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Status Updates posted by I'mAMikaFan<3

  1. Oh okay =P

    I'll be waiting xD

  2. Lol and when you do tell me, so I could go with you and give you a tour...

    I'll be like your tourist guide... is that what they call it?! lol

  3. Oh, lol what a Mika addict XD


    LOL!!! I did the same mistake once... no actually twice I think haha =P

  4. Yea they are, I guess lol =] I love going to the Philippines for some reason just love it there

  5. Btw, i meant 'thanks' in my first comment "-.- lol

  6. Lol. Well I'm from the Philippines but bleh live in Kuwait lol

    How old are you?

  7. Heyy, thank for the request! =D


    I'm Ava ^^

  8. "Only in my dreams so far!" same here =P

    Awwwh, well maybe it wasn't really your time to meet him, hopefully soon =]

    Lool, where can I see the video? =P

    Well, you shouldn't give up and what you're doing is good! ^^

    LOL!! Well, Mika's is almost perfect yay =P sorry, but that was funny haha he probablyis jealous =P

    You will meet him, you seem to have hope and aren't giving up =]

    I wish I could meet him too, but I know it will be possible right now '-.- probably when I graduate from university, hopefully!

  9. Same here!! X3

    And he delivers music in a really fun way, very good artist!

    Wish I could see him in person... have you?

  10. I don't really like Harry Potter =P

    Oh, I know nothing of them haha

  11. Lool, we all have different tastes =P

    What are you favorite movies then? =]

  12. Lool kinda like 'Obsession Mika Disease' =P

    Dude, why would we want to , feels like heaven!!! x3

  13. Thank you! =]

    Oh my god o.o that is extremely amazing you got to see him before you were even obsessed haha but wow lucky you x3

    Yes, I would have to travel =/ Here in where I live, non of the celebrities come to make concerts or what so which really annoys and makes it boring =/ I have nothing against "Kuwait" it's just that maybe they should be a lil bit cooler and allow international celebrities because I am totally not staying here after I graduate from college! dude I don't want to die without even meeting one of my favorite artists lol

    You said you live in the UK... Have you been to other countries?

  14. Hey =]

    I love your signature X3

    Though I'm a big Twilight fan too but "Team Mika" FTW

  15. Thanks, my exam was quiet good which I wasn't expecting lol

    Yes, I still have exams till the end of this week, just 3 more left =]

    Well, You see I've known him since he started singing... Heard his songs Grace Kelly and Love Today and was a fan but I was diagnosed with the OMD lately lol =P

    I've been listening to him A LOT nonstop and have no plans to do so xD

    What about you? for how long have you been a Mika fan? =]

  16. Chemistry =[

    Oh cool, I live in Kuwait in the Middle east =D

    Oh well, Night! ^^ sweet dreams and talk to you soon =]

  17. Oh, well maybe next time you'd get lcuky and see him personally =D

    If only he could come to where I live right now I'd do everything to see him, really =[

    Well, hope to talk to you soon =] Night! xo

  18. I am good =D well, not THAT good... I have an exam in like 4 hours o.o

    What about you?

    Where are you from? =D

  19. Whoa, I love those songs too >.> I just love all of them.

    We have the OMD, I guess lol and I am proud and never want to get cured =P

    Have you met him?

  20. Yay! Found someone my age =P

    Well, a year younger lol

    i'm Ava =]

  21. Haha, yes, several ones because one is not enough lmao xD

    I am currently addicted to Good Gone Girl and One Foot Boy from the album The Boy Who Knew Too Much also love these songs: Grace Kelly, Lollipop, My Interpretation, Billy Brown, Ring Ring, Stuck In The Middle, Blame It On The Girls, Rain and Blue Eyes =P

    I guess I should've made it shorter and said Both of his album instead haha

    What about you?

  22. Thanks for the 'welcome' =D

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