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Status Updates posted by I'mAMikaFan<3

  1. Yes, it counts =D You speak English fluently and know French so it's perfect =D

    Lool I know.. that's why when I watch scary movies with other people, I tell them to keep the volume low.. =P

    Till next week =[ I'll be going to school on Feb. 14.. yes V-Day.. Just proves how much I love my school haha lol

  2. Lool that's weird o.o now how am I gonna ask other people this question after this =P

    Cool, you should! A friend of mine says it's cool and you get good salary =D and you have to know at least 2 languages..

    Yea, I know lol =P

    Loool, I think I kinda get you =P But you see what scares the most in horror movies is the 'sound' -.- like for example a girl turns to look who's behind her she'll see an old lady (that's not scary) but they will make it scary by adding up some sounds lol that's what I think.. and then the ugly creatures scare me, but sometimes I just laugh at how they look.. awakward I know lol

    (I accidentally posted the message on my profile lol)

  3. YESS!! Omg every time I ask some one "What course are you taking?" they go like "What? you mean.. Major?" -.- Finally, I thought that word was wrong haha XD

    Awesome x3 I'm thinking about 'Translator' since I speak 3 languages.. I just need to learn them very well to speak them fluently and hopefully it won't be hard =P

    No, i'm having a holiday.. you know 2 weeks break after the midterms XD the Second Semester's starting on Feb. 14 =/ oh well.. =P

    Really? You're not fond of horror movies? =P haha you should try watching it =P

  4. Lol.. hopefully ^_^

    Well, after 18 I go to a uni. hopefully.. lol

    What major are you planning to take when you finish high school and hopefully go to a uni.?

    Aw well that sucks.. Um nothing.. Just sitting in front of the laptop wondering what I should do >.

  5. So you're gonna finish the whole education thing when you're 18, so when you're 18 you're free? o.o lol

    Awwh thanks =]

    So what have you been up to these days? I'm noticing our messages are starting to become small haha =P

  6. Yea lol

    Haha like at what age?? Here, 18.And when do you finish school?

    It's okay.Yes, I am sad but tbh I didn't cry.. We weren't that close and stuff but I was sad because she is my grandma after all and at least she isnt suffering anymore!

  7. With my dad and his side of family, I speak Arabic... except for my cousins (their mum is like from Brazil and their dad is my dad's brother) I talk to them in English! With my mum and her side of family I speak with them in Tagalog (Filipino language) lol

    Hmm what do you mean by this > "do you finish school at 6 or 18?"

    Btw, sorry if I had replied a lil bit late it's because my grandma had passed away yesterday morning... But i'm okay because I know she's in a better place!

  8. Hey, I like your signature =P I just can't stop laughing my arse off everytime I see it XD

  9. Wth? I 'lol' too much -.-

  10. Yes, weird, huh o.o and yea, they do speak Arabic, it's their language =P

    Umm 8 exams... they're actually like 11 or 12 but those 3, 4 subjects are so easy to be called exams lol what about you?

    Lol, almost every school is like that... they're putting too much pressure on us thinking it'll help but obviously it doesn't >.> Education these days... lol

  11. Oh I take French too but you know for first graders XD We don't take history... like the class I chose takes scientific subjects only -.- Because I'm more good in understanding things than memorizing them. and History here sucks badly, you have to memorize everything =/

    Um well, I speak, write and understand Arabic and I must say I don't speak it fluently It's fine for me BUT there are things that I really hate, like trying to understand the "Grammar" and those metaphors (whatever they're called and those other weird stuff) are hard to understand in Arabic... Like I seriously prefer everything in English... even my friends who don't really peak English that well say English is easier than Arabic, even though Arabic is the only language they speak o.o

    It's hard, Maybe if I study 24/7 it might be easier but I can't stay the whole day studying I also get distracted for some reason and I really want to change that -.- I want good grades lol So is education in UK easy? =]

  12. Yea, you're right.Since there won't be school by then.lol

    Wow, I take Arabic, English, Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology and some more subjects o.o do you take the same subjects?

    Ohhh I'm in year 11 too lol yea, here too "-.- I'll make sure my future children will never study here, I will not let them go through the crap i'm going through haha because if they decide to drop out of school I won't wonder why lol =P

  13. Lol good idea =P I'll tell him, since my brother is the only one that's good in arts in our family, Mika's book can help me become "artisitic"? =P NOT! bleh I still want it, But I am very sure I'm not going to ask for it now.He won't get it for me after he sees my report card lol I've messed up in some of my exams =/

    Btw, you're in 10th grade, right?

  14. LOL exactly, that's why youtube exists haha you won't miss a thing =P

    Well at least they do XD I should listen to the radio more often, they HAVE TO put Rain or else... -.- lol

    LOL I know =P

    Oh god, they're selling it!!! =O Damn, they only sell it 'online'? Don't they sell it in bookstores worldwide or something? D: because if they do I'd have the big chance to get it and you would to *Cries So hard*

    I can ask my dad to purchase it for me, how? I don't know -.- he might give me the scariest stare... you know my dad when he thinks I'm saying something stupid or asking for something he thinks is not worth it he just gives me the scariest stare ever -.- but hey, that book is WORTH IT D:

    I talk too much don't I? I need to shut it for a while lol

  15. Lol! I guess everyone does have different taste in music and stuff.

    Yea true, I still remember the day I first heard from Mika XD Grace Kelly was on TV and I was watching and looking at him and I was really concentrating for some reason haha

    But they do play it on the radio in UK?

