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Everything posted by Madeline

  1. @ Petra, nu e vorba ca nu tin minte, inafara de faptul ca poate nu s-a auzit de unde eram noi, B, LG si BG. Dar si chestia ca toate videourile pe care le-am vazut se terminau imediat after he takes a bow. Thank you! Stiu ca Franta e Franta, dar poate meritam si noi un m&g dupa 4 ani. Poate nu stia pe cine sa lase in culise? No idea.. anyways, the Hu festival had it worse than us. Nu ca la noi ar fi fost rau. E inca dream-like totul... In principal, pentru mine a contat imens experienta alaturi de fane adevarate ca voi... Totul s-a meritat, the scorching heat, gorilele nemiloase care ne tineau in enclosure-ul ala, bratarile si menirea lor fantastica de a ne oferi un tzarc privilegiat departe de scena... As if it was yesterday...
  2. Champagne, accessories, Mika with the Kick-Ass glasses... the whole shebang! Macar si aici a fost un pic de fail (ma mir, totusi), pentru ca la party-ul "privat" nu a ajuns doar cine trebuia, aka doar cei din fanclub. Au mai ramas si pe dinafara, ceea ce e foarte trist pentru ei, ca nici macar nu erau din Franta, erau nemtoaice fetele... Si le-a zis cum il cheama pe catzelashhhhh.... Wouldn't want to ruin that any more than it is already, so go read it yourselves... on.their.thread *jealous. and hurt. goes into hiding *
  3. Cand am vorbit "in culise" cu Maria, i-am spus "Wow, Mika's Romanian is brilliant! Whoever taught him did a very good job!" "Yeah, thank you! He's got a very good interpreter..." Petra, in ce filmare de la BIOTG? 5 dintre videourile de pe youtube se termina chiar la finalul piesei. Do share the link, will you?
  4. *deschide video-ul de la concert cu Billy Brown si asculta* "Apart from probably Mexico, Romania is the second place that I've received the most mail from to my house." Personal, cand am aflat ca va concerta Mika in Romania, lucram pe post de chelnerita la un restaurant. Eram in tura, era ceva lume, dar eu stateam (si) pe net. Deschizand radio playerul de pe profm.ro.... la stiri era "Mika va concerta in Romania." Atunci am lasat totul si m-am dus in baie and I screamed at the top of my lungs.. Si am revenit ca si cum nu s-ar fi intamplat nimic, all warm and fuzzy inside. Degeaba ma supar eu pe el din cand in cand, e irezistibil... Acum ca iar am deschis videourile de la concert pe youtube... E fantastic, filmat din primul rand, cu each and every one of you singing along to Mika's songs... Imi aminteste de cat de fangirlish eram la inceput, cand impreuna cu alte doua fete de pe forumul Bravo eram into the song Grace Kelly. Nici macar nu incepuse mania la noi. Toata lumea s-a trezit ca wow, Mika, abia cu Relax promovat in special la radio...
  5. Nu am stat sa le citesc forumul privat al portughezilor, dar cu siguranta la ei a fost vorba de o organizare a evenimentului pe plan local. Dupa cum scria Mika pe twitter, ca 35000 de oameni au fluturat inimioarele aurii in timpul piesei We Are Golden.. si dupa cum se vede si in video, nu aveau cum sa fie toti strict de pe MFC or whatever. Ca sa fi venit careva cu ideea si sa isi cumpere fiecare din ei cate o inimioara. Poate s-au vandut la intrare sau.. habar nu am. La noi a fost si problema cu locatia, daca nici macar frigiderele cu suc nu erau functionale devreme inainte de concert.. Ni s-a promis poza de dupa.. prin mail. Si un feedback despre cadou. Desigur ca va trece peste o luna de la eveniment pana sa se linisteasca cu concertele si sa isi aminteasca si de noi.
