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Everything posted by Alfiepenniman

  1. Why what went wrong? I love breakfast its the most important meal of the day and the best but this morning mine was pretty boring just tomato ketchup sandwichs :-)

  2. Oh yeah, you play the flute dont you? Good glad your ok :-) yeah im still in london until next thursday, its been good so far going to go to central london on monday which should be fun!! Is your day going good?

  3. Cool, I dont really like football but I dont understand it either! Whats it like where you live?

  4. Im glad that I spelt it right maybe im getting better at spelling :-) was your day good yesterday?

  5. Heya :-) yeah I did mean them!! Yeah im in london, im tiered but it was a good first day :-) how was your day yesterday?

  6. Im ok, yeah im in london its been going good so far despite the early start, I had 2 free strawberry and banana smoothie when we walked across london :-) hows your day going?

  7. Yeah london is great :-) you live in a city dont you? Did you watch the world cup thing?

  8. That sounds like a good idea :-) it wasnt bad really just watched films. Does it have snow all the time there?

  9. Aww cool congratulations (is that how you spell it? :-/ im sure youll understand what I mean) yeah I like asking questions its cause im nosey and I like knowing how other people spend there time :-)

  10. Ooh cool, I never use my real name!! Yep im on my holidays :-) Currently on a train going to london :-) how is your holiday going?

  11. Wow what happened (if you dont mind me asking) my day has been good, been packing :-)

  12. Heya Dong Dong (is that your real name?) how are you?

  13. Yeah I understand what you mean she could but we have this wierd thing in england about the thickness and weight and sometimes things get lost or damaged and I dont want to cause her any trouble. But im sure it will be there as she ordeded it a couple of weeks ago :-)

  14. Are you at school or collage or something?

  15. Thats good. Yeah she did, im really hopeing its there other wise ill have to wait till christmas :-(

  16. I dont know, I wont until the week end sometime. Though my aunt did text me to tell me something brilliant :-) Yeah im ok has your week been good?

  17. Wow that sounds like a very good thing to study :-) has your day been good?

  18. Yeah things always look lots better with your own eyes :-) My day hasent been to bad feeling alot better than I did early :-) have you seen them before?

  19. Heya how are you?

  20. Heya how are you?

  21. I dont think ive ever been to a art gallary :-/ or maybe I have!!! Has your day been good?

  22. Yeah its been okish so far!! Are you on your summer holidays?

  23. Yeah im ok :-) is your day going well?

  24. Heya! I love your signature :-) how are you?

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