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Everything posted by Alfiepenniman

  1. I was hopeing for rain last week and it rained quite a bit now its just grey!! Nope not alot i finished scholl today for the summer holidays, which has made me really happy :-)

  2. Thank you for accepting :-) im good thank you!! how are you?

  3. Oh yeah i remember now :-) is it cold up in the mountains?

  4. Yeah i know someone who used to love the idea of working in a bank, they cant stand them any more!! hows yor day going?

  5. Yeah i agree, its a very good thing to do :-) what other music do you like apart from mika?

  6. Do you like skiing then? Im not sure exacly how hot it was but it felt very hot at least its cooler here today!!

  7. :-) I love to do that but I can never do it when people are around so I do it when my parents have gone out always makes me happy :-) yeah my day is ok not doing alot as its too hot :-/

  8. Yeah i tend to confuse myself how some of the things i say come out!!! Im 14 (15 in august) how old are you? I thnk i would just go any where :-) Yeah it was the one in the ruins it looked soo beautiful and they had that masive pellow fight!! Ive never been to any of his gigs either :-( how long have you been a mika fan for? Yeah i can talk for ages about mika an places where id like to go :-)

  9. Did you buy anything? yeah my day wasent bad its really warm here again!!!

  10. I think he should have sold it in shops. if you dont mind me asking, why dont you like banks?

  11. Yeah standing out a little bit is good so i dont mind as much now :-) hows your day going?

  12. I had to ask my aunt as my parents have got credit cards. Have you got it?

  13. Yeah my sister went to see it but shes older than me. Well it depends really.... I used to try really hard to be ordinary especialy with people my age because they just think im wierd but I try not to mind to much now but ive always been a bit odd :-/

  14. Go to any too :-) have you been to any Mika gigs? (sorry ive just noticed that this is very long I tend to go on about stuff I really love)

  15. Well the other day it was hot but looked like it was going to rain, today though it is just boiling hot!! No I think your english is very good I cant speak any other language propaly. Id like to go any where too I think amsterdam sounds good and italy. yeah their are so many lovely places I really want to go I would go to paris but I dont have a passport but im gonna go after ive turned 16 :-) well the reason I would like to see Mika live in lebanon is because the last one looked really amazing but I would

  16. Aww I think you will love it are you going to see any of the big tourist atractions like the london eye? Im to london in 8 days ive been loads before and I still love it :-)

  17. Yeah ive never seen it :-)

  18. Did you go to it? Whats it like in Belgrade?

  19. Hello :-) im from norfolk england. How about you?

  20. Nope, im going to visit my family go london but thats about it. Im really hopeing that my copy of songs for sorrow is there :-)

  21. Yeah she just bite me for no reason mabey she was hot!! No ive never watched it but my sister loves it :-) im probably not doing alot may watch parc des princes :-) ive never seen that is it good?

  22. You sound busy!! Ooh are you coming to london for a reason? Yeah im ok :-)

  23. At least you have got up :-) yeah im ok nothing intresting going on here though my cat did just bite me :-o you gonna do any thing for the rest of the day?

  24. I love history too :-) are you going any where nice on your holidays?

  25. Im good thank you :-) reading a website on the history of france. Do you have summer holidays where you are?

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