  6. Ovidiu Sirb, de pe sirb.net despre concertul lui Mika la Sziget: "Dar inainte de el [n.r. Jared Leto - Twenty Seconds To Mars] a fost Mika. Mika, acest tanar libanez bucalat, datator de vise erotice fetelor si de realitati erotice baietilor. Cand a scris Piticu despre concertul din Mamaia am vrut sa-l cert. Ce, dom’le, crezi ca doar la romani vorbeste romaneste? Crezi ca daca merge la unguri nu vorbeste ungureste? Daca merge la francezi nu vorbeste franceza? Ei, aparent nu. Daca concertul de la Mamaia a fost vorbit efectiv jumatate in engleza si jumatate in romana de catre artist, aici a zis in maghiara doar un “multumesc”, un “scuze, da’ maghiara mea nu buna este” si un “are you ready?”. N-a fost dansul papusilor, n-a fost acelasi decor exploziv (au lipsit literele mari cu MIKA din spatele tobelor, in locul lor aparand ceva backdrop cu un craniu). Spectacolul a fost acelasi, doar ca la o intensitate mai scazuta. Da, Pitice, mare noroc pe tine, deci, ca ai ajuns sa-l vezi la Mamaia."
  7. Ce mai polemica.. http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/1690/demaioinfo.jpg & http://bogdan.demaio.info/?p=1310&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter Postat si aici, in cazul in care ratati "delicatesa": "spart în fund, dar cu plus-culoare neaoş net Add comments No Gravatar Recenzie și poze concert Mika. Pe monden.info. Ca să termin rapid cu postul, să spun că Edi, care a semnat recenzia, face treabă bună. Pune și suflet, se lasă copleșit și de emoții, e foarte ok și mă bucur că mai sunt persoane care știu să pună cap la cap niște lucruri, mai ales că recenziile astea muzicale nu sunt ca știrile despre fotbaliști. Așa. Să trecem mai departe. Lumea se apucă de comentat, apar problemele cu homosexualitatea, mă rog, asta este. Nimic anormal, fiecare are dreptul să-și exprime o părere. Și la un moment dat, vine bomba. Și acum, să ne tragem puțin sufletele. Hai, mai respirați puțintel. Ați recitit și v-a cuprins iar disperarea? Încă o gură de apă și este probabil ca, până la urmă, senzația să treacă. Pentru mine, toate lucrurile sunt OK atât timp cât nu începe propaganda. De fapt, m-am exprimat greșit. Toate lucrurile sunt OK și acceptabile, cât timp nu începe prozelitismul. Ești gay, foarte bine, e gaura ta. Dacă te aud că e iubire superioară și că vine de la greci, te pocnesc. Dacă te aud că nu știu ce pierd, te pocnesc. Dacă te prind că m-ai atins fără să ai acceptul meu, te îngrop în locul în care ai făcut asta, indiferent dacă pun ăștia placă memorială pe Covaci sau Smârdan. Alt exemplu. Ești cu Martorii lui Iehova, foarte bine, e problema ta în ce și cine crezi, e de asemenea problema ta cum faci asta. Dacă te aud că doar la tine găsesc adevărul, te pocnesc. Dacă te aud că ăia care cred în altceva sunt păcătoși, te pocnesc, pentru că le refuzi dreptul la credința lor. Dacă suni la ușă și-i spui bunicii că dacă vine la întâlnirea voastră îl va regăsi pe bunicul, care nu mai este printre noi, te îngrop, chit că vor trebui să-ți facă ăștia placă memorială într-un bloc din Drumul Taberei, la etajul 9. Ești evreu și deplângi Holocaustul. Foarte bine, și eu la fel, deși știi ce spunea Stalin: moartea unei singure persoane este o tragedie, moartea câtorva milioane e o statistică. Dacă te aud că ai cunoaște vreo 100 de persoane care au scăpat din Holocaust, te pocnesc. Dacă te aud că noi, ăștialalți, nu avem drepturi pentru că nu am suferit ca tine, te pocnesc. Dacă te aud că susții tot ce este necreștin (aici trebuie să se simtă un bou din blogosferă care susține tot ce este gay, verde și necreștin, pula mea, poate se duce la Garda de Fier…), te îngrop cu mâna mea la baza construcției ăleia hidoase de la