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Everything posted by DongDong

  1. "An Airplane Carried Me To Bed",and I asked my friend to ordered it.And it's fine this week.

  2. Oh,I just came back home from my school.And I just ordered the CD of Sky Sailing on the internet.

  3. I'm fine,thanks,what are you doing now?

  4. um,maths and physics.

  5. Oh,It's fine,and I went to the bookstore to bought some study books this afternoon.what about you?

  6. um,I'm not good at Maths.:naughty:

  7. It's Maths,I will have another exams on next week.

  8. ok,it's fine,and I just had a exam last week.

  9. Great,thanks.Are you have some news about Ellie Goulding?

  10. 哈哈,我都系翻屋企先至上咋。:aah:

  11. Hi,Alfie,how are you,I'm come back.

  12. Hey,sui姐姐,你仲有无上MSN啊?

  13. Happy birthday!!!Ocarina.

  14. Yeah,it's fine,and I always miss my home.ha ha:biggrin2:

  15. Hey,jad,I'm a boy too,I'm from China.welcome to MFC!:wink2:

  16. Hi,i'm great.what about you?

  17. Thanks,the video is great.I like the owls in the video.
  18. 我屋企都好多月饼啊。唔知几时先食得晒。:naughty:

  19. Oh,好多云啊,睇唔到啊,真可惜啊,香港呢?

  20. Hi,hilary.中秋节快乐啊!

  21. thanks!玩得开心d!:naughty:

  22. Hi,阿水姐姐,中秋节快乐啊!

  23. Hi,hunkings姐姐,中秋节快乐啊!

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