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Posts posted by basicamenteyo

  1. Rosa...


    Did he ever before...

    sing a song...that's not his...on a tv-show...

    with a host coming on to him big time (just for fun ofc :naughty:)...

    in a language that's totally hocuspocus to him??


    Don't think so :teehee: and he stole ALL Dutch hearts with that :wub2:

    and even if some words were not pronounced the way they should be...

    who caaaaares?? :teehee:

    It was simply cute and adorable and he gave his





    and yes...I loved the whole show...and I love him even more today then I did yesterday :wub2::wub2:



    : he sang fernando in El Hormiguero a year ago. Whilst wearing a wig :mf_rosetinted:


    I think you all misunderstood me... I loved the show,I really did. I think the presenter was "too much" sometimes but I see he must be the best showman there and for all of people watching the show, it was normal. Sometimes Mika looked astonished :aah: but clearly enjoyed every minute of it.


    And about the song... I thought he pronounced it right... I was hearing Paul singing and then Mika,and it seemed to me pretty much the same! A friend of mine said he just made it up,but knowing Mika,the fact that he speaks at least three languages almost perfectly,the fact that it was writen and the fact that Paul would sing it first,made me thought he did it perfect!!


    Anyway,to my ears he did :teehee:


    This show and El Hormiguero,are really funny. Shows where Mika can interact with the presenters and public are the best for him. He shows how he is and it makes people appreciate not only the singer he is,but also the human being behind.

  2. Amen to that Cath!


    I can assure you it felt really special to see him make the effort of singing in my language!

    We were watching it together with 7 friends after the Paradiso-gig...and we even got a bit emotional because...well...like I said...it gave us goosebumps seeing and hearing him pronounce our words in the cutest, adorable way possible! :wub2:


    We've seen Mika on Paul's show a few times now...and it's very clear to me he really likes to be there! They connect somehow...and at Paradiso he told the crowd about his recordings with Paul earlier that day...he was still smiling about it :naughty:


    Did he pronounce it right?? God, he is so talented... Me and some friends were doubting whether if he is understandable in that song... is he?

  3. Ok, I managed to read it... There´s nothing new about anything, and to be honest, this is a bad translation. These are not Mika´s words or his style, so I´m pretty sure they just took the main ideas and did the translation as they pleased.


    The only thing that is different from other interviews is that Mika says it was Pharrell who called him cause he wanted to be part of this record ( I thought it was the other way around, but I might be wrong at this point). He also says: "he was one of the many artists who wanted to colaborate with me in this record (?) even if they knew it was going to be limited since I didn´t want them to slip in my world. I just want them to colaborate with me. I write albums that sound like Mika".


    Weird enough. If I didn´t know who Mika is, I´d thought he is a conceited guy, more in Christiano Ronaldo´s style.... :lmfao:

  4. *Mika recording the UW clip*


    Mika: I think I´ll upload some pics of me on instagram :pinkbow:, please, put a nice makeup on me.

    Makeup guy: ... you are suposed to look like a shipwrecked...

    Mika: ...like dirty and stuff?? NO WAY!! I´m too sexy for that. Put a nice makeup so I look hot :shun:

    Makeup guy: :blink: as you please....





    Mika: oh yeah... I look really good...

    Guy in red cap: wtf?? weren´t you supossed to be a shipwrecked??

    Yasmine: Oh God, you are so hopeless....

    Mika: shush, look, I´ll open my mouth... I know MFC loves my apple pose...

    MamaP: I´m leaving... I´m not paid enough as to stand this nonsenses....

  5. From Twitter: Mika opens up about his coming out and his new music to @Shangaycom. The real @mikasounds featured in Shangay #Style.



    p 30-31


    Don't know how to make it big enough to read, so here is just a snapshot, and if someone else can make it readable size, please post the link and I'll update this post.:thumb_yello:




    If I could read it I would translate it :aah:

  6. Once upon a time, like 6 months ago....


    *Mika goes to a photoshoot*


    Photographer: Ok, Mr. Penniman. Pose this way... *takes pics* hmmm... very good... move a bit toward the side... yes... fine... hold your head high... very good.... *takes 238974289347 pics* ok... now... shirt off... fine...*80782439 pics more*...


    (and so on for 2 hours and a half)


    Two weeks later:


    Manager: ok, Mika, we need to choose a pic for the album cover.

    Mika: ok, let´s see... how many pics are there?

    Manager: like 3498573498753984753984759834.

    Mika: do you think we have enough?

    Manager: God, I hope so :aah:

    Mika: ok, let´s do it.


    *three hours and a half later*


    Mika: WHOA!! I LOVE THIS ONE!!! *points at his naked b/w profile pic*

    Manager: do you want this one as the album cover?

    Mika: yes!!! FFS I look so hot!!!! :das:

    Manager: whatever :mf_rosetinted: ... ok... we thought of doing posters too... which pic would you want for that?


    *Mika searches among the 04752394875293485794837 pics again*


    Mika: this one! Yep. Deffinitely.

    Manager: that´s the same you choose for the cover :mf_rosetinted:

    Mika: Really? I think I look good... :pinkbow:

    Manager: *sigh* it´s ok. And also we thought to make a special version with a screenprint. A very expensive screeprint, you know... to help you pay your new house and stuff...

    Mika: oh, good idea!! So my fangurls can fangurl over a nice pic of me, right? Ok, let me take a look again.


    *Mika takes a look again to choose one among the 9847598347592834573498 pics he has*



    Manager: you are fooling me, aren´t you?:mf_rosetinted:

    Mika: no... why?

    Manager: you choose the same pic AGAIN.

    Mika: look carefully at that pic... don´t I look amazing on it? :fangurl:





    I must say that this phonecall comes from whatsapp and half of the rights belong to Rox.

  7. each to their own, but seriously: he has a whole gig to please everyone, those who like and those who dislike the hat. still, the hat is on every f*ing photo and video that has been posted so far! :aah: i'm not even asking for him to ditch it completely (though *i* would definitely prefer that... :teehee:) - but just half the gig would be nice? :pray:


    We should have some requests done before every gig: about the hat, the opening song, shirtless/no shirtless, playing piano/dancing on it, acoustic/electronic... maybe the only thing we all agree is that he needs to not play Billy Brown anymore :aah:

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