Izvor. Bun. Acum să ne luăm de comentariul de mai sus. Să compari, chiar și în cele mai mici elemente, un personaj ca Freddie Mercury cu Mika este un lucru de o imbecilitate fără frontiere. Că Mika și Freddie fac sau făceau parte din comunitatea LGBT nu este un argument suficient pentru a îndrăzni acest lucru. Iar să ajungi să spui că Mika duce mai departe ce ne-a lăsat Freddy devine deja o treabă care ține mai degrabă de patologie, pentru că nu cred că are cineva curajul să deschidă o discuție în care să aducă acestei afirmații vreo umbră de conceptualitate. Apoi, constat că trendurile au ajuns chiar și la cei care ar trebui să ne ferească de ele. Faptul că Mika se circumscrie culturii LGBT aduce un plus de culoare muzicii. Așa ne spune Alexandra Ivan, pe care de altfel o stimez foarte mult. Eu am ascultat Mika, pentru că am vrut să văd cu ce se mănâncă nenea ăsta. Nu e pe specificul meu, dar asta nu are nici o importanță. Nu apreciez, la câtă muzică știu, că ar conta că se arde în locuri prin care ceilalți prestează golirea organismului. Cum nu simt nici că Your Song al lui Elton John sau Innuendo al lui Freddie mă lovesc mai mult pentru că respectivele personaje au preferințe sexuale aparte. Aici apare ceea ce am desenat puțin mai sus. E pe trend să ai șapcă, să te cheme Ioana și să le spui asta tuturor cretinilor care stau să te asculte. “Mă nene, eu sunt Mika, mă ard la inelul maro și, în anumite circumstanțe, mai pun ceva culoare în ce cânt”. Vax albina, crema puka, cum se exprima un nemuritor, ăsta făcând cu adevărat parte din cultură. Închei, dorind să spun că este regretabil ca un artist să propovăduiască o deviere sexuală pentru că așa este la modă acum. Înțeleg, trebuie să fii alături de toți defecții, că poate dau cu banul la concerte, dar nu este scuzabil ca din acest punct de vedere să truchezi viața unui mare artist, ca și realitatea muzicală a celuilalt. Iar dacă lucrul de mai sus nu este scuzabil, aș putea spune că tot comentariul acela are o parte de neiertat. Pentru că este de neiertat să nu știi cum se scrie numele lui Freddie Mercury. Poți să ratezi numele oricui, poți trunchia, modifica sau ucide orice Innă, Gagă sau Bieber. Dar nu ai voie, mai ales când ești vector de imagine și de opinie, prin muzica ta, să nu cunoști cum se scrie numele unui artist, și încă unul care a depășit valoarea tuturor artiștilor români, puși cap la cap. Pe lângă asta, faptul că pe acolo apare și o problemă de plural în “i” nici nu aș spune că mai contează." Commenturile lasate de cititorii acestui Bogdan sunt si mai si.. Imi cer scuze ca am postat asa ceva, nici nu stiu de ce am facut-o, dar ma socheaza perceptia unora, cu homofobia lor subtila cu tot.. Daca e inappropriate, voi sterge postul.
  8. When is the torment going to end?!?!?! M-a mancat sa intru pe threadul cu concertul din Estonia.. Toata lumea felicita pe toata lumea, in mod special pe a n n i a n e t e, pentru faza cu baloanele de sapun... De erau mai multe persoane de la concertul nostru care sa stie ce doream sa facem, poate am fi fost reperati si noi. A se nota ca la ei concertul a avut loc mai ziua, si nu noaptea ca la noi, cand abia se vedeau, sa zicem. ( LE: "AND I just arrived from the hotel and we met Mika there!!! We got pictures and I also asked him about the bubble fanaction. I was like "did u like the bubbles?" and he said that yess of course. Than I told him that it was my idea and he was very surprised, said that it was amazing. He also asked my name. and in the end he said "Thank you very much, Anni." He was in a hurry so I didn't get an autograph, but it's ok. " Bottom line - Romania sucks. I wish I can get the **** out of here. Idei preconcepute..
