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Everything posted by Treasa

  1. It was a nice day yesterday, very relaxing. Today I do my grocery shopping... yuck!!

  2. Hi, did you get good prices for flights? I got a flight to Edinburgh in August for €40!!


    I can easily combine work and MFC, I'm a domestic goddess (housewife) so basically my time is my own:thumb_yello:

  3. What was your fav bit about the museum??? I've never been btw... must do some day.

  4. I'm good, it was a lovely sunny day here today, how was your day?

  5. Its cloudy and warm here today, I have a free day till 3 o'clock might do some housework if I can pull myself away from this computer.

  6. Hi :bye: What kind of hours do you keep? Did you enjoy your vacation?

    You can get quite cheap flights with Ryanair to Ireland... not too many of the Dubliners left and them that are, are quite old...

  7. He does. Loves the Louvre. He's a qualified art teacher but doesn't teach.

  8. My son would be so jealous of you going to the louvre....

  9. Wow you are a lucky girl! You won't feel you're holidays going by with all that travel.

  10. My husbands niece was getting christened and he was godfather.

    That's a nice long holiday for you. Will you going anywhere with your family on holiday?

  11. Hi, I had a good day yesterday, we were at a family christening.

    How are you getting on in school, how many more weeks before school holidays?

  12. Hi, Delighted to have you as a friend. :bye:

  13. Hello, It was good, I bought a nice piece for my bedroom.

    You certainly have a long day, what time would you go to bed at?

  14. Hi It was freezing cold here yesterday, went shopping for clothes.

    Going to an Art exhibition tonight, looking forward to that. How are you enjoying being back in France?

  15. Hi Blossom, Just popping by to say hello... have you been to any gigs lately?

  16. Cold and Rainy. But very relaxing and we had a great session here in the house on Sunday. That made up for the bad weather.

  17. Hi, Glad you're happy to be home. Is the sun shining for you?

  18. Hi Paulo:bye: Liked your introduction. Would like to officially say hi and welcome.
  19. Well good luck and send me a message when you are settled back in France to let me know how you are getting on.:thumb_yello:

  20. Will you be flying back to France and shipping your belongings?

  21. The usual things, school trips, cooking, cleaning.

    Going out with girlfriends tomorrow night for something to eat and see Sex and the City.

    Going shopping for clothes for Eden on saturday.

  22. Well if you happen to be in the Deux Sevres during last 2 weeks of July 1st of August, pop in and say hi!

  23. That will be nice, no? How long have you been in scotland?

    It will be lovely to be in France for the Summer, more chance of sunshine than in Scotland.

  24. It's lovely here also, but supposed to be raining at weekend and its our bank holiday weekend! I'm fine, how are you doing?

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