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Everything posted by Lili

  1. hey!!!! Fine and you???? :)

  2. ohhh yay!!!!! you're better now!!!! :boing: I'm happy to hear that!!! ^^

    I hope so... cause today I was lying in the bed all day... well I was dancing too... Do you know Just dance 2 for wii????? I have it, and Big Girl is there!! So you can dance!!! I like it!!! But my mum won me today!!!! hahahaha. I'm not a big girl as I thought!! :teehee:

    Of course he cares!!!! he told me!!!! :wink2: So... come on!! Be well!!! ^^


  3. Sweetie!!!!! I saw that you commented in the thread!!!! ^^

    How are you??? Still sick??? *hugs* I don't hope so!!!! You have to be perfect for Mika!!!! :wink2:

    Yes!!! I'm happy!!! Without job but happy! :aah:

    I miss you!!!!


  4. Ohhhh mira a quien me he encontrado por aqui???? A una preciosa Lollipop!!!! :pinkbow::huglove:

  5. Ok... twice... hahaha I don't know what happened!!! :teehee:

  6. Yes!!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!!! It was so nice!!!!!! And I said goodbye to the people with him!!!! Alone!!!! aaawwww!!!! Look!!!! From minute 3:30 I'm the one with the pig mask!!! :teehee:

    Well... I couldn't hug him!! But when I was with him, next to him I was thinking that you were me!! :wink2:

    Ohhhhh you're so sweet!!!! :huglove: How is your work?? and everything???

  7. Yes!!!!! I couldn't believe it!!!!! It was so nice!!!!!! And I said goodbye to the people with him!!!! Alone!!!! aaawwww!!!! Look!!!! From minute 3:30 I'm the one with the pig mask!!! :teehee:

    Well... I couldn't hug him!! But when I was with him, next to him I was thinking that you were me!! :wink2:

    Ohhhhh you're so sweet!!!! :huglove: How is your work?? and everything???

  8. Andriana!!!! ^^

    yes... I have the same problem... I don't have enough time to be here... but now I will!!! =P

    yes!!!! This month it was my trip month!!! :teehee:

    And on Monday I was in Mika's gig in Portugal!!!!! And I was a Big Girl again!!!! Aaawwww!!!!! So good!!!!!!!^^

    I'm happy that you're fine!!! But I miss you!!!!!


  9. Hello!!!

    I'm one of the girls that I was a Big Girl in Coimbra!! ;) How are you??? =)

    Can I ask you something??? Do you have a pic with iMMa that we are there?? The girl with the red hair?? And another with me and Imma??? =) Cause we don't know who made the pic and we want it!!! ^^

    If you have it... you make me a favour!!! ^^ Thank's!!! :D

    I love your pic with Mika!!!

  10. Andriana!!!!!!!!! :huglove:

    How are you???????

    I hope you're ok!!!! So long without talking... :sad: I miss you!!!


  11. Sorry..... :sad: :sad:

    I wasn't on msn, it was online but I wasn't... :sad: Sorry!!!!!!!

    Ohhhh are you sick??? :sad: I hope you get well soon!!! Maybe with Dr. Mika.... :teehee:

    I send him in a big box!!! :teehee:

    I hope next time you're in msn I was too!!! ^^


  12. Lili

    Mika5_thumb2.jpg?imgmax=800 ----> Aaaaaaawwwwww!!!!! Mira!!!! Estamos iluminados!!!! ^^

    Mika28_thumb3.jpg?imgmax=800 -----> Miranos todos!!! =)


    Mika31_thumb4.jpg?imgmax=800 -----> Mira la cara de la Lollipop al lado de Mika!!!! ;)


    Mika33_thumb2.jpg?imgmax=800 -----> Todos juntitos!!! Y con nuestros trajes!!!!! *^*


    Mika29_thumb2.jpg?imgmax=800 ----> Otra en la que se te ve!!! ;)


    Mika19_thumb2.jpg?imgmax=800 ----> En el desfile!!!!! ^^

  13. Helloooo!!!!! :huglove:

    I'm also fine!!!! But today I'm bit scared... cause tomorrow it's a general strike and I'm a bit scared... but I hope nothing bad happen!! :wink2:

    I finish my job this Thursday and I'm happy cause I didn't like the times I had to work, but at the same time it's a pitty cause I had so much fun with my workmates :D

    But well at least I have holidays!!!! :boing: This month for me it's my travelling month :teehee: I'm going to Belgium to visit some friends there!! And then to Barcelona to see another friend and then to Portugal to see Mika at Coimbra!!! :boing: I'm so excited!!!! ^^