  9. In articol scrie "De asemenea, vizita artistului in tara noastra nu a trecut neobservata de catre reprezentantii artistului in Romania, Universal Music, acestia oferindu-i Discul De Aur pentru vanzarile record ale albumului Life In Cartoon Motion." Therefore, vedem poze pe site-uri, bloguri si pe facebook cu tot felul de pisi de la UM pozandu-se langa Mika, considerand ca acest lucru e suficient pentru toata lumea, ca natiune. Nu tu interviu, nu tu concert transmis live sau invitatie in emisiune. La cat de bune vorbitoare de engleza sunt piarizdele noastre, nicio sansa a i se lua un interviu cat de cat coerent.
  10. Sincer, inainte puneau postere mai bune in Bravo, Cool Girl etc.. Dar tot mi-am luat ambele reviste. Ma cam deranjeaza cum e facuta recenzia din Bravo si una din pozele puse, cu "fanii" detinatori de OTHER BANNER, pentru ca nici naiba din media romaneasca nu s-ar prinde de aluzia noastra cu Albert. Sub poza respectiva scrie: "Fanii au fost prezenti pe plaja H2O inca de la orele 18:00 pentru a prinde un loc cat mai aproape de scena." Say what?!?!? Unii din noi am fost si de la 12-13 sau chiar mai devreme. Daca EI au aparut prea tarziu pe plaja, trist. Si oricum sunt foarte fail pentru ca gorilele ne-au lasat langa scena abia dupa ora 19..
  11. @Nicoleta.. PHEWWW. I finished translating the whole review of DivercityCafe. My fave is still Florin Grozea's, of Hi-Q, this one coming right after it. Divercitycafe@Mika Concert – A golden genius among many sunflowers Yesterday, half of the Divercitycafe’s staff went to one of the most anticipated concerts of the summer: Mika’s show on the H2O beach in Mamaia. We had high expectations, and Mika didn’t disappoint. It all starts with the cliche-line „Once upon a time..” Yesterday, July 24th, we got on the road (6 persons fit in Delia’s small car) and I said we MUST attend Mika’s show. We arrived there at 7:30 PM and we barely got through the desperate fans in the crowd who were already screaming „MIKAAA”. As I was saying, we were crammed in in the crowd of thousands of people who came to watch the show and we found strategic spots (or not) in front of the stage, but only after a short dip in the sea. We danced for an hour and a half on the music supplied by Orange and a random DJ, waiting for the event to begin. In the meantime, the number of spectators was rising, the target audience being represented mostly by teens between 14 and 18 years-old, only to end up a bit deaf after the concert – many fans with a great set of lungs. At 9 PM, the public was already restless and anxious, when the Australian band Cut Copy having came on-stage. At first, I wasn’t convinced by their skills, but after they sang some of their most famous songs, „Hearts On Fire” and „Lights & Music”, but also some songs who are going to be included in their next album, I found them pretty cool. They were energetic, they made the crowd dance and they made pretty good use of the time they had allocated to singing (an hour = a bit too much). Finally, at about 10 PM, the long-awaited for Mika appeared on-stage, wearing a blue tailcoat, with a shirt, white pants and a black top hat to match, the artist starting full-strength his show, by singing his most famous single in Romania, Relax, Take It Easy. Even from the sound of the first few chords, the crowd went simply MAD! The event went smoothly and time was running fast.. Relax was followed by energetic performances of some of his more or less known songs, Big Girl (You Are Beautiful), Stuck In The Middle, Dr. John and Blue Eyes. To my amazement, the public really knew all the lines.. (myself, who didn’t know all his singles.. I felt a bit uneasy and not myself there) The atmosphere was getting hotter by the second and.. damn.. Mika was offering an exceptional live show! His voice is top notch, all the songs that he had to sing, he did. He didn’t do falsettos, he didn’t oversing. Due to that huge amount of energy which he gave off through catchy performances of some up-beat songs: Billy Brown, Touches You, Rain and Blame It On The Girls, he gave up his tailcoat and shirt easily. At that moment in time, the public went wild, yet again.. I could barely hear anything, although the artist kept performing wonderfully, vocally speaking. Mika changed his outfits several times during the show (he wore different capes, colorful jackets, which had flower prints and floral accessories), to match the stage props. Maybe it sounds a bit „yuck”, but it wasn’t too much at all.. The best moment of the evening to me was the song Happy Ending – apart from the fact that I really like it, the public was gently waving their