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Status Updates posted by Alfiepenniman

  1. That sounds fun.

    Its the holidays here too though they are almost over now!!

    Im ok, i went to see my sister yesterday, it was raining really hard, i was wearing stupid shoes so the whole day i had wet feet and was cold!!!!

    Have your holidays been good?

  2. Aww she sounds cute.

    Me and Jessie are fine, it is Jessies birthday on the 1st september, she'll be 16!!

    Have you been doing anythng fun?

  3. Awww, she sounds cute.

    Me and Jessie are good, its is Jessies birthday on the 1st of september, she'll be 16!! Have you been doing anything fun?

  4. Aww, I hope you still had a great day :) . Yeah, people on here are kind! How have you been?

  5. I love the pictures. Especialy the first one :teehee:

  6. Thats ok :huglove: .

    Are you having a good day?

  7. :yay: Happy birthday :yay:

    Hope you have a lovely day :) .

  8. It ok. Thank you :) .

    How are you?

  9. I live in a village, but I think the nearest city to me is norwich, I dont like it very much there.

    Not really, it is always hoter in london than norfolk because of the people and buildings. Because I live near the coast the wind gets really strong sometimes.


    Do you?

  10. :bye: thank you for the FR :) .
  11. Have you done anything intresting so far?

  12. Yes I can :) . Thank you :huglove:

  13. Yeah, it says its got a security thing on (my phone it says its 18 and older) .

  14. :bye: heya mari :) .

    I was wondering if you could help me with something, if you have time. I cant see the new pictures :-/ (frrom the vainty fair website) , could you post them on my page or something?

  15. I am good thank you :) .

  16. They are going ok. Last week was really fun, we where in london, it was boiling hot. We went to Hyde park Kensington gardens and me and my sister went to Notting hill :) , i feel sad now that we are home. Are you daing any thing special in the holidays?

  17. It was very kind of you :) .

    How are you?

  18. My MFC was down for two days last week :( !!! Its better now though.

    Sounds fun :biggrin2: .

    I was in london all last week. It was great fun, we went to Hyde park and Kensington gardens. On my birthday, me and my sister (Bea) went to Notting hill, that was amazing even though it was boiling hot!!! I feel sad now though cause im back at home.

    I dont know :dunno:

    You have to be 16 here in England, how old do you have to be in your country?

  19. Sounds fun :) .

    Im good thank you. I was in london all last week :biggrin2: !!!

  20. It was lovely :) !!!

  21. Yes it tasted lovely.

    That sounds fun. Are the shops good there?

  22. Thank you and thank you for my birthday thread :biggrin2::huglove:

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