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Everything posted by walkmetoblivion

  1. BAAAHAHAHAHA! JOHNNY DEPP! XD THIS THREAD IS BRILLIANT. I've been spending my whole night reading it! All 37 pages of it! xD
  2. COUNT ME INNN! 8D ROFL. So guai, eh! xD I can't remember what I did when I was 14. Was I ever 14? Gourd. O:
  3. You're mad, woman. MAAAAAAAAD.

  4. On a sidenote... I still have quite a bit of photos of the gig, just that I'm having trouble uploading them somewhere.. So, bleah. I'll post the link here when I can. 8D My sister video-ed alot of the concert too, so I'll be uploading them on youtube soon!
  5. AWESOME! Which 8 days issue was that? Darn, I wish I bought it... I normally do, when I'm at a bus stop, and bored. xD HELLO! I love your videos! Especially the Kick-Ass one. Ha, I spot sirfalstaff in your airport video. Btw, I'm sirfalstaff's friend who helped her with the doll.
  6. I wonder if anyone else noticed, but I was watching videos of the concert, and I found this one: And around 6 secs in, we can see Mika walking into a big girl and hitting his face into her huge head gear thing. xD Oh, Mika! xD
  7. OMG! I've been wondering if you were part of the MFC ever since I've watched the video! Welcome~ I've just joined recently too!
  8. HEY THERE! I really loved your video, as a fellow Singaporean, YOU HAVE DONE US PROUD! <:>

  9. HAHA! YEAH! We could try dressing up as lollipop girls ourselves or something? 8D Or just some random characters. Outrageous = Attracts attention = Mika seeing the vid = WHOOOOO~ xD
  10. HELLO HELLO, don't let this thread die!!! T-T
  11. Damn.. what a waste. sirfalstaff and I were really hoping for a photo with him. When he came out, he didn't even have time for a photo, And even when sirfalstaff got him interested with her mika doll necklace and polariod, he just signed and left. ): Sigh.
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