arms up in the air and singing along with the British artist. Mika took me by surprise as well by talking to the public in Romanian – not the cliches „Buna seara, Romania” (Good evening, Romania!), but with more complex lines – „Vreau ca voi sa numarati impreuna cu mine pana la 3 si apoi sa sariti.” (I want you to count to 3 with me and then jump!). Really impressive gesture! The concert ended around 11 PM, by singing 3 of his most successful songs: „Love Today”, „We Are Golden” and „Lollipop”, which ended a wonderful, golden concert, full of energy, in which the fans sang, danced, screamed, laughed.. For a proper happy ending, the Mamaia sky was full of fireworks, during which the thousands of spectators were staring towards the sky.. clapping their hands one last time. Conclusions? The concert was definitely a must-see! Despite the very long waiting time, the show was fantastic! Mika’s charming and lively performances had an amazing effect on everyone. Mika’s voice varied from high-pitched notes on energetic songs, to low notes to which the public sang along. Mika is a great performer, whose love for being on-stage can be considered a sense of immaturity. Wrong.. he is a little genius.. and last night’s show was the proof of that. To sum it all up, I have to quote Irina, one of our interns: „I want to be back at the Mika concert” and below you have reviews from 3 of our Divercitycafe interns: Silvia O lume plina de culori, de bomboane, balonase, papusele, lume in care ne simtim electrizati de toate aceste farmece ce nu ne dorim sa dispara niciodata, este lumea in care ne place sa traim, sa zburdam ca niste ieduti fericiti si rasfatati de tot ceea ce ne inconjoara. Mika mi-a redat acest sentiment pe care il aveam insa parca simteam nevoie de o scanteie, de un fenomen care sa ma readuca pe acest curcubeu. Prezenta electrizanta si cantecele colorate si vesele ale acestui iedut imbracat intr-un frac si joben, plin de energie si mult entuziasm ne-au facut pur si simplu sa vibram intr-un ritm de-a dreptul ametitor si nemaintalnit. Inca nu mi-am revenit dupa acest show plin de viata care din pacate a tinut foarte putin. Mikaaa, avem nevoie cat mai repede de un alt concert pentru ca reusesti sa ne faci viata mai frumoasa! Corina: Nu sunt o fana Mika, in afara de “Relax, Take It Easy”, melodie pe care anul trecut am fredonat-o toata vara si m-a facut sa-mi doresc sa-l vad live si “Big Girl (You Are Beautiful)” , alte piese ale lui nu am in playlist. Insa ce am vazut si ascultat aseara m-a facut sa cred ca Mika merita toata admiratia. Este un artist GENIAL! A cantat impecabil live, asta in timp ce era intr-o miscare continua pe scena a dansat, a sarit, a interactionat cu publicul. Mika este cu siguranta un artist carismatic care stie sa transmita din energia sa publicului, si credeti-ma ca are foarte multa . Totul a fost la superlativ: interpretare, backing vocal, instrumentisti, dansatori iar cel mai cel a fost, desigur interpretul care a facut un public foarte numeros sa cante si sa se distreze alaturi de el. Aplauzele mele inca o data! Irina: I can proudly say that I’m one of the lucky ones who had the honor of seeing Mika perform live. He is fantastic, he is a genius, actually, words aren’t enough to describe him. He has an incredible energy, he is an adorable child. He managed to electrify the crowd last night and it didn’t took him too much, because he was a natural on-stage. The bond he managed to create last night between him and the public will stay as strong for a long time from now on. Everything was perfect, every small detail („I am Mika and I am dead” – „Eu sunt Mika si am murit”), I was feeling as if I had entered a room full of toys of this curly-haired boy (from which I never wanted to leave), room which he was really happy to share with me and the rest of the people on the beach. He managed to win the hearts even of those who didn’t know his work very well or who didn’t like him that much. I enjoyed the fact that everyone was singing, dancing and jumping around with him, and at the same time, they made him happy, by showing their gratitude. The H2O beach turned into a huge playground last night, because everyone around me looked like some lost kids who would come back home only to find new toys. Mika is the ultimate performer! Again, words aren’t enough, my opinion should be written only with little hearts. P.S: The guys from Cut Copy are amazing live. More people should hear them. Really great warm-up. LOVELOVELOVE the playground and toy-sharing part of the review.. I feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Giggling like a little girl right now..
