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Everything posted by crnobeli

  1. That's not...THAT CAN'T BE TRUE!!!!!! :sad:

  2. Yay my Ukrainian is gooodddd ! YT is mother of videos , so nope, we don't have Ukrainian TV channels (at least not my town ) Well I use Cyrillic letters like ALWAYS, but sometimes in University we have to use Latin letter (which is sad cuz we have our national letter and I don't see the reason why we HAVE TO use Latin letters )
  3. As I understood the group is called "People and Village" !? Or my Ukrainian is bad...?
  4. Why not?! (It's similar (not same) to Serbian language ) To be honest dunno It's the same format as "Britans/Americans have talent" just in this case is Ukrain ...And I like to watch it ! But these guys are
  5. PA onda utuvi u tvoju pametnu glavicu da ne kasnis....I onda neces ustajati tako naglo :unno:


    I je l si uspela da je nagovoris ? :das:

    :lmfao: Zasto si tolika darkerka? :aah: Crtaj cvetice i zvezde :teehee:


    Ps. Srecan Bozic ! :huglove:

  6. Merry Christmas Andri! :huglove:

  7. Merry Christmas!!

    Hope everything is ok with you !:biggrin2:




  8. Hey you are on-line :boing:

    How are you? :huglove:

  9. Really? Are you still listening to Viva le vent? :teehee: Or did you get sick of it ? :teehee:

    Exhausting :sad: We always have some part of exams, and we always have to study, and study and study :sad: every day :sneaky2:

    Why not? :blink: And don't day "I don't know" cuz i know you know ! :teehee:

  10. You don t know...Why he hit you? :sad:

  11. OpušĆeno :wink2: Bidni vredna, krajnje je vreme bilo :aah::wink2:


    Nada :teehee: Kući sam ovih dana i za knjigom :sad:

    Ko tebe? :das:

  12. Ne mlati nego uzivaj!!! :huglove: :huglove: :huglove:

  13. Ohhh :huh:

    (but maybe you are too sensitive :dunno:)

  14. Izvini sto spemujem...Ali pazi sto su dobri

  15. :clap: AMAZING :clap:

    Yes...And no :aah: I'm so sleepy there days :aah: Dunno why (maybe cuz I stay up late :aah:)

    That's 2nd january?! That's fast! Is it hard for you?!...I mean to work...After all you are still little girl :dunno: And what about your school, are you quit that for real ? :sad:

    And I forfot ...Merry Christmas :huglove:!!!

    I'm fine...:teehee: I fall in love :swoon: in one boy...He's sooo damnnn cute :swoon: Other then that nothing!How have you been? :huglove:

  16. And you had a bad d ay? :blink: How come ? :sad:

  17. That magic power is not good then :huh:

    Hope you have better day tomorrow :dunno: (and I'm not going to ask you How are you :wink2:) But now I'm going to ask you what's wrong with today? You are home right?

  18. Ma nemoj da ih teras :teehee: zlocko :teehee:



  19. Hmmm, ok, then I'll never ask you how are you...maybe you'll always have good day then :dunno:

  20. Haha, thanks 15 days early :aah:

    So you're not going to tell me how are you...and what's new? :blink:

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