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Status Updates posted by southeast

  1. They don't sound French at all, do they? Anyway, I'll post you a link if I find some other new music again! Always good to hear your opinion on that. :bye:

  2. I listened to Vampire Weekend for the first time a few months ago. Nothing happened. Then I listened to a lot of other stuff. Then I listened to them again by chance. And was like: Wow! First time I wasn't "ready" for them yet.

    So wait for some months and then give them another try. Who knows? :teehee:

  3. Yeah, I know what you mean. He always seems to make the same noise upwards with his voice (I dunno how to say it better :teehee:). Not very creative. I think also VW have the more interesting sound and different mellodies. And all their songs sound different. But they are comparable in a way... I don't know who started first with this kind of music. Must check it up in Wiki. :teehee:

  4. You said you would like to hear some new music: here they are (perhaps you know them already :teehee:) Phoenix: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtL8ZEE17u8 and Vampire Weekend:

  5. Do you like them? I think I like them. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtL8ZEE17u8 They are French. And the singer Thomas Mars is the bf of Sofia Coppola (to add a bit of glamour :teehee:)

  6. You can read it on the shrink thread. :(

  7. Shine leaves MFC....:sad::tears:

  8. :doh: Yes, I'll try. I hope they play it :dunno: And I'll take both my iPhone & my camera. I am a pretty crappy filmer. At Mika's gig I started filming I see you, 3rd row, you know, pretty brilliant place to film it from. And then my camera started saying something about batteries. And me idiot stops filming to spare the batteries for more pics later on. Of course batteries were only half empty, so now I have only one half of I see you...complete idiot! :doh::teehee:
  9. Nooooo, of course not. :mf_rosetinted: Any wishes?

  10. You are welcome! I am going to their gig next week on Saturday! :biggrin2:

    Love their 2nd album even more than the 1st one: "I think ur a Contra" just makes my heart melt... You like "Mansard Roof", right?

  11. Yes, that's me. Actually I did it with Sil, but she hasn't been visiting MFC for some time now, so I opened the Part 2 thread alone. But I still hope she comes back some time soon. :wink2:

  12. Hey, I missed you yesterday! Welcome back, Carla! And Missy, don't do that ever again! You scared the hell out of us! :huglove:

  13. Hey, you're a translator? Why "humble"? My mum is a translator too & I think translators are as important as writers and translating is such a demanding and difficult job! Btw. Wonka is a translator too. :wink2:


    I will search for Angela Carter & if I find a file I will send it to you. What does she write about?


  14. Thank you for the link! They are so full of energy and I like the way Ezra looks. :teehee:

  15. Sil, Siiiiiiil, what about that new shrink thread? Are you still interested? Would you like to open a new one?

  16. Oh, I am sorry. Can I help you somehow? :wink2:

    But if you have problems with mikasounds I think you should better ask on this thread http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=24706

  17. Hi, we have telepathic abilities, hihi! My life is pretty chaotic atm - I get loads of visitors who all live in our flat, have a new job project but my ex boss wants me to go back to my old workplace because they miss me (I don't want to), my family life is pretty turbulent, lots of decisions to make all the time...

    I am keeping off MFC lately because pple are getting very emotional here. I just write on the mgmt thread where we talk about music & pple are easy and relaxed, but not really interested in the rest atm. :dunno:

    But I am happy to talk to you! Hugs and talk to you again soon! :huglove:

  18. I've posted on the "get well" thread as well but I am worried about you, that's why I want to wish you a good recovery! :huglove: Take care of yourself!

  19. Hello Bojana, how are you? Long time no message... Hope your health has improved and you don't have too much work at the moment so you can take care of yourself. :bye:

  20. Yes, well, everybody has it, right? I mean, I have an account there but I am not really interested in visiting the site anymore. Haven't been there for ages. :dunno:

  21. Have you seen this one? Videos from the fans cut together by RH. Cool idea: http://radiohead-prague.nataly.fr/Main.html

  22. Thanks, I am fine! How are you?

    I am sorry, but I don't quite understand your question, what do you mean with me having mikasounds? :dunno:

  23. Yes, just read the news. Poor girl, poor family... :(((


    I'll leave you in peace now with my obsession. :teehee: Good luck with your exam!

  24. Love always remains. Love it. I am sorry I couldn't find a better quality... http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTkwMTcyMzY=.html MGMT had an EP "Time to Pretend" with 4 great songs on it. I really recommend it to you.


    I was wrong. THIS is my fave interview:

    Enjoy! :)
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