  12. Pe fata o cheama Alle, dar pe mamica ei nu stiu. O am in lista de mess currently, dar nu pot intra pe Y!M.
  13. As you might already know, apart from the bubble-making wand that Bianca's grandma holds, I also had a squirt gun thingy, also releasing bubbles. As I didn't get to use the gun, I left it in front of the gate. My boyfriend, Andrei, told me that when you decided to make/blow bubbles during Happy Ending, she IMMEDIATELY took the gun and helped with the fan action! She is really hardcore! Hats off to her! *and a kiss from us, Bianca, will you?*
  14. Ioana darling... http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1352138053
  15. Also, be sure to keep checking this nice mister's channel, as he filmed the show in HD: http://www.youtube.com/user/MrCristidorombach Teaser, Mika talking in Romanian: LE: Another fab review by a Romanian artist, who is part of the band Hi-Q: http://bit.ly/dB1RgQ Translation: Saturday night I had the opportunity to go to Mika's concert, organised by Orange on the H2O beach in Mamaia. It was not only one of the best concerts that I have ever been to, but it was a show that really touched me. Piece of advice: if you want to feel whatever vibe the artist has to send to the audience, stand in front of the stage, as central as you can get. That's where the music, the lights and the band's energy is gathered! The comfy VIP chairs keep you away from all the fun and joy... I have seen many great international artists, most of whom did their job extraordinarily well and everybody was happy. As an artist with hundreds of concerts on-stage myself, hats off to their professionalism and talent! But Saturday night Mika was so much more than just a professional.. More than talented, more than well-prepared. Mika felt awesome on-stage! He sent his joy of singing, being an open book for the audience. Mika lived happy moments on-stage and passed it on to us. Probably many have written about the technical equipment, the gear with which he came, about the costumes and the scenography, about the funky bandmates (the drummer was a .. drummerista!). I just want to tell you about the exceptional vibe put through by the artist. And it's not a small deal at all! And it's really seldom met! And it's not (just) a show. Mika doesn't have many songs, he released only 2 albums so far, but you can feel that they're written by him and in every single one of them he left a part of his soul. And, finally, I'm happy to see over 20000 people who danced and sang on a live pop (glam pop, even electro pop at times), forgetting about manele, popcorn and clubbing. A very energetic pop, but also sensitive, just the way I like it..
