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Everything posted by crnobeli

  1. Oooohhhhhh :shocked: How...did...you....? :blink:




  2. we should open some psychic office :aah:

  3. You are? :das:


    What's going to happen tomorrow? :das::glasses2:

  4. Totalno random!

    pazi sta sam nasla -> th_th3a.gif:aah:

  5. See :aah: I'm psychic singoalla.gif

  6. E ako ti se javlja... :bleh::huglove:


    Sta bre pffff :sneaky2: To ja radim :aah:


    Aaaaaa neeeeeee, nije dovoljno dobar razlog da se peva Ceca :glasses2:

    Sta se desilo Vanji?! :teehee: Imala sam i ja drugarice (srednja)kao sto je tvoja Vanja-i kod ovih se ispostavilo da znaju narodnjake :aah:


    Plan je da se izgubim na 2-3 dana od kuce....e sada, koliko ce to biti izvodljivo ne znam...Vec sutra/danas krecem da spremam ispite...A i ne volim da obecavam nesto ako ne znam koliko je to sigurno :dunno:! Mada opet, i tebi stoji poziv za dosadan Kg :teehee:

    Ps. Srecno danas (ako vidis ovo na vreme :teehee:)



  7. Yeah, I know I look like creep, it's not easy to forget me :aah:

    Ohhh, what did you do? :das:


    Nada, my life is boring place to be :huh:



  8. Sometimes yes, always nooooo :aah:...And I started complaining about two month ago :aah:

    Wow, that sound like exciting event :boing:...I heard on a telly the other day about that...so will you have some concerts...? Whats the organization behind queen's jubilee?I'm studing 3 different subject at the same time :huh:, I had marketing exam today (yes on sunday :sneaky2:) and now I'm studing management of quality, boring stuff!

    What about you? Do you still work?


    Yes, umbrellas are annoying, apart from stabbing :aah:, annoying part for me is that you have to carry it with you always, and I hate carrying something in my hands...It's easier to put it in the bag(and then I get another problem-all my stuff become wet :aah:)

  9. Yeeeepppppp bliss.gif

    And you forgot me :aah:!!!! Shame on you Ray ! :aah:


    Wazzupppp??? :huglove:

  10. :dunno: Nikada se ne zna :dunno:


    Ae, ae...sta se zalis, bar mozes da slusas muziku :wink2: i buljis u komp sa razlogom :aah:


    Pevale sta?! black_eye.gif T, come back!!!! :aah: Trebas nam na zdravoj i normalnoj strani :aah:


    Kako je svet mali. Pa, gde nalete na njih?!

  11. Oooooo, helouuuu :bye::huglove:

    Nemam pojma :aah:, sve odradjeno...i imala sam vise srece nego pameti (mislila sam da imamo 4 glave, ja poslednju nisam naucila(NARAVNO :aah:)-kada ono ta ide za usmeni :aah::sad:)...sada spremam sledeci na kompu :groovy:


    Sta ima? Sta ima? :das:


  12. Ja se "zaljubila" u =>




    Sta ima? :das:

  14. Yes I can see that :aah:...But you're not the only one...I'm not here as I use to be :dunno:

  15. My studing is soooo exhausting :huh: I wish for a holiday...One big holiday without books :huh: And my bf is out of county so I'm alone and I have no one to listen to me and understand me (this statement is on studying :sad:)...ggggrrrrrr...hate studing :mad:

    Omg! When I read "april" i thought "wtf :blink:! when did i get this message? :blink:...I'm so slooowwww :blink:

    Soo sunny april, ha? Is may that sunny? :teehee: We have ran :sad:...And I'm not fan of umbrellas or mad....Annnddd I'm complaining through all this message :aah: sorry for that!:huglove:

  16. Dobro je ziva si :teehee:



  17. :aah: ista si ja :aah:




    PS. Hvala za danas :huglove:

  18. Noc :bye::huglove:


    Zamisli da se ovo tebi desi :aah:

  19. Hej, a bas razmisljam o njoj ovih dana :teehee:(treba mi nesto )...Da li jos uvek koristi isti broj? :teehee:


    Pozzz je puuunnnooooo!!!! :huglove:

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