queueing. I think the staff at the venue freaked out a bit and didn't know what to do with all these people that were there that early, but they had given everyone numbers and told everyone the first 100 people could get in earlier. Maaikie, Miek and me went to the entrance and asked about how to get in. The security guy didn't know, but after he asked around, he directed us to the back of the building, where we were picked up and brought to our dressing room. The venue was like a maze, so we ended up crossing the stage on our way to the dressing room. It didn't look too scary to me, but a wave of excitement definitely hit at that point. In the dressing room we got some forms to fill out and got our backstage passes.


    Within the next hour, we were joined by the other members of the choir. In total there were 12 of us, which we were quite happy about. There were only two guys, but fortunately both of them were really good singers. In the beginning it was a bit weird with the languages, as half the choir spoke Dutch and the other half spoke French. Obviously we had English in common, but I had the feeling we were like two choirs in the beginning. That changed though, and a few hours later we were mixing languages all over the place and constantly forgot who spoke which language. Mika nicely joined in there, all of a sudden switching to French while instructing us :doh:


    But at this point Mika wasn't there yet. The band was there earlier, and popped in to say hi as they came in. When we were almost complete, Tim got us out for a rehearsal with the band, which was great. After the first song we rehearsed, I think it was BG, he said we were the most in tune choir so far. In general they were very actively giving us compliments and being very careful about not being too tough on us. Not just the band, also Mika. They all seemed very much aware of the fact that a positive atmosphere in the choir was more important than anything else to make it work. I was amazed at how sweet and friendly and supportive they all were. Not one moment of impatience or annoyance, really creating a very positive vibe. Looking back at it, that was an impressive feat of professionalism and insight in teambuilding that went way beyond just making music.


    During the rehearsals, Tim was directing us and explaining everything. "And then Mika's going to sing this bit alone, because, you know, he's Mika..." or "The beginning of Celebrate is uhm... we never know what will happen there, he does something different every time, so I can't tell you, but once we get to this bit..." The rest of the band was also giving us pointers and singing along to help us learn everything. As someone remarked in a report of an earlier gig: Joy indeed has an absolutely amazing voice, much more so than you hear from the little bits she sings on stage. A bit after the rehearsals, around 5 pm I think, Mika came in, shook everyone's hand and asked which languages we spoke: "Who speaks Nederlands?". He also said he had had a feeling the choir was going to be great today, so he had made sure he was on time for the soundcheck for a change... right.


    He then took us to the stage. His intention was to take us downstairs to the area where the audience would be standing, but he took a wrong turn and ended up backstage. It was kind of hilarious, because it was quite dark there, so the way it looked like at first was that he took the twelve of us into a dark room, and then turned around like... this isn't right... As he lead us to the right area, he said that that had always happened to him, even when he was little. That whenever he wanted to go to the audience he would end up on stage, and that he just took that as an omen.


    When we were there, he started by explaining us a bit about the movements we had to make. After telling us we would sometimes need to get down, he suddenly stopped and asked if any of us was broken or had problems doing that. Lynx had knee problems and he told her she really shouldn't do that then. She was reluctant to keep on standing as everyone else went down, but he convinced her she should and said it should be ok, and that she should take care of herself. Really sweet and concerned. For BG we had to jump into different poses, except once. Of course I jumped anyway... not doing it wrong just once, but twice. Fortunately, I just got a smile, not a death stare. During the performance I actually didn't jump when I should have at some point. Strike the pose is just not my thing, as I've been able to see on several videos by now :fisch:


    After this warming up we then went on stage and got our places. Four microphones for twelve people is... cosy. Mika kept telling us to get closer to the microphone and at some point asked if any of us had any scare diseases, and joked he would get everyone toothbrushes, so we could brush our teeth before going on stage. We sang popular, which he wasn't happy about. First he told us to give everything sharper angles because it didn't sound sharp enough, then making sure he reassured us by adding it was not any one person, it's just what happens easily in a choir. Then he wasn't happy about the base and experimented a bit with the band and what they should play. It's so cool to see them all at work, thinking how to improve it, fiddling with the songs... that alone makes being in the choir totally worth it.


    He did Karen, and decided we should join in as well "Who knows Karen?" Some hesitant fingers... good enough, let's do it. We rehearsed it for quite some time, where at some point he went: "Just see if we can get a nice harmony here. Just sing a note that sounds nice." or something along those lines. I guess I wasn't the only one looking slightly incredulous at him, since he quickly decided to give us an example, effectively telling us which notes to sing there. He then started mixing the song with its English version. After rehearsing that with his band for a while, Tim said it sounded like a completely different song. And he was right, I hardly recognised it when he started it. It was difficult to get, let alone remember, the lyrics. Something about a small town girl living in a large town world? Ingie & co were watching the soundcheck, so they can probably give more details. The funny thing was... we didn't actually sing Karen in the end. Apparently he had realized there were quite a few non-French speaking people in the audience, so he kept it at two French songs.


    He sang Soleil Mal Luné holding his lyrics and then went on to Grace Kelly. At that point the plan was that we would enter the stage before Soleil Mal Luné and sing along for GK, although he changed that after the soundcheck, because he wanted us to have a grand entrance. I think it was the first time they did those songs in that order, and they fiddled with how to do it, Mika wasn't happy about the light and played with that, and it was quite funny to see how they kept playing with GK, changing little bits, deciding how to do it as they went along. The soundcheck lasted two hours, and after that we had an hour off to get something to eat.