  16. http://thegig.ro/2010/07/mika-si-cut-copy-in-concert-pe-plaja-h2o-din-mamaia/ On Saturday, July 24th, Mika held his first concert in Romania, within the Imaginarium Tour, through which the artist promotes his second album, The Boy Who Knew Too Much. The event was included in the series of concerts labeled Orange Summer Party. Even from 6 P.M. (--erm.. us, MFCers were there before 1 p.m.) the H2O beach was full of the artist's fans, who were rushing to keep a spot open for themselves as close to the stage as possible Until Mika sang, the Romanian public got the chance to get introduced to the indie electronic Australian band, Cut Copy. They warmed up the audience for about 45 minutes. Cut Copy went on-stage after 10 p.m., their task being quite difficult. They sang in front of an audience who had no idea who they were and who was anxiously waiting for the Mika concert. They were well received, though, their music being really energetic and up-beat. Their most recent album, In Ghost Colours, was considered one of the best of 2008. If you thought they sounded good on the CD, they're just as good live. The lead singer, Dan Whitford, was the most lively on-stage. Apart from doing the vocals, he showed that he can also play guitar, he talked to the audience and he ran around the stage. They also sang new songs, not only the ones off In Ghost Colours, which are going to be recorded on the band's next album, who is due to be released next year. After Cut Copy, the most anticipated moment by the almost 10000 spectators finally came. Apart from the hits that everybody knew and waited for, Mika also gave a visually flamboyant show, a celebration of colours and joyfulness. The stage was decorated with colorful flowers, and in front a row of sunflowers framed the whole picture. Backstage there was huge lettering, big inflatable letters with flowers drawn onto, who spelled Mika. In this fairytale setting, Mika started the show right off with one of his well-known songs, Relax, Take It Easy, with which he made the crowd go wild. During Big Girl (You Are Beautiful), an inflatable foot, with a red high-heeled shoe came from the right part of the stage and was carried around through the first rows. Songs like Dr. John, Any Other World, Billy Brown, I See You, Rain, Blame It On The Girls, Happy Ending and We Are Golden followed, songs on which the audience danced and sang along with the artist. Mika talked several times to the public and amazed them when he started to speak in Romanian, pronouncing almost all the words perfectly. During Love Today, the stage got crowded, under the spotlights entering a cortege of really colorful and bizarre wedding-goers, lead by a bride. Along with them, a giant puppet, with which Mika played while he was singing. Towards the end of the show, Mika directed a tragi-comedy in which he faked the shooting of his bandmates, finally collapsing as well due to some imaginary bullets. The public wanted an encore and the concert went on with Grace Kelly, Lollipop and Kick Ass, during the last two songs the artist making use of some interesting visual tricks. At the start of Lollipop, Mika and his band offered a percution act, during which they all drummed in some metal barrels, and while they played Kick Ass, on-stage appeared once more the colorful parade, who danced frantically next to Mika.
  17. You're very welcome.. That's what I'm studying, foreign languages and I focus on translations. On another note, here is a link with pics where you can zoom on Mika's abs.. http://www.imphoto.ro/events/photo.php?id=22686&name=concert_mika_la_mamaia
  18. It's 5 A.M. here in Romania and I cannot sleep, still thinking about the night before. I also started and finished the translation of the review on Monden Info. International fans also have the right to know what the press says about Mika and his gigs: Last night Mika held his first concert in Romania. The event took place thanks to Orange Romania, who organised the Orange Summer Party and I was one of the 12 oficial journalists for this show. I left Bucharest on a bus on Saturday morning on a microbus who took us to a hotel situated on the beach, at the seaside, really close of H2O Beach from Mamaia, where the concert was. I thank the Orange crew and representatives for the organisation and the way we have been accomodated. Last night began with Cut Copy’s recital, a band from Australia. I met few people who had heard of them, and I had found some details about them after having googled their name. I must have had my hopes up, or else I wouldn’t have found them a not-so-great opening act. The lead singer was kind of lousy during certain songs. When they appeared on-stage, everybody started screaming, but the singer mentioned that they are not Mika, they’re Cut Copy. Their performance lasted 45 minutes and there was a break in which the stage was being set up for one of the biggest events of the year. Mika came on-stage around 10 p.m. The scene had props like sunflowers, 4 big letters spelling MIKA who kept changing their color, the 4 letters who were on everybody’s lips this weekend. It was a magical evening and the energy Mika put through to the public was incredible. Mika is a true