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Everything posted by bellemoonbeam

  1. I'm fine!! I wont be able to get use to it. Big writing and caps makes me think that person is really mad at me so I get all shy and scared and dont wanna talk..
  2. Same here!! I never got to see him while he was in the states so the videos are all I got right now!!
  3. Well idk when the deadline is. We haven't thought of who is going to put the folder together yet. When we find out we should make a thread or something Well for me lunch is anywhere depending on the day from 10:00am-3:00pm and dinner is like anywhere from 5:00-2:00am ahahah just depends on when and how you eat!!
  4. Dinner is the last big meal of the day lunch is what we have around 11:00am or 12:00pm. It's kind of like the middle meal supper is also dinner just depends on where you are from does that help?
  5. BYE!!!! <3 The book is the idea that everyone who wants can draw and/or write something for jonah and we put it in a book or a folder and mail it off to him
  6. Yes a folder would be much more practical(I had to look up the spelling hahaha) !!!!!! Yes and a card would be hard to send lol
  7. Like you know what I mean as a folder right?? Like something you use for school to put papers in. Because mailing a big book would be very expensive. Like if I did the putting together of everything, just mailing the book would be to expensive for me let alone buying the book. Must make this as cheap as possible for the person putting the package of stuff together. <3
  8. about the book, I think we need to mention to either moses or leo and ask them if they want to do it. If they cant than someone else can do it then send it to leo and moses to give to jonah. If we didnt want the person to be burdened with buying a book thing, they could just buy a folder or something, decorate it pretty and just put everything in there. Mailing a book can get expensive!! Just my idea though!!
  9. yeah I couldnt cry either!! I felt so weird everyone crying and me just ughhh blank!!!! I think cause I had an emotional break down on saturday night I cried all the tears out of me lol sill silly me!!
  10. Meh I am ok!! My sleep last night was good cause for some reason I finally cried about jonah in my sleep!! Weird right?? I had tear dried on my cheeks this morning. It was nice and weird... I'm glad he is doing better. I miss him.
  11. haha yes it is!!! But it is my French class which is not a happy and fun class for me Epically since I didnt go yesterday :-o
  12. hahha well I woke up like 20 minutes ago but I had a lot to look at!! I'm getting ready for class and now wanting to go lol
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