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About SakiM

  • Birthday 03/13/1991


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    Mustache Sakko :{D

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    university student
  1. Many Japanese are encouraged to see people in Tohoku are hanging tough helping each other! Here is one of the videos that encouraged me a lot. <An elderly man rescued 3 days after the earthquake and tsunami smiles and says "Let's rebuild our country again!"> 3 people and a dog were rescued from a ramshackle house. The interviewer asks the elderly man "Are you okay?" The man answers "Yes I am. Glad to be rescued." Interviewer asks "How do you feel right now?" The man smiles and answers "I'm fine cause I've experienced the Tsunami caused by the 1960 Chile earthquake, too. Let's rebuild our country again!" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zeroCZSrjo&feature=feedf 日本のみなさん、頑張りましょう!
  2. Thank you all for your encouraging messages! Many bad things are happening at the same time, and it feels as if everything in Japan is collapsing. But we Japanese know that we can surely reconstruct our country. I don't mean to force you, but monetary donations are of primary need right now. I'm sorry if I sound too greedy, but just if you can, please donate. The amount of money does not matter at all... そして、日本のMFCのみなさんがご無事だと聞き、本当によかったです。 余震、停電、原発・・・不安なことは挙げればきりがありませんが、 どうかお互いに助け合って、この困難を一致団結して乗り越えましょう! 私は被災地から遠くにいて、惨状を目の当たりにして何もできない自分を歯がゆく思っています。 何かできることがあったら、何でもおっしゃってください。 長文失礼しました。 (Sorry for my long post!)
  3. お誕生日おめでとうございます!


  4. I'm glad you're fine :huglove:

  5. I am not so active on MFC, but it looks like many people are worried about the earthquake in Japan. So I stopped here to say something. I am ok because I am very far away from where the big quake attacked, but big tremors are constantly coming and people there are very scared. Many people can't sleep because of the fear... So please keep sending positive thoughts, and if you have Japanese friends, please keep cheering them up!
  6. I made a collage for Paloma! It's not so good, but I'm not good at drawing or writing a poetry... I'm so shocked to hear this news... I know there's nothing I can do for Paloma and the Pennimans. So I will keep believing in her miraculous recovery because miracles do happen!!
  7. こんにちは:bye:

    お元気ですか?Japanese threadにも気軽に遊びに来てくださいね:wink2:

  8. *waits patiently for Tuesday*

  9. Hi there Suiite Suiitie!!

  10. Hey Apple!

  11. Hellloooo! :D

    Found me! :D

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