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Posts posted by cathouzouf

  1. 1 hour ago, tiibet said:

    I can't understand why this tweeting thing is such an issue. London is his home and I'm sure he is as upset as anyone about what happened there. He has never been really systematic with his tweets and if he is in the studio it should be good news for all of us?

    You've almost taken the words right off my mouth. Whatever his reasons for staying silent, it's not of our business and we should respect it.

    • Like 16
  2. 4 hours ago, virgi said:

    Salut tout le monde! Moi, je suis Virginia, je suis italienne mais j'étudie aussi l'anglais, l'allemand et le français.. pour cela j'ai décidé aujourd'hui (même si je suis inscrite au MFC depuis plusieurs mois) de rejoindre aussi votre thread pour pratiquer mon français! 

    Bonne journée à tous! ?

    Bonjour Virginia!


    moi c'est Catherine et je suis de Montréal :)

    • Like 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, dcdeb said:

    Thanks, Anne. I haven't checked the site with my phone or iPad yet, have been concentrating on the desktop, but I'll do that tonight and see what changes need to be made.


    I haven't tried yet, I'll get back to you!


    I thought I had added those, sorry. I should be able to do that now.

    The site works perfectly fine for me and I'm on my iphone. Thought you would maybe want to know!

    • Like 2
  4. He could use this as a platform, to help him get known again in the UK, and elsewhere, if the campaign is international, not just in France. Then he could bring out some new music, which might stand a chance of being a hit!

    I have seen my Peugeot twitter accounts worldwide, including the UK one, that either RT him or the ad. Sounds international to me :)


    I love the ad, it's really well done. Who knows what this collaboration will bring! Good things I'm sure <3

    • Like 5
  5. I have lots of reasons, reasonable and not :)

    From time to time I'm wondering: why I'm still there, after all these years? Why my feelings are even fresher and stronger, with every year? Every time I discover something new in him, find some changes, I like it. I'm never disappointed, even if his decisions seem wrong in the beginning. All those years I saw a human in him, not a star (even if he becomes more and more starry with the time).

    I always said that it's not even music that keeps me there. Every his talent is important for me. I wasn't even going to mention his linguistic capabilities, his articles (which I re-read from time to time and they never stop amaze me), his behaviour at the gigs.


    Well, I tried to find the main reason of his attraction, but I can't cover all this... Maybe, maybe the secret is in his purity, cleanness (dunno how to describe what I feel!) Even when he investigates the dark side of people, he still looks like an independent scientist, he stays untouched (Writing songs about misfortunes and other people's crimes). He can be naughty or whatever, but his clear and pure eyes are the guiding line in my life, like the azure sea water in the summer. He makes me believe in humanity.


    I'm so tired of all those celebrity scandals, epatage, attempts to shock people, so I greatly appreciate Mika's way of life. I'm so happy that he attracts people with his talent, with his hard work, with his personality and intelligence.

    Well said!

    • Like 2
  6. I don't have that feeling at all, I have really enjoyed everything he has done lately. But I do hope he is using this little break thinking of his music and creating something. It would make me so happy! He doesn't seem to have enough time for that in his hectic life.


    This is not related to San Remo but I always wonder something, maybe someone can explain it to me. He doesn't seem to want to take his voice to its natural direction (with natural I mean natural with time and age). He could do it softer and I absolutely adore it when he sings like that :swoon:


    But it's like he doesn't want to, he seems sometimes very stubborn with it. I don't understand why. His singing can sound so effortless. Why not to go that way. He writes his own songs. He has an amazingly beautiful voice, it's something special voice gods gave just for him, there's no one else like him. His voice can bring people to heaven :wub:


    Maybe there is an explanation for all this and I just can't see it. I would be curious to learn it. I really know nothing about singing.


    About San Remo. What happened with the door? Was it really locked? How could it be locked just for him? I didn't understand at all. Such a bad luck in his situation! Watching this massive publicity around San Remo made me think how deep he is in there already. It's a world of its own and totally separated from everything else. This is just a thought that now randomly came to my mind. I love Italy and I have never had any problems in focusing on France or Italy or any country.

