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Posts posted by !xkirstyx!

  1. same price here..... would love to buy 2 pair. 1 for Mika and 1 for Neo


    check out a watch i got from a mika fan:




    I know right, it sucks!


    WOW, its like mine, but mine doesn't have the diamonds :biggrin2:

  2. so you thought it was longer too :shocked: but nope... strange... :blink:

    he even somehow helped me move on from my ex too... the date thingy... i have been holding back for years but i culdnt resist w. Linus... there was just "something" that made me ask him out. Not only the 6/7 who made me for some strange reason... but there was something else too even after 2 or 3 weeks i think... some "connection" thingy :blink: I was surprised too that he said yes to meet up for a cup of something when i asked him... that was the plan at first... changed a lot since that :naughty:

    GOD i hope he has time for something like the friend-date again (6+ hours of.... amazing time if you ask me) when im going to stockholm again!!!! If he has time on feb. 14 i would be more than happy :biggrin2::naughty:


    Yup! haha awww, that would be cool if you could meet up again!

    also...where can i get some cheap high top plain white converse from?? :aah:

  3. some friends i like... sme friends i love and some A LOT... and Linus is one of the very few i love A LOT :wub2: even though ive only spoken to him for 4 month time, but it feels like a lot longer (and believe it or not but he thinks so too)

    theres only 2 frien d (male) i care a lot about atm. Linus and a friend ive had since i was w. my ex.... he even helped me move on from my ex)


    I even thought it was longer than that :shocked:

    Ohh sweet :thumb_yello:

  4. i made it sound like months :naughty::blink:


    well i still love linus as much as i did 1 onth ago.... like short after the friend-date and gig day... and i am more than happy that me and him are still talking and even proofs that he stll wanna talk cos he contacted me last week :aah:


    Lol haha :naughty::blink:


    Cool, i never loved him, i liked him ALOT and i still do :thumb_yello: I still love Fortune as much as i did a month ago :aah:


    Thats good then haha :naughty:

  5. I would more than LOOOVE to meet up with him that day... the day i would prefer! :biggrin2: But i think he will be busy with another date that day... he can only be :blink: Such a big hearted, sweet, fun, caring, unique, damn great/hot looking man like him.... :naughty:


    hahah :naughty: Yeah good point...hmm :naughty:

  6. last time i heard from him was thursday. But he was busy yesterday w. some family thingy and very busy today w. the baptism


    and yes of course i miss him... thought i could go to stockholm in mid. jan and mid. feb. next year but probably only mid. in one of em. I need to find out w. Linus when the biggest possibility for him to meet up will be... cos its kinda stupid dates. the one in mid. Jan is right between his bday and the one in mid. Feb. is right between valentines day and i will BET he will have a valentine


    Ohh okies! If you met him on 14th feb that would be aweessomeee :thumb_yello: I bet he doesnt!

  7. Is it ok if i say i miss seeing him? :tears:

    The 1 week without pming felt like a VERY long time :tears: even though i had tons of things to take care of... my bday, keep my apartment, loosing my cat, hospitalised cos a friend "drugged" me. I was kinda glad he was the one who contacted cos he thought so too :wub2:

    God i hope he is doing great toay... bet he is... singing in church for the last time! I know how much he have been looking forward for that (doing it for the last time) Just too bad that the baptism was moved! Was first planned to be here in denmark (what he told me when i went out w. him last month) but got changed to in sweden :crybaby:


    Awww you still miss him! :huglove: Poor you, i havent PM him in aggeeess!

    I didnt know it got changed, but it does kinda make more sense now! :thumb_yello:

  8. Same for me... I know may people on my school just because I talk to the ones I know the best... And they all know I'm mika fan..:naughty:

    But sometimes it's really annoying, because they have an opinion before they even know me, because they heard of others that I am a fan of somebody they don't like..:sneaky2: And I hate it...

    And many say: You don't even know him!

    By then I never say something back, because they don't know how many times I have met him, and seen him..:wink2: And then I think: You don't knooooow!!!:aah: And you are not interested so you will never know it.


    I feel the same, so many people have bad opinions of me and they don't even know me :sneaky2: I hate it too!

    People should just let us be Mika fans and who we like and not judge us for that! :thumb_yello:

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