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Posts posted by Nightbird

  1. Oh, that's Sophie's old video -- I haven't seen that in ages! :roftl:


    JESUS! I've never seen that vid before... :lmfao: :lmfao:

    WHAT A GREAT JOB, i just died of laughter...awwww!!!!


    Love the balloon thing (hope it didn't hurt too much :shocked:) and min 2:06 when he slaps himself with that jacket....supposed to look cool but just messed it up. I LOVE him like that...hahahahaha! :lmfao:


    Sorry, I'm unable to calm myself after watching this...still laughing!!!



    i laughed soooooooooooo much at the balloon thingy and when he tries to throw his jacket!!!!!!:lmfao:!!!!!!!!! ive never seen that one!!!!


    Haha, just noticed you mentioned exactly the same scenes before...sorry for repeating, but great minds...and so on...we know that already! :teehee::lmfao:

  2. Let me start by saying: I've said a lot of times that this was the best gig ever, but it's always true, and a lot has to do with the belgian audience. And NO I'm not saying that because I'm from belgium, other people have said the same. I was front row right, in front of imma/jimmy.


    He said this was along with bercy the biggest show of the tour, and let me tell you, I was in bercy as well, the atmosphere there seemed to be nothing compared to this! The crowd was on fire from the beginning but just exploded a little more during every song... I don't know how to say it properly in english but you understand me, I guess :wink2: My voice is totally gone, I'm dead tired... it was so intense!


    Mika looked soo so happy, just looking over the entire venue going crazy, he kept his breath a few times, not knowing what to say or what to sing, just looking at us like 'omg is this for real???' He let the audience sing about 70% of the show, he said everything in french and dutch which was so funny because you had him going: bonjour c'est mika et je suis mort, and then hallo, het is mika en ik ben dood :aah: It was so funny how he said everything twice :teehee:



    Quick report before I head to Amsterdam. Queueing was very relaxed, somewhere in between a guy from the radio came and interviewed us and we sang Kick Ass and then we were on the radio and they played us singing it and then switched over to Mika.


    LG/BG picking was a disaster as everyone got up and well wasn't chosen but in the end I don't mind because we ended up front row opposite Mika's piano and well, even though it took ages for Mika to start (Support act was just some cd playing) when I saw him all my worries were gone and I've never rocked as much as I did there. Audience was on fire, Mika and band were on fire, Mika looked extremely happy and often did weird moves and made faces as if he couldn't believe what was happening. And no I didn't hit him, he was just very emotional, said we all changed his life and he got all teary eyed in the end. After the usual encore, he did Relax and then we rocked out to Kick Ass. I strained a muscle in my back during the jumping thing and lost my voice and now I've got a cold but it was worth it!


    Oh yeah and Andy was back and during the waiting, Monie, Miek and me were dancing like crazy and he was filming from the stage and then he came down and started filming us from the front with a grin on his face and then we forgot what to do XD


    He was very tired after the show, waited about an hour even though the security woman kept saying: "YOU'RE WASTING YOUR TIME, HE'S NOT COMING!" We just said: "We know him better than you woman!"


    He came out and everyone initially rushed towards him, John said we should all make a line, but most people didn't. Then Mika was very clear said: "No pictures, will only sign 1 thing for everyone and I decide what I'm gonna sign next, not you" I thought it was a good thing that he made that clear. I didn't need anything signed, Monie and I gave him the last clues for Amsterdam and we explained he was supposed to get them in Spain (hey and this time we were absolutely cool!) he thanked us twice and then we just walked away as he clearly was in a rush.


    So that was pretty long after all and now up to the next adventure!:biggrin2:


    Thank you 2 so so much for your lovely reports! I'm really moved reading how great the show and the atmosphere was (i really have to go to a gig in Belgium, that's for sure now :thumb_yello:) and that Mika was so overwhelmed :wub2:


    And it's beyond words that he did a M&G even it sounds like he was tired as hell (no wonder after the last days doing one show after the other, traveling around). It proves once more that it must be really important to him to see his fans, to thank them with doing a M&G for making him happy during the show! Have never experienced this with another artist. Amazing and simply moving! I agree, IngievV, that it was very good that he made clear what and how to sign the stuff for people. No need to rush at him when he is about to slump because of tiredness anyway :aah: Lucky enough that he decided to come out.

    And i laughed reading the part with the security woman (Guess this one fits in here now: :tongue2:)


    GLAD YOU HAD A GREAT TIME!!! Encore RELAX and Mika staying a bit on stage for KA sounds awesome! Thanks for all the little details, also of iMMa and Jimmy with the puppet :naughty:

  3. I've finally managed to upload some of my vids from the gig :biggrin2:


    As I had a seated place on that night, I've spent most of the gig watching and filming the audience instead of Mika :aah: It was SO AMAZING!! I've never done any big venue before this one and I've been totally fascinated buy the audience jumping and dancing :teehee:


    Then, except for some of them, those vids are more usefull to help you having an idea of the atmosphere there, rather then seing large focus on M. Curly :wink2:


    Bercy waiting for the show to start: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=htq_XG94yzo


    Mika's fyling arrival on stage: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pts-xDRPuQ


    Band dancing on Love Today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2Y-qC1qDKc


    Bercy jumping on Love Today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLVzCcLUaX8


    Bercy on fire on rain: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hAhQUFZp4o


    Bercy playing with ballons: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAIt9RsrRaE


    OMG...takes me back immediately! Thanks for capturing the atmosphere of that night :thumb_yello::huglove:

  4. So you know how i feel after twitting Yo to you, guys...


    Snow is the representation of your twit replies...


    :thumb_yello: Exactly what i was thinking (and yes, i tweeted him too as reply to the Yo, so count me in!)...poor guy has 123,216 followers and they breed like rabbits. I have already difficulties to overview the few tweets I am getting :lmfao:

  5. im looking more and more forward to meet her next month :biggrin2:


    Looking forward to meet you too, hun! :huglove:


    Mika, watch out for da undie inspector and Wonkas Nightingale @Skive festival! :yay:


    "Awww...so you are the one who's always tweeting me about my underwear? And you are actually one of DaWonkas handmaids?!!!" :eek:


    "Well then, it's a mistake. :mf_rosetinted: I'm not Mika...I belong to Siegfried & Roy. Sorry girls, bye!"

    (to driver: "STEP ON THE GAS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE!!! Guess DaWonka isn't far away either...!")


  6. Wonka! "Nightingale" can do so much better than this...I've never laughed so much than the day we queued together in Paris...she's AWESOME! What a great sense of humour she has, you wouldn't believe it!


    :blush-anim-cl: Awww, damn. Can't be funny right now, too chuffed by the nice things you just wrote. Thanks! Had such a great time queuing with you too! :huglove:


    I know, i've been following "nightingale" around ever since she started posting here...


    WOT? :shocked::mfr_omg:



    :lmfao: Well done, Wonka Bond :bond:


    I am looking for co workers for when i am sick, and she's one of my choices..:mf_rosetinted:


    I think i'll start condecorating Chevalier of Wonkaland every person posting hilarious captions here or in Wonkaland...:naughty:


    :yay: *imagines how great a CofWL medal would look in her siggie* *feels honoured*


    Just hoe they don't lose their knighthood, or womanhood in our case on the street like Mika did...:roftl:


    "Are you referring to me?! Yeah sure, why not...harp on about it over and over again, Wonka! Only 5 more days...revenge is sweeeeet!!!"



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