    There was a show where we got some sandwiches just outside and I saw Laurel and Weealx and Rian and.. sorry, I forgot who else was there. I apologise for babbling even more than I usually do. I was just bouncing around so much at that moment... We went back inside and saw Mrs. P. get our gowns ready. She's really sweet, talked a bit to us and asked what our favourite song was. A bit later she gave us a tip to really move together during the beginning of OOL, because it was important to get the atmosphere of that song right. I thought it was so touching that she picked out that song like that, really finding it so important to get that one right.


    Yasmine and Zuleika were also running around all the time, being very busy, and at some point we saw Fortuné talking to some people in the corridor. He must have thought we were insane. I think we generally behaved fairly professional around Mika, at least not like crazy fans, but Fortuné really is like a younger version of Mika, at least as far as appearances are concerned. So the poor guy was just talking to some people and had about 8 people staring at him and giggling. We weren't pointing, but that was the only good thing to be said about our behaviour... One can only wonder how an entire family can be so ridiculously handsome. Even though Yasmine and Zuleika were running around all the time, they looked insanely beautiful and elegant!


    We got our gowns, which hadn't been washed since the polka dots were glued on them. Mrs. P. was going to try to wash them afterwards though, since the smell on some of them had become a bit too much. Even the cologne she sprayed on them before giving them to us didn't help against that. She had to quickly make a new gown, since they didn't have enough of them. But we all ended up in more-or-less fitting gowns ("he wants them to be big"). Mark came along with the setlist, and told us we wouldn't be on for GK and that we could watch the first songs from the back of the audience. There I saw some MFCers on seated places, which was nice. When Mika came on, I think we were all a bit shocked, or at least surprised. During soundcheck, he was wearing one of thoses grey vests he seems to like lately, probably hadn't shaved in two days and I doubt he had been near a comb for that time, so it was quite a transformation :naughty: For the rest the choir was dancing together, which was good, since we were supposed to 'move together' on stage, which is not that easy if you don't know each other. I think we all told ourselves not to sing along too much to spare our voices, and we all failed miserably.


    At the beginning of Lola we left, ran back, put on our gowns and drank some water. We were then brought backstage and watched Rain from there. Then it was showtime. I must admit the look of the filled venue was slightly scary, and although I didn't feel that nervous, I noticed in my voice that I was. But we tried to get into the spirit and go for it. It helped that we had our own private choir fanclub with huge pompoms right in front of us. You girls screamed so much, it was great (I know, mostly for Maaikie, but that doesn't matter, it was still great)! I was standing next to Maaikie, who was really nervous at first, and did great even then, and then once Mika started singing with her, she completely rocked the stage!


    We sang Popular and BG, then went off-stage for one song, and came on again for Underwater. We then had a longer break (or was it the other way around and was Underwater after the longer break? I don't remember...), so we could drink some water, and then went back on stage again. We saw the audience dancing, being directed by Mika, during LYWID from backstage, and it looked absolutely amazing! You can see so much of the audience on stage! All the crazy stuff that people pull off during gigs is totally worth it, since he can really see all of it! If he says he can see every single person in the room, he's telling the truth. With the way he uses the light during his shows, he really can. In particular the balloons during OOL were amazing. To see the entire audience holding up the red balloons, it's fantastic!


    Just before the encore, Tim realized we hadn't rehearsed Lollipop. So he came to talk to us and quickly told us what to sing (just the wohoh wohoh wohoh Lollipop thing, we had come to that conclusion ourselves as well when we saw it on the setlist). During Lollipop some guy from the audience came on stage and danced like a maniac with Mika. During WAG, when Mika gestured us to come stand in a line to bow, this guy was still there and came up with the idea to do a hook arms and jump around each other little dance with me, and at that point I really didn't mind looking ridiculous anymore, so why not.


    We went off stage, all excited, glowing, red, hot (one of the band members climbed into the fridge that was standing there with soda to cool down at some point) and bouncing around. The band said we did a great job, Mrs. P. told us we were a great choir because we worked together so well. Some girls brought chocolate for the band and family. When they gave it to Mrs. P. she said she loved chocolate, but her son wouldn't let her have any... and that she would eat it before he could take it away from her... I do hope she was joking! Mika came out a bit later, but was in a hurry, so he did a few pictures and signed stuff and then was off. He did make a nice drawing for Maaikie :thumb_yello:


    I haven't look at my pictures yet, but I doubt I have the one with lynx. I hardly made any pictures.


    Great report ! :thumb_yello: Well... I feel quite emotional right now... This gig was soooo fu**ng great ! Aaaaaaah :aah:

  7. That's right, I didn't understand anything of what they were saying :fisch: ,

    but the only thing that I heard them saying was " Where does he actually come from, this Mika ? :shun: " and her friend would answer "Oah, somewhere from Libanon, I read." I could tell that they weren't really interested in the whole show. I also fled from my seat so they were left behind alone. :teehee:


    I'm glad you could escape from there as well :thumb_yello:


    I'm glad I was not next to this person. The support act was a lovely girl with a beautiful voice. Moreover, if she didn't like Mika, what was she doing there? One of her colleagues would have been happy to volunteer.


    I was wondering the same :fisch:

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