showman and the expectations everybody had were fully met. He changed costumes several times during the evening, but the greatest part of the whole show was the fact that he went shirtless at a certain point in time, making the fans rave. He played the flower-patterned piano, he skipped, he danced and he ran around the stage until he left us completely dizzy and amazed. He threw some huge inflatable beachballs off the stage, and the crowd passed them back and forth. At a certain point in time, there were some girls who appeared on-stage, one of them dressed as a bride and some who seemed to be from Wonderland, wearing cute pink dresses and flowers on their head. The giant doll which he dragged on-stage was interesting, to which he dedicated Love Today. When he sang Billy Brown, they put up a flag which said BILLY!, and they fluttered it for a couple of seconds. During Big Girl, you are beautiful, a huge inflatable shoe size XXL was carried around the audience. The setlist included the hits that made him famous, like Happy Ending, Relax, take it easy, but I also heard songs off his last album, The Boy Who Knew Too Much: Doctor John or Blue Eyes. The public reacted really well at We Are Golden, Blame It On The Girls and Rain. Mika didn’t let his fans wait for a long time for the encore, making his comeback with Grace Kelly, who was the climax. The only thing that he screwed up was chosing the last song to be Lollipop, one of the singles who hadn’t been promoted in Romania, which resulted in many people who didn’t know the lyrics. Voice-wise, the man is strong, he has a high-pitched voice and he’s even daring to do covers – Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics. Although I had heard people talking about the fact that he is really shy and introverted, and he wanted silence at the hotel, Mika really turns into a character when he goes on-stage. His band did really well, especially the backing vocals lady, who danced with him, was really energetic and had a funky costume. His stage appearance and charm is impressive and resemblant to a fresh, reinvented version of Freddie Mercury, who also appeals to teenagers. The funniest part of the evening was the fact that Mika talked in Romanian. The British tried to thank us and make us sing along with him, in our language. Maybe somebody was whispering in his earpiece, but the guy really wanted to make himself understood and he managed to do so. In what concerns the public, there was a lot of people, even further than the H2O beach. I am sure there were more than 10000 people. They reacted very well, they made a lot of noise and they sang along with Mika until the very end of the show. Who said that the Romanian public is not educated, is wrong. The public wants to see a true show, a voice that sounds good, nice vibe (positive energy) and a performer who does his best to offer a memorable evening. Mika is more than a talented person, he is a character who lives a story on-stage. The public is invited to take place to this show who represents a colorful world (Life In Cartoon Motion). From the top hat to the sailor outfit, Mika was worth every applause. For what he did last night, hats off! Below you find pictures took by me during the first 10 minutes of the show. Were you there? Did you enjoyed it as much as I did?
  19. More pics in here, with another professional review. If you want a translation, I'll work on it.. http://www.monden.info/evenimente/recenzie-si-poze-concert-mika-in-romania/
  20. All the videos that I had on the cam, courtesy of my boyfriend ().. The battery died around Love Today So no We Are Golden, nor Lollipop.. Relax: Big Girl: Dr. John: Blue Eyes: Billy Brown: Touches You: Rain: Blame It On The Girls: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAmF4NNNzg0 Sweet Dreams (Eurythmics cover): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdvT9g3f924 Band introduction: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFMVE8lmWIE Happy Ending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oScAtLQZk50 Death march: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UV5k4obQK7A Love Today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4n48gt73Y34
  21. I'll post the pictures now and the vids right after. Some are blurry, the focus wasn't on Mika at some points, but the videos are gonna sound quite fine! Here it goes: MFC & Golden Donkey banner:
  22. I'm currently waiting for my boyfriend to transfer from the cam onto the laptop the 2 GB (!) of taped Mika goodness! He was the one filming, as I was a lolly on-stage. In the meantime, you can find many pictures from the concert in here: http://www.cabral.ro/din-viata/orange-summer-party *Thank you, Cabral! You're the best!*
  23. Thank you for posting the setlist, Bianca! I so wish he'd sing One Foot Boy.. Oh yes, Toy Boy and ring master costume.. *not happening due to damned heat *
  24. No problem.. it was really worthwhile.. Maybe we'll chat some more about movies at/after the show.. We'll learn a bit about everyone, see what we're really into talking, especially live. Mika's bday in a month! :D Early birthday present?! The one we're getting.. :x :*

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