    Lool yea true... Here when I was listening to the radio I'd at least hear Blame it on the girls 4 or 5 times a day =D

    Awwh, at least we exist to tell people about Mika haha xD Aren't we such great fans =P

    Btw, I have a question I always forget to search about it... The book of Mika,"Songs Of Sorrow" It's being sold? such a shame i'm asking "-.-

  16. I've never liked Robbie though, like Me, my cousins and my bro hated his songs somehow lol...Yes, yes and we shall wait for that lol

    Well, let me start with my school I never heard anyone talk about Mika, sure I go to Arabic school so I told two of my best friends about him.One of them is like fond of English music and when I introduce a singer that she doesn't know to her she ends up liking it, the other one is so gonna check him out because she is Lebansese haha =P Btw it's just my school that sucks because in my best bud/cousin's school there are lots of Mika fans even her friend was bored in a Physics class so she started singing "Blame it on the giiiiiiiirls..." lol and on the radio almost all of his singles were played from Grace Kelly to Love today to lollipop to Blame It On The Girls... not sure about "Rain" yet because I haven't been listening to the radio lately! Mika is probably famous in your country, right?! =P

    Me too XD His colorful wardrobe, yay!

  17. Well, Mika's gonna get that attention too, just need time.It's not like Robbie Williams was quickly well known when he started, we'll just have to wait for Mika's turn ;) haha

    Yea and we don't get paid for it we just get to be super happy because wherever we go all we hear is Mika, Mika, Mika and more Mika XD

    True =P Mika looks simple and different and that's what made him hotter ahaha =P he's unique

  18. She is not but whatever that is happening it's what god wants and we're accepting it!

    It is x3 I also love his curls!

    Well I kinda agree with you and Robbie has been singing for ages he's probably known everywhere I'm not saying that Mika isn't and you're so right about it, if only French people were the only ones who could vote =/

    LOL yes don't worry I understand what you're trying to say =P I think we need a job, tell everyone almost everywhere about Mika, let's make him big =P

    Yea he did I wanted to tell you that too but I was too upset to think of his cuteness haha When I was looking at the pictures I was like OMG I'm so in love with his curls haha

    I'm not really a big fan of men with curly hair but dude he's hot with his huge hair.. I mean curl lol

  19. Yea, it's fun x3

    Yea it isn't o.o You'll just have to wait till you totally forget everything and god knows what will happen next =/

    Lol you're wlecome =P

    Haha me too, doesn't he look cute while yawning haha

    Btw, I'm so upset... can't believe he didn't win the NRJ Awards =[

  20. It is xD

    No, I haven't =[ I really want to go to different countries... maybe when I graduate from uni. I want to go round the world lol x3 Just like you and your mum haha

    No, it's fine.My grandma has Alzheimer... you know that disease? has something to do with someone's memory, gets worst by the time.The person forgets how to eat, talk, move also breath... But I really don't know how this made her go in a coma she's probably weak and stuff, maybe that's the reason!

    You look pretty ^^ You look like a celebrity I know I just can't figure out who?! hmmm lol

  21. Btw, is that you in the picture? =]

  22. Haha too bad =P

    I don't really know but it gets really hot, right now it's Winter so everything is cool and stuff lol

    Cool! lots tell me they prefer Summer because they hate the snow and the rain =/ I'd be really happy if it snows here but this place is like a desert so it'll be impossible for it to snow here o.o

    Winter for sure X3

    Lool well I like how it sounds so yeah... I'm all over the world =P

    Thanks ^^ I just hope she isn't suffering it must be hard to be in a coma... you know you're alive and you breath but you don't move and you're just asleep ugh

  23. Awesome! That's really cool you get to travel to different countries, so fun xD

    I hate it when it's hot o.O I love winter love it when it rains XD love wearing jackets lol Hope she doesn't hate Egypt for that haha.The weather is really hot in the Middle East.Here in Kuwait you'll get burnt in summer -.- There are these specific places in Jordan that snows in winter yay x3 what do you prefer, summer or winter?

    Lool, just the Philippines and Jordan =P

    I don't think so, she's in a coma... the doctors told my uncles they can't do anything anymore...

  24. I really hope so, one of my dreams

    That's awesome, have you seen the Pyramids and those stuff? lol && what made you guys choose Egypt to go to? =D

    Yes, My mum's side of family =D Was there last summer X3

    Thank you, no she isn't alone my dad's side of family are there but my uncle is the one who takes really good care of her... I feel sorry for him because seeing his mum in the condition she's in right now is probably hurting him so badly! =[

  25. It would be possible if my dad wasn't strict =[

    You went to Egypt? o.o Did you like? is it nice there?

    I've only been to the Philippines and Jordan... I go to the PH like every 2 years... the last time I went to Jordan was when I was 5 years old.I might go this week to see my grand ma, she's not in a good condition!

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