    Mika stubborn? No clue what you are talking about lol


    That being said, I agree with you he should let loose the crooner inside him and start using more his natural lower voice :)

    • Like 2
  7. Mika spoke about Casa Mika 2018 at the Sanremo Press Conference.


    Could anyone explain this sentence ?

    io ho lo stomaco in gola da 4 ore per la performance che devo fare stasera

    Google translate

    I have the stomach into the throat from 4 hours to the performance that I have to do tonight

    I couldn't understand its meaning.




    ADN Kronos


    Mika: "Rifarò lo show su Rai2 ma Sanremo mi fa troppa paura!"


    • Pubblicato il: 09/02/2017 18:23
    • (dall'inviato Antonella Nesi)

    "Rifaremo Casa Mika dopo l'estate ma con dei cambiamenti, nella scrittura e nelle collaborazioni. Ci saranno delle canzoni scritte apposta per lo show. Ma fare il festival no. Il festival è tanta roba, io ho lo stomaco in gola da 4 ore per la performance che devo fare stasera". Mika annuncia da Sanremo (dove torna da ospite questa sera dopo 10 anni) l'impegno rinnovato con Rai2 per un suo nuovo show televisivo ma a chi gli chiede se vorrebbe condurre una volta il festival di Sanremo, risponde di no. "E' un evento enorme. Unico al mondo. Vedo Carlo Conti questi giorni e non so come faccia", dice il cantante anglolibanese che attualmente è al lavoro su "un nuovo album che sarà - dice - una sorta di dialogo tra me e l'orchestra". "L'orchestra è l'elemento essenziale. Come qui a Sanremo: i conduttori cambiano ma l'orchestra è sempre qui", dice la popstar che stasera proporrà sul palco dell'Ariston un medley dei suoi più grandi successi ed un omaggio a George Michael sulle note di 'Jesus to a child'. "Non l'ho mai conosciuto ma è un mio idolo: sono stato quasi un suo stalker musicale. Ho voluto registrare i miei dischi negli studi dove registrava lui".



    About your question: it's an expression used to describe how nervous you are about something. Sometimes, when under loads of stress, people become nauseous (I know I am)

    • Like 3
  8. I'm reading the media reviews,there's nothing more to say :wub:


    Talento, cuore e magia: è così che Mika ha vinto http://www.ilsecoloxix.it/p/cultura/2016/12/07/ASnDz4RF-talento_cuore_magia.shtml


    CasaMIKA: nell’ultima puntata si tirano le somme e la Rai con Mika ha vinto la scommessa – RECENSIONE 4rta Puntata http://faremusic.it/2016/12/07/17424/



    Edit: Actually I want to say one more thing: my favorite moment from the last episode was Save The Last Dance For Me :wub:

    Mine too :wub:

    • Like 2
  9. Watch out guys: I'm going on a ramble.


    I am so sad this show is over. It was so incredible. I went into this the first week simply expecting some good tv, some cuteness, something to laugh at. But, in he end, this show has ended up meaning so much more to me than that.


    The last few months of my life have been rough. As my friends in the random thread know, my home was destroyed by Hurricane Matthew and it's been an exhausting process trying to recover while simultaneously trying to not get behind in my first semester of college. I can truly identify watching the first episode of this show as a turning point in my recent life. I can honestly say that sitting on my grandmother's sofa, watching Mika and Paola dance Testa-Spalla-Baby-1-2-3, was the first time in a while that I felt true joy. And that seems to have been a true point: everything has only gotten better since then. It's partly coincidence - the show happened to come out at the same time as other things in my life finally improved. But all that took a long while. Finally feeling like I could feel again, feel things other than tiredness again, helped me get through. I've talked about this before to my friends on the random board, but I felt like posting it here. I find that I don't have words to accurately express what this show has ended up meaning to me. It was a gift wrapped box of joy dropped on my doorstep. I'm so sad that it's over, but I am going to carry this in my heart for the rest of my life.


    Thank you Mika. With all my heart and soul. Because of you, and your infectious exuberance, and your smile and your kindness and your terrible dancing, I came out the other side of a terrible period both stronger and happier. I will never forget any of this, and I know when I am older this is a story I will be telling my children and my future partner and forcing everyone in my family to listen to.

    Sorry for all you've been through but glad Mika was there for you... even if he's not aware of all the things he does for us :hug:

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