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Posts posted by petra_ale

  1. Pretty down... :boxed:

    Aerosmith are doing Bucharest today and I've been listening to them like... all my life, and... would've LOVED to go, but my town is just not that well placed and all the important gigs are always hundreds of kms away...

    I will already do a 15-hour course by train to see Mika this July :blink:

  2. :wub 2:*cross my fingers for huuge poster!!!..awwwwwww!trebuie sa vorbesc cu cei de la orange,poate,poate...:mf_ rosetinted:



    reclama e geniala si tresar de fiecare data!dap,Antena 3 o da cel mai des(acolo ma uit toata ziua..) dar cred ca am vazut-o si pe AXN...cat despre MTV ROMANIA....no coment!:mf_rosetinted:


    candva UTV dadea f des Mika cu Happy Ending!

    :sneaky2:astia nu au aflat ca are vreo 3 clipuri noi?!


    daca nu ma insel ,dadeau Rain pe 1MUSIC,cel putin asa imi zicea sora mea ,pt ca asta iar e un post pe care nu il urmaresc....de obicei ,pt muzica,stau pe VH1,si da,si mie imi lipseste MTV HITS:mf_rosetinted:


    sa stii ca 1Music da in ultima vreme foarte des Kick Ass! (si la VH1 tot KA circula acum)

    ultima data am vazut chiar ieri... la fel si cu reclama, cel putin eu o prind in prostie :lmfao:


    in schimb n-am mai vazut niciunul din celelalte clipuri ale lui demult...

    si o sa le trimit cei de la EuropaFM o sugestie soon... pt ca devin deja plictisitori cu tot cu Happy Ending-ul lor dat dimineata la 7 sau la 12 :sneaky2:

    Apropo,daca tot sunt aici :naughty: ,vroiam sa va intreb,ati auzit de:



    http://www.myspace.com/joannakaze :biggrin2: ?




    N-am auzit dar o sa merg sa vad :pinkbow::naughty:

  3. cel mai des o da pe Antena 3 in Prime time! :aah:


    In fine, tocmai am vazut-o de la cap la coada si iata ce parte din melodie are:


    "Could you believe, the same old story

    It never bores me, though I've heard it all before


    Like a movie that is filled with lust,

    Comin' at you with a double D bust,

    At a bed of a wounded soldier

    In a rush, cuz it's gettin' older

    Hangin' out in the fancy bars,

    With the boys that can play guitar

    It's enough cuz I've got to warn ya,

    She's gonna make it out to California


    Hey you, what's a good girl like you

    Doing in this crazy world?

    oooooh ooooh ooooohh Good Gone Girl


    could you believe..."




    dar ai vazut si partea a 2a a reclamei?

    am ramas dumbstruck (a 2a oara) cand am vazut ca are si o continuare :roftl:


    sa nu mai zic ce m-am entuziasmat cand am vazut ca se umfla literele alea din "minute"... pt o clipa am crezut ca o sa se umfle in "mika" :blink::aah:


    si aseara la 1 eu inca ma plimbam intre posturi, s-au terminat si meciurile si dadeam sa inchid televizorul cand PUF, BIOTG pe MTV :lol3: e bine de stiut ca Mika este bagat la televizor in special noaptea :mf_rosetinted:

  4. How much do tickets to her show cost nowadays? Last time I saw a price I think it was something around 50 Euros... :blink:

    I'd love it if I got the chance to see her in the next year... :naughty:

    Has anyone of you seen her live? Or might?

  5. same here :lmfao:

    mama era la calculator si ce sa fac, ma plictiseam schimband canalele... dar cand am prins reclama am ramas atat de :blink: incat nici nu mi-am dat seama cand se terminase :roftl: (nu am prins-o de la inceput)


    sa nu mai zic ca de fiecare data am vazut doar jumate din ea, azi dimineata cand am prins-o de la inceput am zis "da ce naiba, au pus toata melodia? cand se termina?" nu stiam ca are in jur de 1min :aah:


    Bianca daca apar afise in oras cu concertul imi pastrezi unul, asa-i? :pinkbow:

  6. I stumbled across Mika for the first time in my dreams last night :teehee:


    He was to do a gig in my city and that day in the morning he visited my neighbours who apparently were some family friends, then suddenly everybody came in my living room and I started chattering with Mika about every single thing in the world we could think of. He couldn't stop talking, he was commenting about everything and especially about the fact that he could touch the ceiling with his hair (I guess he was way taller than in reality:roftl:)


    Then I kissed him on the cheek which he did in return and then I gave him a piece of paper for an autograph... Mika wrote 16.06.2010 on it, made a paper plane out of it and that was my autograph :blink: And he left a minute later.


    This was so unexpected, yet it felt so real that I'm still a bit puzzled about it :aah:

  7. Eu probabil ca dupa concert nu mai raman in Mamaia pt ca nu mi-o prea pot permite :aah: de aia vreau sa va intreb... care statiune e cea mai buna avand in vedere raportul calitate-pret?


    Majoritatea celor pe care i-am mai intrebat imi sugereaza Eforie... poate daca ati mai fost pe acolo mi-ati putea da niste detalii despre cum v-ati cazat si cum v-a iesit vacanta? (ma refer atmosfera si statiunea in general, dar si costuri, daca se poate) :naughty:


    EDIT: nu ca as crede in superstitii dar am ramas un pic :blink: cand am vazut ca am postarea 667 :teehee:

  8. There's always somebody wanting something from me so I'm kind of watching the video in pieces :aah:

    but holy moly I love the way she looks from 5:10 on :shocked::wub2:

    I haven't even watched the vid til the end... but I'm starting to like it a lot!


    EDIT: just finished watching it. I totally didn't expect it to end the way it did :blink:

  9. woah can't believe ladygaga.com, gagadaily, twitter and I don't know how many other sites crashed because of the Alejandro premiere :shocked:


    Anyway... the video is up, Gaga posted it, watching it right now :wub2: I hope it'll be as fab as it can be!


    this is the link:

  10. It's Prince's 52th birthday today! :trumpet::wub2:


    Unfortunately I don't think there is a way in which we could tell him a Happy Birthday personally, but I think he hasn't forgotten that he still is the best to a good bunch of people :wink2: even though he's not nearly as popular today as he was back in the 80's and 90's...


    so :happybday: to him!!


    And now, some hilarious gif that Mum found a couple months ago :roftl:



  11. You know you're a Mika fan (but more than that you know you've been on the MFC for a while) when you say to your friends "oh that's chickeny! :naughty:" or "no chicken tonight dear :mf_rosetinted:"


    and they look all :blink: because you forgot to tell them what it means and they think that you come from another planet :lmfao:

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