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About asamingo12

  • Birthday 12/14/1987


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    Mika Groupie
  1. 4 dates in Japan! Great!!!!! It'll be my 3rd time to go to Mika's gig. Gotta make it!!!
  2. クリスマスイヴの今日、Mikaがミクシィに日記をアップしていました。・・・が、どうも本人が書いているんではないご様子。前から気になってはいたものの、今回のものは明らかにMikaっぽくない!!スペルといい、ニュアンスといい・・・皆さんはどう思います?! I dont think Mika wrote this diary by himself. I see some misspells like X'mas and it's which are supposed to be Xmas and its. Does anyone possibly agree with me?! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- title: Merry X'mas!! Hello everyone! The world tour is at it’s break now and finally I can check out the many presents and things I bought in Japan. I really wanted to do some X’mas shopping in there but didn’t have time to do so... Every year, the X’mas lighting is so beautiful in London. Just walking through the city, you get excited! How is X’mas in Japan? I’m sure everyone has different ways to enjoy X’mas. What are you going to do on X’mas? Please have a happy merry X’mas with your friends and family! Merry X’mas!! The footage from the 12/01 secret event is up, so please check it out! http://mikafamily.jp/20091201/ Please watch the X’mas carol, "LET IT SNOW"! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Thank you very very much! I really appreciate your effort, tomomi san & BS san!!!
  4. I can not wait till Sunday... even if I waited, I wouldn't be able to watch it because I don't have that channel! please, will anyone uploard?!
  5. Thanks for posting the article, Blue Sky! この人のレポートはやや辛口ではないですかねぇ?I find her report quite harsh... 「お世辞にも、うまいとは言えないバンド・・・」「宇多田ヒカルとのサプライズ演出にも嫌味がない・・・」「やや散らかった印象の構成・・・」 見る人が見ればそうなんですねー 私はあれで大大大満足だったんですけど MIKAはまだ新人ですし、業界から注目されてるってことには変わりなしっ! 今後もMIKAが自分の理想のステージを築いてゆくプロセスを応援したいですね
  6. haha I am the one of them who went to Tower records in Shibuya on Dec. 1st:teehee: But am not good at writing reports... Anyways here it is. I arrived there a bit before 1pm. (They informed Mika would show up around 2pm) There were already about 10-20 fans waiting for Mika (less than I thought) around the Mika section. I was kind of expecting that he might sing! but nahhh, he just walked to the section, wrote his autograph on the board and then left. He showed up at 2pm and was gone by 2:05. So it was a very quick arrival. By the time he arrived there were like 100 people (not that many?) and as soon as he walked in, of course people began to scream and call out his name... and you know, a lot of pushing also. Because some of them pushed so hard, the staff was shouting "Don't push! The artist could get injured." or something like that. I was standing at the opposit side from where he came out, so I couldn't approach him so close or couldn't get his autograph or anything but still enjoyed the moment very much!! And here are the pics that I took. Not very nice but hope you could get the atmosphere:thumb_yello: http://twitpic.com/photos/asamingo12
  7. ありがとうございます。気になってたんです、あんなに日本語しゃべって、韓国ではどうだったんだろうって。香港ライブでも同じようにたくさん中国語(?)しゃべってたりして。 本当に、mikaは賢いですよ!覚えようとか話そうとする意欲だけでも嬉しいですし♪ファンの期待を完全に超えたライブだった気がします。mikaのライブの場合、言語など関係なくとってもとっても楽しめますが、現地の言葉を話してくれるって、やっぱり意味がありますよね!これからもmikaには日本を好きでいてほしいです☆ 私も"I kusai"には笑いました!まったくやること言うことカワイイ!自分が臭うー("I smell~")だなんて思ってたらTOY BOYの歌詞忘れちゃうとか!たまらんですね
  8. tomomiさん シークレットショウには行けませんでしたが、新木場のライブは、若者風に言うと「超サイコー!」の一言です!笑 幸せでした。今思い出すだけで顔がにやけてしまいます。 再来日までホントに待ち遠しいですね。次はライブチケットをゲットするのもハードになるでしょう・・・ 一つtomomiさんにお聞きしたいことが・・・ ミーカは韓国のライブでも、新木場のライブと同じくらい現地語(韓国語)をしゃべってましたか?!だとしたら、本当に驚きなんですけど・・・いかがでしょう?
  9. OMG this one is amazing! Definitely he is looking at you! Thank you so much for sharing
  10. MIINAさん☆色んな情報ありがとうございます!ライブは終っても、色んな方のレポートやミーカのインタビューなど楽しみがいっぱいありますね♪ 今回のstudio coastのライブは大成功でしたから、業界の方はこれからもっともっとMIKAを注目して、プロモなんかも過激になるかもしれませんね 日本でもこれからミーカファンがどんどん増えてくるんじゃないでしょうか・・・・!
  11. >RAK1 >ce_mika Thanks for your replies. But seems like they weren't managed by bluesky. There were there simply because they wanted to see him at leaset after the show. (so I guess they were gonna keep waiting till the show ends and he shows up outside.) So it's kinda of thier effort plus Mika's kindness. Am I making any sense? Maybe I shouldn't have ever gave up either:aah:
  12. Isn't it so unfair? I just read a comment on mixi, The japanese site. I didnt win the ticket so I just gave up the concert tonight... But someone who didnt get the ticket either could join the secret show just because she(they) waited at the place outside?! That is no fair >< At least I didnt want her to show off about the fact... I'm just sad. no offense but im feeling sad... Bluesky san, you've been a great mika fan. obviously one of the most supportive fans of his! I know it. So I'm sorry for you not having able to talk to him after the show...
  13. Has anyone put up the set list for the gig in Tokyo? I believe I don't see it... so here it is. I just copied it from mixi. (secret track) is, as you know, "Let It Snow":wub2: (but I have a broblem. How do I put it in full size? Sorry I'm new here and have little knowlege of these web thingys ><)
  14. 東京でのライブがキャンセルなんてことになったら、ショックーーー>< ちなみに、あたしも空港での出迎えは控えます・・・そもそも日程的に無理ですし、そうじゃなくても長時間待つのはキツイですし。。。なによりMikaの疲労具合が気がかり・・・ でも!東京でサプライズイベントをするってゆう計画自体、アジアの中でも”トウキョウ ヒイキ”な感じでうれしいですよね。ただ、それでもキャンセルになったりしたら・・・ 泣 でも!でも!Mikaならやってくれる!最高のショーを☆期待してていいですよね?! (MIINAさんのおっしゃるとおり、スレッドであいさつしてから吹っ切れて書き込みしやすくなりました。感謝です♪)
  15. Wow!! tomomi san is off to Mika's gig in Soul!!? I wish I could do the same thing. I've always wanted to go to Korea... Have fun! I'm be waiting for your report. But don't rush. ENJOOOOOOY
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