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Posts posted by petra_ale

  1. Same thing here in Romania...

    Last Saturday I was in some mall when I heard Rain, I was like "okay, they always play Rain or Happy Ending, so nothing special" but right after that I heard the beginning of WAG and went :blink: it was the first time I ever heard it in a public place and not just at home or in my headphones! :lmfao:


    What I don't understand is why they seem to have left Kick Ass out of the list exactly in the closest city where I actually could have gone to see it :loco: AND, as you all said, why the promoters are acting so weird with Mika's song, I have some friends in my class who would've never found out that Mika has a new song if I hadn't told them about it :aah:

  2. One "weird" thing I noticed yesterday: Since when he is holding his t-shirt while singing the really high notes. I have a pic; http://www.twitpic.com/1m52e4 but he is not singing at that moment and the pic is not great though. And I have seen him before, and then he didn't do that...


    Maybe he felt like he needed to, don't know :blink:

    From what I've seen in some videos over YT he did it as well when he wasn't singing, so maybe he just had a tic :wink2:

  3. Quite disappointed... :huh:

    When your mom tries to convince you that she's coming with you to a gig because she likes Mika and not because she only wants to protect you (though I understand it's not safe to travel by myself to the other corner of the country, but I may be meeting other MFC'ers on the way and we gather) but she still prefers watching the same old commercials to watching that funny video from daily motion, it's clearly not okay :sneaky2:

  4. Drivers who can't seem to drive legally.

    AP tests...


    When I have a song stuck in my head but don't know all of the lyrics

    When someone asks to drink from my cup (I'm kind of a germaphobe)


    Oh yeah, that's so annoying :annoyed_h4h: especially when I really like the song and there's no way I could check the lyrics :aah:


    I often listen to music before going to bed and I can't just go back to the PC and search for lyrics, because that would degenerate into 3 more hours spent just wandering on the internet... :teehee:

  5. Classmate number 1 (they were both girls): Oh Bianca, have you seen that Mika is eventually coming to Mamaia? :biggrin2:


    me: yeah I did...but please stop reminding me! :doh:


    Classmate number 1: ook :lol3:


    Classmate number 2: Bianca! Mika's coming to Mamaia! :biggrin2:


    me: yes I heard...but where the heck did YOU hear about it?


    Classmate number 2: newspaper! :pinkbow: read it and instantly thought of you...


    me: I'm glad then... :mf_rosetinted:


    i was thinking of a worse scenario :lmfao:


    and I didn't hear about the Duffy concert either, found out about it just days before :biggrin2:

    but I still have some magazines with Akon on the back cover! :roftl:

  6. Here are today's Apple Itunes Charts!

    I am so excited!

    I have been waiting months for LICM & TBWKTM to be on the same chart in a country.

    Spain has succeeded!



    Here are the Top Pop Albums Charts:

    TBWKTM is #1 in France. Yea France - Again!

    TBWKTM is #6 in Belgium.


    TBWKTM is #7 & #8 in Spain for regular & deluxe versions.

    LICM is #9 in Spain.

    Well done Spain!!:thumb_yello::thumb_yello:


    LICM is #7 in Luxembourg.

    LICM is #6 in Portugal.


    Last week I posted that interviewers & industry people are reporting that TBWKTM has sold 2 million copies to date.

    I also stated that I couldn't confirm these sales.

    Now Mika has declared in an interview sales of 1.5 million for TBWKTM.

    Slowly climbing as the tours expand.:thumb_yello::thumb_yello:


    GO MIKA!!



    that's crazy! :boing:

  7. I'm also worried how I will get there .Like I've told you i never been to Mamaia before


    Well you arrive in Constanta and then take a bus to Mamaia, isn't that the way? :boat:


    To me it's a big deal because I'll be coming all the way from Arad :blink: AND there's a good chance I'll travel half of the distance all alone :aah: but it depends on a bunch of things and I'm glad there's sooo much time ahead :naughty:


    I try so hard not to have any expectations... :lmfao:

    And I don't know what's the big buzz with Cut Copy either... have to see what's going on with them :biggrin2:

  8. YKYAMFW Your sat on the floor, printing Mika pictures off and you have them spread around you in an orderly fashion when your dog runs up the stairs and treads on them all! You scream and push your dog away but it thinks you want to plays and won't move, still treading on your photos whilst your screaming over the photos and all the time your sister is absoloutely peeing herself at the sight of you wrestling with the dog over Mika photos :lmfao:


    oh dear :aah:


    have you managed to save some unbeaten pictures after all?

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