    Ey!!! Don't feel guilty!!!!! It's normal!!! :wink2:

    Yes!!!! We have to talk again and send us very nice pic about Mika!!! :teehee:


  14. Andriana!!!!!!! :boing:

    How are you?????? Again we're not in the msn at the same time.... :sad:

    One day we'll be online like one week!!! :roftl: Hahaha

    I miss you!!!!! :huglove:

  15. Eyyy!!!!! ^^

    Yes!!!! :boing: We can wear like a rose to recognize each other :wink2:

    Well but I think you can recognize me very well.... we're going to dress up!!!! :roftl: hahaha. So I think it'll be very easy!!! Hahaha

    Ohhh so in a month we meet each other!!! ^^

    See you!!!!! :bye:

  16. I love it!!!!!!!! :wub2: sooooo great!!!!!! Everybody dancing Love Today... goosebumps!!!!!! Congratz Belgium!!!! I also want to participe in one!!!
  17. hahaha and you gave him a hug!!!!!!!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!! :teehee:

    Are your parents Lebanese??? I love it!!! Like Mika!!!! ^^.

    Well... never say never... maybe someday when Mika invites you officially your mum wants to go too!!!! :wink2::teehee:

    yes!!!! We have to go together!!!! Ahhhh!!! It would be so fantastic!!!! The three of us!!! In a gig!!! Making crazy things!!! I love it!!!! :roftl: :roftl:

    Ohhh I wish you live closer to us... :sad: but I know taht someday we're going to meet us!!!! :wub2:

  18. I laughed a lot watching Titanic!!!!! I know it's a sad movie... but I was watching with my brother, his girlfriend and my mum, and we were saying funny things about some scenes!!!! :aah: And then we were watching best moments of Friends!!!! I really love today!!! :roftl:
  19. hahaha my mus is as crazy as me... well I'm a little bit more... :teehee: Yes it was so fun!!!! And then we can see him and my mum the first thing she said was: What a tall boy!!! And handsome!!! Hihihi My mum fell in love with him that night!! :wub2:

    You have to convince your mum!!! I'm sure that she's going to fall in love like mine!!!! :teehee:

    Ohhhhh!!! So happy that you enjoyed the gig!!!! Mika is...sooooo amazzzzinnggg!!!!! :fangurl:

    Of course!!!! We have to go together!!!! That would be sooo greatt!!!!!! :boing: Don't worry!!!! I know that one day we'll do it!!!!! together in a gig!!!!!! ^^

  20. Lili

    Hello!!! No sé cuando leeras esto... pero así tienes una entrada!!! :teehee:

  21. Hahaha well it wasn't Harry Potter playing Lollipop hihi. It was a video about Harry Potter with the song Lollipop!!!! :roftl::teehee:

    Yes!!!! My mum is a fan as well!!!! She was with me in the first gig I was and she had so much fun there!!! But she couldn't watch him a lot cause a very tall boy were in front of us and my mother is short... so... :teehee: poor her!!!

    this is a pic with my mum in the gig!!! :wink2:http://twitpic.com/1mwrar

    I love your story!!!! It's so funny!!!! :aah:

    I love the name you put to the song!!!! :roftl: Hahaha. So funny!!!! But it's a good name!!!! :teehee:

    So your friend is a fan too??? :). That's good!!! Hihihi

    And have you ever been in a concert??? :wink2:

  22. Yes maybe!!!!! Hahaha. Cause I thought I took your Twitter from here!!! :teehee:

    Ohhh thank's!!!! :wub2: My friends call me Lili!! :teehee: I like it!!! ^^

    I love your drawings!!!!! You're so great!!!!!!! :wink2:

    OHhh... well it's a great story :teehee: (not really but it's to make excitement :teehee:) I was watching a Harry Potter video with a song I really liked it (Lollipop was), so I decided to look for more songs about the singer, and that's all!!!! :roftl: Hahaha. You see??? So excitement!!!! :roftl::aah: Well actually my mother told about a new singer who was very famous in UK (She saw on Tv) but I didn't want to know him!!! :teehee:

    And what about you???

  23. Yes!!!!It's me!!!!! :roftl: :roftl: Haha. Don't worry!!!!Here my name is Lili so it makes you confusse!! :teehee:

    I found you here cause I saw a pic similar that you have in Twitter!! :wink2:

    We're friends for here too!!! :D:teehee:


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