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Posts posted by DongDong

  1. :Update: from Mika on twitter :shocked::biggrin2:


    Too much info so it's easier for me to write them all down :naughty:


    - "in the final phase of finishing the album. one week in london then off to the states for 2 weeks, and then... final mix starts"


    - "now wondering if Nick Littlemore will get in from Sydney for our session tomorrow. the final session with Nick to finish up what we've done!"


    - Album before July


    - Album all in English and a couple of extra songs in French


    - Name: The Origin of Love


    - Some song titles: Make You Happy, Underwater, Kill Me On The Dancefloor, Overrated, China Boy


    - "favourite song title from the new record.... Love You When I'm Drunk"


    Wow,the titles of the new album are awesome!!!!:thumb_yello:And I really looking forward the song"China Boy",what would it like??!!:teehee:I love this title!!!('cause I'm a boy from China,and that would be a special song for me!!!.:teehee:)

  2. Since we haven't heard The Origin of Love we don't know how good it is yet. But it's Mika, so it should be great.

    But one thing I love about Uw is that it's not about any profound subject that we need to debate about, it's simply a romantic love song and ppl would see Mika in a whole new light when they hear the song.


    Yes,yes,because the song is written by MIKA,so it should be good.:biggrin2:

  3. I suspect that the 1st single might be the title song. I think there is a song called The Origin Of Love on the album. I don't know how it goes, but it's something about 'forgetting about God and Adam and Eve, YOU are the origin of love'.

    But Underwater must be a single from the album, deffinately!!


    Oh,yes,I forget the song called" The origin of Love "is include in the new album.:teehee:Agreed, "Underwater" must be a single from the album!!!!:wub2:

  4. 大家好!我是米卡迷:)






    小弟我之前录了米卡的grace kelly,想和大家分想:)






    Hi,你好啊,是啦,怎樣稱呼你呢?:wink2:其實我是被MIKA的童真和搞怪的性格而喜歡上他的。其實很想聽一下你錄的Grace Kelly,但是很遺憾中國內地不能上youtube啊!!:aah:

  5. 你中幾? 我正想講...仲有2個先放easter好耐 哈哈

    我下年3月都要考DSE (HK公開試)



  6. 當然有假放我又唔拘 哈哈

    我仲未接受到聽日要返學呢個事實 :(




  7. 今年好似冇乜新年氣氛咁...我記得上年年三十晚去左大陸

    成晚都放炮仗 好嘈 但係好正 哈哈

    點解星期日要返學? 補課?



  8. Did you come to Cannes with Fanny Ardant? You're inseparable aren't you?


    The truth is that no, I didn't come to Cannes with Fanny Ardant but it's clear she was on the screen behind me but... inseparable I'm not sure... Honestly, we met and we adored each other, well we didn't adore each other, I adored her and she was careful and after that we made a video clip together and I think she wanted to kill me. That's the truth, she wanted to kill me, she didn't know why she was doing this and I was telling her it's a good idea and that she would be great in the vid. It's clear she had never done something like that and now, yes, we get on well, I'm really proud to have her in my video because honestly she's an icon, a French icon in every way. I adore her, she has class, even if she hated me.


    In EMD, your mum is really strict, was yours cooler?


    My mum is quite cool, very cool. Actually she's here at the NMA tonight, she's working on the set, she's the one who made that (showing his waist thingy). She's cool but she's hard. She has... in fact no she's very hard, she's harder than in the song but she's cool. We get on very well, it's a kind of... We get on like.. not really mother and son, it's more like friends and... there are a lot of fights. But she's cool. I respect her. It's better than everything.


    I wanted to see you so much in your last vid, when will be the next single and promise me you'll be in the vid


    Yes I will be in the video. The reason why I was not in the other one is because I released it before the album was ready and I wanted to make a video that was a bit like, I don't know, a short movie. And that for me was cooler than being in the video performing. And, well, when there's Fanny Ardant, why would we need me? And also, I'll be in the next video, and it will arrive... quite soon, I go back in 3 days and continue recording and finishing the album, I'm nearly doing the sound mixing and so we'll finish it very soon.


    Mika, you gave a gig at the Parc des Princes and the Palais Impérial, where do you take us next?


    Next time I'd like to do the Cirque d'Hiver again and otherwise I'd like to do a small residency in a small theatre somewhere, it doesn't have to be in Paris, it could be a pretty theatre in Lyon or somewhere like this I don't know, in Lille (:swoon:) I want to settle in that theatre for 6 shows or something like that and present something very beautiful. That would be very cool. And after that, we do the big tour again. Because I have a lot of ideas.


    If you had a super power...


    That's hard... To freeze time. Like this.


    quite soon,very soon?:roftl:I hope so.I need a single in Feb.:aah:

  9. Its my personal opinion...but I felt that Mika's songs, his arts are goes well into France, as if he's originally in French culture boundary. I felt more of that from last nights NRJ. In Brit awards he did really good but like a stranger there. but in NRJ, he was like he's in part of that in french culture.


    Emm,I think so,I felt MIKA is a little bit far away from UK or US Mainstream market.He's song become hardly to get the high place in the chat.:huh:

  10. Yeah.... when a song for movie is ignored by the movie itself, it's almost impossible to make it hit by itself.... :boxed:


    But what I want to say is, When Mika gives france 80, he got more than 100.. but KA clearly showed that in case of US or UK when Mika gives 80, got less than that........


    Yes,I always asked why MIKA can get more success in France than other place in the world:blink:

  11. hi !!!





    我也好久沒有follow Mika...(但也是他官方公布的消息都不是很多耶!:sneaky2:




    Hi,Mika_baby,我們The Chinese Thread的建立者:biggrin2:對啊,MIKA最近好像又沉寂了,特別期待他公佈新專輯的日期啊!!!:aah:

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