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Posts posted by DongDong

  1. I believe my fav version will always be the live one as it happened with Good Gone Girl because I listened to the live version so much that it has stayed my fav, but I'm curious to hear the CD version too, of course :teehee:

    and all the twelve songs :swoon:


    Not only the twelve songs,also looking forward the bonus tracks.:biggrin2:

  2. 哈哈 我同佢影左合照喇 yeah!!

    我係微博同forum發現好多廣州人都會打繁體字 例好張敬軒..




  3. YAMM...YOOOO did u come here? i wanna show u something haha (just something silly)






    唉 本身JANICE有機會上天后架 (唔計佢呀妹)



    下年2月wyman有個作品展 係紅館開Show...我聽日又去pop飛LU :blush-anim-cl:

    其實住香港好大既好處 就係大把演唱會 好既電影睇 :biggrin2::biggrin2:



  4. But for me EMD sounds good when sing it in French, because it was written in french rhyme. Apart from that it's weird that Mika's songs are not played in Britain or US that much.... :dunno: Apparently he seems doing better in France and Belgium, in french speaking country.. But huge support in English market is more important for 3rd album.


    Yes,I'm agree with you,he seems doing better in french speaking country.And his song are hardly played in China or in the TV.:huh:

  5. 係係係! 星期一晚睇完佢既concert (mini)


    我都好中意衛蘭把聲 ^^






    btw, mika is not only a talented, but also very well educated and experienced

    musician with two most important "tools" at his hand - intuition + knowlege,

    he is a master :thumb_yello:

    whatever he does with the song, it will be "first class", cause he knows,

    what's quality, for sure. i trust him :king:


    Yes,trust MIKA!!!:thumb_yello:

  7. Haha my first song was Fireflies too! that time our school has a film project, and we decided to make that song (sorry my friend took it off youtube, maybe i'll send to you later one :thumb_yello: ) yeah then I fell in love with "vanilla twilight" all other unpopular songs like dental care,... I love Owl City's style, it's cute and some parts of the lyrics is quite weird :naughty: a long story how I fell in love with Mika, basically I got on the plane, got bored, turned on music (LICM I still can't believe they have it on the plane!!) then fell in love :wub2::wub2:


    Ok,yes,I love "Vanilla twilight" too,and "The Saltwater Room":wub2:

  8. I was in love with Owl City like a year ago. I heard about Mika when the lollipop song released, and I officially in love with him this summer. Long story though :wink2:


    Oh,I was watching "We Are Golden"s MV on MTV in 2009,and then I fell in love with MIKA's song,and want to know all about him.I was heard Owl CIty's song from the radio in 2009,and the song is "Fireflies",I liked Adam's song style,it's cool and comfortable.:biggrin2:

  9. Seoul Korea MFCers were the first ones to hear "live" Mika's new song called "Under Water"






    Let's discuss! :blush-anim-cl:



    did he say he wrote it when he was in Montreal???? MONTREAL? :aah:



    ETA Lyrics -- just unsure about that one line...


    Bursting in a blood red sky

    A slow landslide

    and the world we leave behind

    there's a way to lose your head

    and disappear and not return again...


    When I fall to my feet

    Wearin' my heart on my sleeve

    All I see just amazes


    You are the port of my call

    You shot and leavin' me raw (?)

    Now I know you're amazing


    'Cause all I need

    Is the love you breathe

    put your lips on me and

    I can live under water,

    under water, under water!

    Under water!


    Bursting with a bright blue sky

    A slow landslide

    and the world I've left behind

    there's a way to lose your head

    and disappear

    and not return again


    When I fall to my feet

    Wearin' my heart on my sleeve

    All I see just amazes

    You are the port of my call

    You shot and leavin' me raw (?)

    Now I know you're amazing


    'Cause all I need

    Is the love you breathe

    Put your lips on me and

    I can live under water,

    under water, under water!

    Under water!


    Bursting with a blood red sky

    A slow landslide

    and the world I've left behind


    wow,I love this song!!!!The lyrics are beautiful!!:wub2:But I called this song for "Underware" all day long today!!!!:naughty:

  10. Exclusive!!! Here's the song list of The Origin of Love!!


    1 You're Gonna Love My TOOL Today

    2 Blame It On The MFC

    3 I Am Billy Brown's Lover

    4 The Language Of Love (It's got a French chorus)

    5 Love In Lotus-Flower Motion (It's in Japanese)

    6 I'm Kind Of In Love (It's kind-of in English

    7 I Love To Play My Maracas For My Love (It's in Spanish)

    8 Love In A Tulip Field (It's in double-dutch)

    9 By The Time You See This I'll Be In-Love With Someone Else

    10 I Love My Dog And My Dog Loves Me

    11 How Much Does Melachi Love Me?

    12 I'm In Love With All My Fans!

    Bonus Track: Do You All Still Love My TOOL? (He'll Cry If You Say No)


    Wow,the songs name are so amazing and special!!!!!:shocked:

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