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Everything posted by Alfiepenniman

  1. Yeah I am, I dont know why I always get so excited as ive been there many times before cause my family live there but I just love it :-) Ooh ive been past that harry potter thing at Kings cross!! Yeah I cant wait to get my passport to go traveling it sounds so much fun everywhere Tidung Island sounds brilliant :-) is your day going good?

  2. Im 14 (15 in august) im home educated, I live in england, I have 2 sisters, 1 cat who I love!! i like and agree about everything you said about Mika :-) my favourit subjects are geography and design. i also collect many pictures of Mika but quite a few of them are on my phone as i dont have my own computar and the rest of my family think im wierd!!! has your day been good? are you on your holidays?


  3. Nope im saving all my money for next week :-) did you like any of the paintings in the museum?

  4. Ooh cool, are you studying anything intresting?

  5. Yeah I am so excited to go :-) Yeah I would love to go to Indonesia, no I havent heard of it is it good? Ill google it later im really tired at the moment :-( whats tidung island like? Im rubbish at saving :-)

  6. Thats cool, I like mushrooms and yeah fresh air is good, I could do with some as ive got the worst headach :-(

  7. At least youll be busy :-) are you still at collage, yeah?

  8. Yeah the smell really does put me of then. Haha you would know there was something wrong if it was the Professionals!! My day hasent been bad went to see my eldest sister and went shopping :-) how has yours been?

  9. I always take pictures of the rain and stuff!! Yeah I love london im going to stay with my grandparents on friday for a week im so looking forward to it :-) my day hasent been bad went to see my eldest sister who have me my birthday present early :-) hows your day been?

  10. Aww are you studying anything good? Yeah im still on holiday :-)

  11. It does sound really beautiful :-) well I come from norfolk england, theres not much to tell really I live in the country. We have a flower parade here. But I love london :-) has your day been good?

  12. It is really short compared to yours, at least I have my birthday of!! Yeah Mikas music always cheers me up :-) but my house has always got people in it so it can be hard to dance to it without people thinking im mad!! Do you know what your doing yet?

  13. It sounds lovely :-) that must of looked beautiful was there a big crowd come to see it and stuff?

  14. Im not that keen on hospitals even though ive been loads. So lots of people get ingered skiing? I used to watch it loads but yesterday was the first time in ages.

  15. Yeah I did my room the other day, the bright side was I listened to Mika the whole time :-) it finishes in september some time, I think it lasts 6 weeks but im not sure :-)

  16. I dont start school again till september cant remember the exact date though!!! Im not doing to much going to london to stay with my Gran and Grandad on friday, I cant wait :-) are you doing or done anything in yours?

  17. Did you have to go to hospital? I watched mamma mia, grease and ps I love you and I just finished watching parc des princes :-) have you seen them?

  18. You must be really clever then!! My mums a health assistant. Yeah 2007 was a good year :-) whats it like in Latvia?

  19. Aww poor you I hate cleaning :-( yeah my day wasnt bad been watching films as its the first day of the summer holidays :-)

  20. Aww that must be painful, isnt stuff like milk and that good for bones? Yeah it was ok first day of the summer holidays didnt do much watched films :-)

  21. Your holidays end then, when did they start? My only started today :-) are you going to see that Mika concert?

  22. Yeah im good hows your day been?

  23. It does sound great, think we may need to buy it again :-) hows your day been?

  24. Heya how are you?

  25. I dont mind, I just like knowing stuff about people!!! Ok well my name is Alfie Im 14 (15 in august) ive got 1 cat, I wanna travel, ive been a Mika fan since 2007 and I want to study design and geography :-)

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